Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

...for members inside the US did the sponsors contact you after you won the contest or did you just receive the products, if you just received the products then how long was it before you got them, i know the sponsors and mods are really busy but my details was passed to the sponsors a while back and ive not heard anything from 1 of them,

I cant answer regarding the shipping expense, but I only heard one time from the site right after the contest, and I just recieved two items in the last week. But Im much closer than you are. No sponsor contacted me. I was siting here wondering the same thing til a box showed up. Im sure you and Light Addict will get your goodies. But I would maybe pm them regardng the shipping?
i think they are shorthanded so it may take a bit for an answer. Im sure you will get your stuff. :)
thanks for the info everyone, its just if you read the contest page it says postage may apply to people outside the US and canada, as im in the UK i fall into that part of it,

sns shipping is pretty high, 3 day shipping and $90 and change,
i think ill have to pay for the butter machine as well as not heard from them, it was 420 girl who told us the shipping costs not the sponsors, so far it looks like i got to at least pay for the sns products, its a lot to pay but id like to give them a try so will try and get the cash sorted out one way or another,

now for some good news, my safe house address just dropped me a msg saying theirs a parcel delivered, they opened it up and its 3 big bags of nutrients, so thats the dogget simpson prizes, so ill pick them up tomorrow and start using them, they came at exactly the right time as im all out of bloom feed and i just flipped my lights to 12-12 yesterday, so thats a bit of luck, cant wait to try it as it sounds like a great product.

by the sounds of it i should be getting more of the prizes in the next couple of days so ill find out soon what i need to pay for, so far its just sns that i need to pay for, ill check how much the products are worth and compare it with prices online and see if the shipping is worth it or if their is a cheaper shipping option,
hopefully the 420nug jar will be here in the next day or 2,
Very glad to hear that sir. And Light Addict recieved some goodies as well. Im very excited about the dogett and simpson stuff. I wonder if you could 'cook' some of that mycor into a big bach of soil...
yep i spoke with light addict so hopefully the other prizes will be here tomorrow, i think ill have to pay the shipping on the sns products and the butter machine, it sounds like the other prizes have been posted so should be here tomorrow or the day after,

ive been promoting that dogget simpson product to new members as it seems a very easy system to use, my only concern was the price of the product plus the postage costs, but now ive got the products i can do a good run with them and if they work as good as they say they do then ill have no problems ordering in the future, but it does sound like a very easy system to use and no mixing or anything like that, just use each bag for each stage of growth. so ill see how it goes and then i can tell others how good it works, i think its ideal for new growers and if it works as good as it says it does then its going to be good for everyone, so ill pick it up tomorrow and give it a try.

interesting idea about the mycar, ill know more when i see the product tomorrow.
from what i can tell bag 1 for seedling stage you need to mix in before planting the plants, but i find with regular compost that their is enough in the compost to support their plants well into veg stage, so it will be interesting to do a side by side grow with using bag1 plus compost and just a plant in regular compost, so i think ill do that when i plant my next seeds, do 1 in regular compost then do 1 with the dogget simpson mix.

bag 2 and 3 you just mix into water like regular nutrients but without having to add 3 or 4 different nutrients into it, so will be interesting to see how that works as well, they say on their site you cant use bag 1 with hydro for obvious reasons but bags 2 and 3 dont say you cant so again it will be interesting to see how the dwc plants do in their products,

so when i get back tomorrow ill take some pics of the products and my plants and give them a go, im totally out of bloom feed with the old nutrients so as ive flipped 12-12 i need to start adding bloom in the next 7 to 10 days, so ill give the dogget product a go with the flowering stage and see what happens, all my plants have been getting at the minute is grow,micro and bloom booster, im totally out of bloom so they not got none of that through out the whole grow, so its come at the right time. ill let my ww x sk plant go as long as it can without nutrients as it still looks fine and its had nothing at all since day 1, as soon as it looks like it needs it ill start giving it some dogget simpson bag 3.

so ill have a look whats in the products tomorrow when i get them then ill know more. but sounds very easy to use and has got lots of possitive feed back on doggets site, all comments are positive so ill give it a good test then write a review for other growers to read and then they can make their own mind up, ive been really keen to try it since they became a sponsor, i just thought it sounds like a very easy system to use.
hmm, interesting, lots of 2ltr grows all rigged into one, the only thing i would question is how big can you grow plant in them, would they be only used for 12-12 from seed, theirs not much root for the roots to grow outwards, but then im no hyrdo grower so not sure how much root space you need, i know my 2ltr dwc grows fill the res with roots from top to bottom, i only have a small amount of growing medium in the top part that holds the plant then theirs 3/4s of a 2ltr pop bottle which fills up with roots over the space of the grow and thats without me giving them much veg, my auto at the minute has pretty nearly filled the res with roots and thats with no growing medium in the res,

