Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

my problem is most the nutrient sponsors and sns products are not sold or shipped to the uk, so ill try the health store and if not ill see what my local hydro stores sells, its only just opened up and im a bit cautious, its the kind of tactic the police use to trap growers, they set up stores like this so they can see how uses it and get intel that way,
snidy b'tards, so im not 100% comfy with going in and looking around, if it had been their a while then id risk it but its only been running a month or so and its never got anyone going in or out, ill get the name and do a search on it and find out if its a chain or if anyone has posted and comments on it,

its just a risk im not willing to take until im sure its totally safe,
the only thing extra my plants get is the nutes, the odd sugar feed but thats more for the soil than the plants and i give them a feed with fish tank water as its full of nitrates and nitrites which is what most nutrients are made from, id use it all the time if i knew it was ok to use but my tanks are pretty clean unless i clean them out and the fish poop gets stirred up,

i read your comments about crossing that plant if it turns out male, it looks indica to me so if your after an indica then id cross it with another indica as that would give you more stable pheno types as crossing with sativa might give you a wide range of pheno types, so if you wasnt planning on working with the seeds to produce a nice strain then id cross it with another indica or indica heavy strain as you would end up with decent results, but its a tough call when you dont know what male it is, lets hope its fem and you dont need to worry about crossing plants,
Yes I much rather have someone win who helps people rather than betrays them, so you are correct Jimmy. Makes you wonder how small they feel now when they are in member of the months standings for reporting people for errors they don't even realize they are making.
Yes I much rather have someone win who helps people rather than betrays them, so you are correct Jimmy. Makes you wonder how small they feel now when they are in member of the months standings for reporting people for errors they don't even realize they are making.

Yeah I had at least two people nominate me the month they started doing the snitch thing. I commented how I thought promoting people tattling on others was not cool imo. They denied my nominations to be member of the month in return rofl (plus i think they hate how i post youtube videos of songs from jimi hendrix and brother iz hehe)

But yeah DP is a good dude would love to see him get some cool swag and rolling papers, plus whatever else they give hehe.

Next month I got a few babies i plan on entering in POTM and NOTM, so maybe ill get some papers soon enough hehehe.
Yes I much rather have someone win who helps people rather than betrays them, so you are correct Jimmy. Makes you wonder how small they feel now when they are in member of the months standings for reporting people for errors they don't even realize they are making.

Yeah I had at least two people nominate me the month they started doing the snitch thing. I commented how I thought promoting people tattling on others was not cool imo. They denied my nominations to be member of the month in return rofl (plus i think they hate how i post youtube videos of songs from jimi hendrix and brother iz hehe)

But yeah DP is a good dude would love to see him get some cool swag and rolling papers, plus whatever else they give hehe.

Next month I got a few babies i plan on entering in POTM and NOTM, so maybe ill get some papers soon enough hehehe.

hey brothers whats cracking? i been out of the loop a little while someone wanna PM me the gossip?
sorry don, things have been real hectic for me in the real world, caught up on your thread now =D
this is the molases i used, i got it online somewhere i think.
will probably PM you in the next few days and have a good natter =D

im shocked to even be nominated, its a short list this month, not sure why they didnt pick many members i guess the mods have been busy and not had time to catch up with everyone.

thanks for the votes everyone, means a lot as i never thought id see my name in the contests ive been waiting to got a nice bud or plant to enter but their some amazing plants and buds hitting the contests lately, its a tough one to win just shows the quality of growers we got here, plus with prizes like that its always going to be tough.
this site has by far the best prize package and fair play to the sponsors for putting the prizes up month after month it says alot about the community we got here and how much the sponsors apreciate all the work we do in promoting their products, i know theirs been a lot of talk about saras led lights the last few weeks and might even jump on the band wagon myself

