Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

first of all ive got to say a huge thank you to dogget simpsons the sponsor, they sent me the nutrients and covered the postage, in total the nutrients plus postage worked out at over $170, so cant thank them enough for that, so i got the nutrients home and just before the lights went out i mixed up 1 gallon of the bloom feed and used it on my dwc auto and my other plants in flower, my plants have not had any bloom feed yet and they have been in flower a few days now,

the auto gdp cheese male and female are further in flower but only by a week to 10 days, so its came at exactly the right time as they have only been getting grow,micro and bloom booster, so my old nutes will no longer be used, ill keep them as a backup in case i have any problems in the future,

so from today all my plants will be getting dogget simpson, the plants in flower will be getting bag 3 or flower feed, the plants ive got in veg like clones and 2 others will be getting bag 2, the dose says 1 table spoon per gallon of water, but been as they have been getting different nutrients ive started at 1/3 of the stated dose so ill see how they look tomorrow and once ive used it for a week or 2 ill write a review and see what the buds are like at harvest.

so the only pic i got for you all tonight is the pic of the nutrients, ill take pics of the other prizes as and when i get them
re-looking that flood and drain with the 2L bottles..don't think thats a good idea..the roots are going to grow into the pipe the bottles are connected to..causing you to take the bottle off and cut the roots and clear the pipes..i got some 2gal buckets i'm going to use..instead of 2 rails of pipe..i'll use 1 rail..and no glue..i'll post pics of plan...i guess you could use the bottles..if you put a screen in the bottle i think that setup is for a fast flip to 12/ know i like long vegges..not in a hurry like most guys..ok...back to work...
@miwa, it will be interesting to see what you can come up with, if you look at their designs they use the bottom of the bottle and drill holes in it then they place that down inside the bottom where the neck of the bottle is so that stops the roots growing through, but the roots would still grow through them holes, i said yesterday the 2ltr idea would only be good for 12-12 from seed as their is not much space for roots to grow, my 2ltr dwc is good for 12-12 from seed or just a couple of weeks of veg, at harvest the res is full of roots, not packed in but certainly not enough room for another 2 or 3 weeks of growth, so with that set up you would need a bigger res where the growing medium goes, so its just a flood and drain so not same as dwc,

@Light Addict, have you tried the nutrients yet, ill just use the new nutrients from now and see how they do, it will be good to see how it compares to the last product i used

here is the NPK of each bag and as much info as i can give you off the packets
Bag 1 for seedling and clones
add 1 table spoon to 1 gallon container of soil and mix well, 5 gallon of soil you use 5 table spoons, this feed you cant use for hydro, its a 50/50 starter mix, bag size 2lb, contains 50% humates and 50% Mycorrhizae(this is a beneficial fungus)
the humates help the soil structure
Myco is an organic fungus that attatches to the plants roots and mimics the action or root hairs doubling the root mass and and its ability to take in nutrients (so in theory it should give the seedlings a boost and growth should be a bit quicker, other nutrient brands may also contain this but not sure so dont quote me on it)

bag 2, veg feed 20-5-10, 5lb bag,1 table spoon per gallon
bag 3, says for bud formation 10-30-10, 5lb bag, 1 table spoon per gallon.
the Dogget family have been making fertilizers since 1940, the product is fully tested with mj plants and is designed for these plants, the bags say on them that its designed for these plants. so its not a regular nutrient for all types of plant, it seems its been carefully blended for the plants we grow, so its going to be interesting to see how it does, as its only designed for the plants we grow then it should be good at the doses stated but some strains i guess could differ.
clearly customs didnt read the bags and the package was never opened as it says its formulated for the needs of therapeutic cannabis growers
Hey m8, not using the nutes till my WW run soon, start to finish just using them. Also you asked if it was poss to gift stuff it is as Ive already given my SNS range away to a grower in us, he's a good grower and a good journal writer and is someone who gives back to 420 so Im happy at least someone will benefit. Once I know of cost for scientific soils shipping, if thats too much Ill gift that to some other grower on here who wants it. All I ask is they journal the grow they use it on. Hope your other stuff turns up soon.
thanks for the info light addict,

420girl says the nug jar, smoking cones and hbi products are on their way so hopefully will be here tomorrow, if not she told me to email her and she will chase it up, so all im waiting on is the sns which is $95 postage and the magic butter machine which im really keen to get hold of so cant wait to try that,

so these are the sns prizes i should be getting (the first 2 are what i would like to try)
SNS-203™ Natural Pesticide Soil Drench for Fungus Gnats, Root Aphids, Thrips, Shore Flies & White Flies
(16 Oz Pint - Makes 3-8 Gallons)
SNS-604B™ Natural Fertilizer Flowering Organic Growth Supplement
(16 Oz Pint - Makes 64 Gallons)

these are the ones i dont mind gifting to someone if they dont mind covering the postage on the 2 bottles to the UK
SNS-604A™ Natural Fertilizer Vegetation Organic Growth Supplement
(16 Oz Pint - Makes 64 Gallons)
SNS-217™ Natural Spider Mite Control
(32 Ounce Spray Bottle With Unique Any Direction Sprayer - Ready To Use)
SNS-244™ Natural Fungicide for Powder Mold
(32 Ounce Spray Bottle With Unique Any Direction Sprayer - Ready To Use)
SNS-209™ Natural Pesticide Systemic Insect Control
(16 Oz Pint - Makes 60 Gallons)
SNS-311™ All Natural Surface Wash
(16 Oz Pint - Makes 1 Gallon)