but im not a hydro grower and never tried growing hydro, my dwc seems to work ok but thats with a big res for the roots to float around in. i got to admit though that its a good set up, so i downloaded the pdf version in case its something ill do myself or can adapt it a bit to work for the plants we grow, the plants in that pdf dont get as big as the plants we grow so even 12-12 from seed they would still get pretty big, if anything you could increase the size of the bottle that holds the grow medium, get some of them big fat bottles, 3ltr i think they are or 3.5ltr, you could still use them instructions but just adapt the part the plant grows in to be a bit bigger, then im sure it would support much bigger plants.

i want to cut my numbers down a lot to just 4 plants in the flower room at 1 time, a few weeks apart so i can stagger harvest then i can use the veg room to get plants ready for flower room, sort of rotate 2 plants at a time, it will take some time to get the planting time sorted to make it work right but thats what i plan on doing, but i cant stop planting seeds so i say one thing and i end up with 10 plants, but i would like 4 big plants and 1 or 2 small dwc 12-12 from seed plants, just something to harvest while the others are growing,
i would give you some reps but i hit you up with some in your journal
plus im pretty sure ive got everything i need to make a set up like that, i know i got lots of plastic tubing as i got lots of poly plumb pipe and connectors for when i fitted a shower and moved the bathroom at my moms, its that stuff where you dont need to use solder or anything like that, just clips together and dont leak, so i got plenty of that in my moms shed, got a few water pumps so thats no biggy, then you could pretty much make it to any size you like and have as many plants as you like,
yep i did, i agree it looks like a very nice set up and should work very well, all id make sure is that id seal the joins properly, id use silicon because the last thing i need is a couple of gallon of water leaking into the people below, but i agree its a very good set up and very basic as well, but it would do the job well and would be very cheap to put together, you could pretty much get the pipe parts pretty cheap as my local diy shop has big tubs outside full of off cuts and damaged pieces where one end will have a chip in it where someone has dropped it on the floor, so it would pretty much cost nothing to put it together, the pump would be the only real expense, but even then its not a huge expense,

so thanks for the link, ill post you some more reps when i can, im really unsure on what grow im going to go with, my soil plants this time round are doing so well, ive never had growth like this, my room is full all ready and only just flipped 12-12 so need to do some training to keep the plants from getting crowded, the lack of water really seems to be doing the plants some good, now the dogget simpson products have arrived ill give them a good try as it looks like i can use them in dwc or hydro as well,

ive been interested in dogget simpson since they became a sponsor, their products seem very basic so you cant go wrong but it looks like it has good results, so cant wait to give them a try, if it works thats all i use for nutrients from now on, i can only compare it to the former sponsors products so if its on par with that or better then ill be a very happy chappy,

but i just dont know what type of grow to go with, im really struggling to decide, ive had to put up a seperate veg room for my clones so got a cfl room going for veg for now. so i got a good few weeks to decide what option to go with.
Hello DP, sorry to interrupt but when you get a chance could you check post #776 in New City. I'd appreciate it, your the best.;)
on my way BAR,

@miwa, ive never used glue when fitting plumbing indoors and its all plastic pipes now and even the connectors are just push fit and they dont leak and come with 25 year guarantee, but i live in an apartment so cant take the risk, if one did leak and i was out then the landlord can come in to switch the water off, thats going to cause my problems, i wouldnt use glue id fit it all together and make sure it didnt leak then id go round with silicon like the stuff you use on the waste pipe on the toilet, it just creates a sort of soil, so the silicon will be put on after just to go over the joints so if they did ever leak then the silicon would be plenty strong enough to stop it leaking, its the same stuff you use round showers and the edges of the bath, its just to stop water leaking if a seal ever did leak

@broke, i just checked mate and i replied all ready so you probably posted on mine while i was posting a comment on yours, the only change i would make is the part the soil goes in, i use pot noodle tubs but you can also use them small plastic plant pots, id say anything the size of a mug will do, that will be enough soil so the clone can root then you can leave it in the small pot until the roots have grown, so it would stay in that pot a couple of weeks just the same as a seedling stays in its starter pot, the tap root grows strait down to find a water source so only have a shallow depth of soil means the tap root dont have much place to grow, plus you will have problems with over watering with a shallow soil depth as the humidity will stay high and it wont evap as much, but a big pot the moisture will soak into all the soil and keep it moist enough without been to moist while the roots grow,