@GiGa, no worries mate im always around so we can catch up at some point, ill try the health store for molasses as im told they sell it their so ill go and check when i get back to mine as been helping a mate rebuild a car he blew up so been pretty busy the last few days, ive got more than 40 journals and help pages to catch up on then when i get to the bottom of the list and click refresh the list is just as long.

if i get time tomorow ill take some pics,
the naked 2ltr dwc is doing well, not dead yet so thats a good sign, i was expecting the pistils to start to die after the trim i gave her but looks like its still the same as before so should start to see some change in the next few days,
once the 2ltr dwc is harvested im going to try and auto in it and see how that does compared with soil grows, i think it might be the best option for autos due to the speed of growth, but Dharmas auto is doing really well, i think he got some magic juice he been feeding it cuz its growing like crazy.

the big reveg plant is now finally in flower and looks like its going to be a very nice yield, it wont be huge 1ft buds but its going to be plenty if good sized buds as i was a bit concerned it wasnt going into flower as quick as the other plants but its finally catching up,

im thinking about settng up a decent sized veg room at least the same size as the flower room, i want to try and stagger harvests,

again thanks all for the votes, im chuffed to bits found the info on molases..i use Blackstrap..i get from the health store and Sugar Daddy from Technaflora products..i think growers use mollas because grow store carbs cost more..and mollas doese the same things for plants..older growers used syrup...sugar...anything sweet to feed those microbes..or whatever..

I like blackstrap as it has a ton of micro nutes, cal, mag as well as the carbs, sugars and potassium.

Some growshops have large containers of stuff called "strapped" which is unsulphured blackstrap molasses. I pay about 17 bucks for a 1 gallon jug and it lasted me last year and i still have a few cups left for this year. I thought it was a decent deal.
Good Friedday my clones in the cloner didn't die..the timer malfuntioned pump didn't come on..everythings 5 in the cloner the cloner...DWC..bagplant...and Little PE under a 400MH...hash 53 in flower..still no amber...i wish she would amber up...i need that room dammit:)
Hello donpaul.p

Well i'll best get the ol grey matter into gear for this one :thumb:

@fuzzy, what brand of light are you using and how much lumins does it say it puts out, i still use cfls to start my seedlings and clones because the cfls keep nodes very tight, when i started plants under the dual spec they started to stretch as the light was 1ft away, but cfls can be pretty much touching the plants so i start them under cfl for the first 2 to 3 weeks to help keep node spacing tight then i put them in the hps room and veg for a while,

im going to set up a seperate veg room so i can have 2 rooms so i can stagger harvests so the dual spec will be on constant 12-12, im tempted to give leds a try but the price makes me unsure, would an led replace my hps and do the same job, id need possibly 3 led panels so been following a few journals so i can see how well the leds do

I'm using a 400w bulb by Grolux/Slyvania which is reported to be a dual spectrum bulb, i'm not sure on % as i have found little detail on their blend of light/spectrum which does appear to support a broader spectrum of light of when compared to a standard HPS !

400w grolux, 58000 lumen, 2050 kelvin.

I've used this brand of bulb for 18 months now mainly for flowering in the past & have managed a whopping 2oz dry weight with one grow on 2 plants over 4 plants grown but strongly suspect this was down to soil amendments used !

On average i have achieved between 1oz 1/4 to 1oz 1/2 in soil grow under this bulb of the same indica strain/clones grown several times using same nutrients (biobizz) :thumb:

How ever i do use a giant CFL of 125w 6400K or 6500k, i can not remember at present but either one :)

For seed germination, rooting clones & vegging up to several weeks aprox 2 months includes rooting time of clones before flowering commenece's with out ill effect !

I do find the CFL of correct spectrum of light does keep internode spacing tight & would suspect the same of any bulb used for vegging of the right light spectrum to do the same, i just found the CFL 6400/6500k to be cheap to run than the counter part of MH of greater wattage for almost equal results !

Many of my last grows where of a perpetual nature vegging under CFL/6400k/6500k whilst the other grow was in flower under the dual spectrum HPS/broad spectrum bulb.