i always suffer with fungus gnats and never really 100% got rid of them so would really like to try that product and the flowering supliment, the rest i can live without, so if anyone can benefit from the others and is willing to post me out the 2 products i want to try then im more than happy to hand the sns prizes over to a US member,
glad to hear your getting what you need from your winning Dp and well deserved I might add
Happy Thurweed day :thumb:
thanks chronic,

well im just off to the docs, i fed my plants the new nutrients last night and checked the grow room today, ive got to admit all the plants look much better than they did, they all seem a little bit perkier, ill take some pics when i get back from the docs and you can see for yourselfs

it seems dogget simpsons products work very well indeed, ive only tried the flowering stage feed but results are pretty amazing after just 12 ish hours, all the leaves seem to be a bit perkier and stronger than they was, even the kc5 auto fem looks much better as the leaves are not drooping as much anymore, so cant wait to try dogget simpson nutes from day 1 of growth,

give me an hour and ill get back and take some pics and get them posted,
ok heres some pics for you all



below is reveg ak47 x uk cherry cheeze clone, not quite ready for the dome to come off but is growing,











the above dwc was grown under 18-6, its just started shwoing sex and in early stages of flower so should easily hit an oz from this dwc auto
































below is the sort of pot i use for my clones, the 2ltr pop bottle piece fits tightly over the top keeping humidity around 100%


now i can put a good few hours in and get caught up with everyones journals,

thanks for looking at my pics, if you spot any problems or issues then give me a shout, so far the dogget simpsons products seem to be doing pretty well, the 2ltr dwc has had 2 feeds with dogget simpson stage 3 feed, it drank about 1.5lt yesterday and today it was down to about an inch or 2 of water in the res so its been refilled and no signs of any problems with the nutrients, the soil plants will take a few days to show problems but so far the plants seem to respond very well to it,

now here is something im not sure of,
say i mix up a gallon of stage 3 feed, its 1 table spoon per gallon, then if i fill the dwc res up from that 1 gallon and it drinks say half, is it ok to keep using that same gallon mix to top it back up with or would this give the plant to much nutrients, im thinking as its all from the same gallon then it should make no difference and wont be giving them to much nutes,

how ever if i mix up 1 gallon and fill the res then i mix up another gallon and top the res up then am i right in saying that this will bump the nute level up higher and could cause problems, or again dont it matter, or does both increase the nute level,

i thought if i mix up a gallon of water with nutrients and use that same gallon to keep topping the res up then its just the same as the plant sitting in a huge 1 gallon res, so im thinking that it should be ok to keep topping up from that same gallon, but if i mixed up a fresh gallon and topped up the res with that then would that be a higher dose of nutrients,

im tired so my head just cant seem to work it out at the minute, hopefully one of the hydro or dwc growers can jump in and save my brain from going into meltdown, just taking the mutt for a walk then ill get caught up with all these journals,

I'm really having a hard time trying to understand why you are causing public drama here brother.

1. You asked me for a job, I offered you a position in the news department.
2. I asked for your name and phone number so I could conduct an interview.
3. You go silent for 3 days, then come back and withdraw your offer, start publicly posting that you are leaving the site and that we don't care about your efforts here and begin bad mouthing us?

Normally we edit this stuff and handle it behind the scenes, however if you're going to start tarnishing our reputation publicly, then I guess we might as well include everyone you alerted as well so we are all on the same page. :thumb:

Looking forward to your reply and putting this strange misunderstanding to rest before it gets out of hand.

hey brother.
Seems your flat out these days. Im definatly going to miss being around here.
anyways just a quick one to tell you to keep in touch my friend, there is no future for me here at 420 so im off to earn my fortune elsewhere lol.
Im an all in or all out kinda guy and if I cant turn this into a legitimate income then I need to be somewhere I can.
Ok granted, its nothing to do with our beautiful plant, but at least I will be on a solid income for staying at home and helping people online, and whats more, the pay is massively better than I was willing to accept to work here.

Ah well, screw it my friend. I thought 420 mag was going to be a part of my life forever, it just seems my value is unrecognised here. Generally speaking when your willing to give yourself over entirely to a cause, the cause should at least be able to sustain you. this one wont, so I have to forget all this bunny love and get my head back to merc mode.
can i just add that the above post from 420 is not about me, its about GiGas comment a few pages back.
so its not me she is saying it about, if you go to GiGa's journal you will see the conversation relating to 420's post, im not even sure why its even been posted in my journal, GiGa made a statement saying he was leaving then it was finished so not sure why its been dragged up again and it sounds like its been pointed at me to be fair, can you edit your post and explain that your reply is aimed at GiGa and not me as it sounds like your saying im causing trouble on the site, i dont know whats going on behind the scenes with GiGa and 420 but its certainly got nothing to do with me or my journal,

lets just clear that up before anyone thinks its me your talking about, now its been bought to everyones attention where as before it had gone unoticed, then please head over to GiGas journal to find the comment posted above then you will see its just copy n paste from GiGas journal, really not sure why its been posted here,

@Lavernz, thanks buddy, its been a big learning curve and still got a lot to learn, but im getting their slowly,
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