ill post some pics when i get back tomorrow and show you the prizes i got and ill show you the pots i use for my clones, my main problem with cloning was i was watering the soil and or the soil was to wet when i put the clone in, you know when you take soil out of the bag of compost and its slightly damp, well thats the ideal moisture for clones, just fill a pot with that compost and put the clone into that without watering it, then when you put the clone in and dome on the humidity will stop the soil drying out as quick and it will keep the clone watered until its rooted, if the soil is to wet the roots dont grow as they are at the water source, you need the roots to grow so they look for water, its why bubble cloners have the clones above water level then the bubbles splash water onto the clones and this encourages the roots to grow as they are trying to find the water source,

so ill put some pics up tomorrow, i got a new phone on contract so picture should be much better than my actual camera so ill have a go tomorrow and take some pics of my prizes and show my clones and plants, my reveg clone is growing like crazy and has got 5 or 6 shoots growing out all over the place, im thinking reveg would be ideal for a scrog type grow or for a mother for a hufe sog grow, i could easily take 100 clones from a reveg plant,
hey brother.
Seems your flat out these days. Im definatly going to miss being around here.
anyways just a quick one to tell you to keep in touch my friend, there is no future for me here at 420 so im off to earn my fortune elsewhere lol.
Im an all in or all out kinda guy and if I cant turn this into a legitimate income then I need to be somewhere I can.
Ok granted, its nothing to do with our beautiful plant, but at least I will be on a solid income for staying at home and helping people online, and whats more, the pay is massively better than I was willing to accept to work here.

Ah well, screw it my friend. I thought 420 mag was going to be a part of my life forever, it just seems my value is unrecognised here. Generally speaking when your willing to give yourself over entirely to a cause, the cause should at least be able to sustain you. this one wont, so I have to forget all this bunny love and get my head back to merc mode.
I don't know your whole situation here at :420: but I do know as a newbe I've been inspired & have soaked in knowledge for future endeavors by some of your post. I've been under the assumption this was what:420: is all about. The passing & receiving of growing knowledge. Maybe it was a different type of site before I came aboard, maybe it's turned for the worst in recent history, Maybe it's newbes such as myself who've changed your opinion of this site, or maybe you've just outgrown it.

I don't know anything about the business side of :420: but I do know your very much respected around these parts. The absence of your knowledge will be very noticeable around here. If it's a business decision would it be a conflict of interest to be employed somewhere else & remain being a member here?

All I'm saying Gigabane is you've made a difference since I've become a member & for whatever reasons you base your decision on I respect it. Sincerely, a virtual friend absorbing knowledge.
If it's a business decision would it be a conflict of interest to be employed somewhere else & remain being a member here?
Im not much of a dabbler my friend. im either here, eating,breathing and sleeping 420 as my career, hobby and entertainment or I am into a different life entirely.

My new path offers a good source of legal income and is orientated to helping people with an unpleasant issue. I need to wake up in the morning with a coffee and then study my ass off till I fall back to sleep. my only time off will be to play some games to prevent mental burnout and whatever else such as family time.

even when im finished training it will remain pretty much the same, except instead of training I will be earning and helping people.

Nothing bad has happened here at 420, its as simple as slightly incompatible business mentality. in my new line of work I will probably help a hell of a lot more people and will not have to worry about paying the bills and planning for retirement. maybe ill return as a helper at some such time as need not worry about my career =)
Some wise and true words my friend, but as BAR and Donpaul say you will be missed greatly, but we wish you all the best for your new life my friend many thanks for any input you have given me since I joined. I'm in the same boat wanting to make this my career. the lucky bit is my missus is half american so green card is just there for the taking once I get organised enough to move to the states and grow.
Stay chilled my man
cool no worries rainstack,

@GiGa, sorry to hear you feel like that my friend, im sure we will stay in touch, ill check the pm you sent me and drop you my email address, are you planning on growing still, good luck with the new job mate and hopefully it brings the money in and puts food on the table,
i know im on here usually 8 hours a day so it feels like a job at times, but i love these plants and i enjoy helping others so ill be sticking around for a while,
dont work to hard GiGa, last thing you need is getting burned out, take it steady and im sure you will fit in well.

ill reply to your pm in a few minutes mate, im sure we will stay in touch and i know you will be missed round here, i think we joined the site at around the same time, so ill keep in touch and speak via email,

id love to do something like this as a job but finding computer related jobs is pretty tough these days, ive built computers for years and never really got into it as a prefesion, its what interests me so i do repair for friends and family from time to time, i could really do with a work from home type job but again these are few and far between in our neck of the woods,
all the best GiGa,

sorry no pics today people, well just 1, my lights where off when i got in as i been out all day again so ill get pics taken in the morning before i go to the doctors.
ive picked up the nutrients today, the other prizes didnt turn up so hopefully they will be here in the morning.
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