Due to present change of tactics/grow style this is being reviewed due to tent/pot size & of hydroponic nature over my last soil organic methods :thumb:
thanks for all the kind comments everyone,
i managed to get molasses but not black strap, its the right kind though the unsulfered kind,
ive read a few different feed guides though so which should i follow, some say 1 table spoon per gallon and others say 2 per gallon, plus would it be the same dose for the dwc grows as well,

thanks for the info jimmy, i sent you some reps, im the same i still use cfls to start my plants due to the node spacing, i have started plants under the dual spec hps but the node spacing is bigger than i like, but im comparing it to cfls and nothing else as i started growing with just cfls so maybe the stretch im getting under the hps is normal, i keep the plants under cfl for a few weeks before putting in the hid room,

im going to try and set up 3 rooms, 1 for flower,veg,clones-seedlings, so i might possibly go down the led option as i cant afford to run 3 or 4 hid lights, at least with led i can keep the running costs low and also keep the temps down, but its a big outlay to buy 3 or 4 leds that cover 3ft by 3ft for flower, possibly 4ft by 6ft for veg room and clones and seedlings will be a 3ft by 3ft but probably wont need a big light in their, i want to try and stagger harvest so i got plants to harvest every few weeks, that way i can keep the flower room constantly on 12-12,

@miwa so they do low temp bulbs then, my dual spec is giving me 55,000 lumins but i know some none dual spec bulbs hit 60 to 65k lumins, ill look into these low temp bulbs as that would be great for the summer months,

@danklover79, welcome to my journal, that ak47 x uk cherry cheese is so far the best strain ive, basically i got given 10 seeds by a seed bank so customers could give feed back, which i did then i heard nothing about it since, ive asked what the strain is called now and i just get told the breeder has not released the info to the seed bank i got the seeds from, so not sure what the strain is now called, but ive bought lots of strains now and none looks as nice as the ak 47 x uk cherry cheese, im hoping this big buddha cheese is the true cheese and that should do much better than the ak47 x cherry cheese, but this sensi start is not far behind, it just dont have the same dense buds as the ak47 x cherry cheese,

i was lucky to keep the strain, i was down to my last 2 seeds and i got lucky and had a male and female, so managed to get some more seeds, with my next round of plants which are in veg now ill see if i can produce some fem ak47 x uk cherry cheese, i need to produce some more regular seeds as well as im running low as ive gifted some to a few friends so they can try them.

it certainly is a nice strain, i also love jack flash, well i did back in the day so im hoping this jack flash is the same as what it used to be and im hoping big buddha cheese is the true cheese as well as big buddha was one of the breeders that got given a clone from the uk cheese mother so hopefully he kept it as a cheese and just ramped up the yields, im sure ill soon find out but if it is its going to be a stinky plant in flower.

we also have a new sponsor everyone, Dogget Simpson is now one of our sponsors, he has also put up 3 prizes for each contest, the products he sells are nutrients but not as we know them, he sells 3 bags of nutrients, one is for seedlings and clones, one is for veg and one is for flower stage, their is no mixing of nutrients, you just use bag 1 until the plants are in veg, then use bag 2 until you reach flower than bag 3 for flower,

sounds like a very easy product to use as your not mixing up different amounts, its also won an award with high times in 2012, the link is below for his site, theirs some grow pics on their as well, its one of the easiest nutrients ive seen to use, no more mixing up grow,micro,bloom,bloom booster, so it would be ideal for new growers as mistakes cant be made, so wanted to post the link in case you didnt see the link in the contests page,
prices are good as well and he also does a sample pack at a low price, this allows you to sample the product before buying a bigger amount which makes pretty much risk free,
so have a look and see what you think, i think it sounds like a great product.
Doggett & Simpson - Growers' Gallery

thanks for stopping by and checking my journal,
thanks again to everyone who voted for me,
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