Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

Hey DP, I never asked this, just read it and I'd like to know why. Why can't I fim or top an auto, is it because it's genetically predisposed to a certain growth rate?
thanks everyone,

the odour is nothing major at this time, i know the ak47 x uk cherry cheese is going to start stinking as it gets nearer to harvest but most people smoke bud round here so it dont stand out to much, plus ive got plug in air fresheners cycling different smells every hour, the smell really isnt that bad, before ive smelled it outside the front door but this time round i cant smell it.
usually when i come in where i live i can smell bud anyway so i know my neighbours smoke so that helps keep it low key,

the plants stink when i touch them or pull a leaf off or touch the buds to get a smell, the sensi star is pretty stinky.

the small ak47 x uk cherry cheese wont smell to bad as it was a clone 12-12 from the time it rooted, but you know that big monster cropped plant, well thats ak47 x uk cherry cheese as well so thats going to stink when its further in flower, both the clone and monster cropped plant went into flower at the same time but the reveg plant is only just starting to flower but it is much bigger.

i can keep the smell under control, if not ill pick up some ona gel and rig up a ona bucket with fan to help with the smell but im really not to worried about it as ive had it stink the place out before but with these plug in air fresheners it keeps the smell down, the only time i smell anything is when i first open the door when the lights come back on, then i can smell it but with the windows open and a good breeze it soon clears and then its not noticed.

now we got onto the cheese,
the cheese strain is basically a skunk#1, theirs a group of people in the uk who have their own community and they grow and smoke bud, so they always grew skunk strains and this one grower grew skunk but did not keep a mother plant, so he kept taking clones from clones, then after so many generations of clones the plant changed, it grew different and it smelled and produced much denser and a lighter colour buds,
they kept growing it and as they didnt want it to change they kept a mother plant with them pheno types, now its not sure how the pheno changed from each clone as its suppose to be an exact copy of the mother plant, but the smell was not a skunk smell so it clearly did change, my only thought is maybe it was a reveg clone or a few generations where reveg clones,

anyway it got its cheese name due to a customer of the grower saying he recognised the smell, he couldnt think what the smell was for ages then it came to him, he works with essences and remembers smelling a strong cheese essence and thats how it got its name, it smells like dank cheese,

so thats why its called cheese, its the strongest bud you can get your hands on, stinks more than any other strain and puts you on your arse very quick, ive seen growers that have smoked for years be put on their backsides by the cheese strain, for some reason its a really strong couch lock strain, it really stinks and its what everyone wants when they buy bud, cheese sells and sells well, dealers charge higher prices for it and the colour is like a nice light green,

hopefully this big buddha cheese im growing is the true cheese as big buddha was the only breeder who got his hands on the original cheese only clone, i know this as im told this by growers who have the clone only version, in the uk its still only clone only, most cheese strains on the net are nothing like cheese, they dont smell like cheese and their not as strong as cheese, so ive bought big buddha as its suppose to be the true cheese in seed form so hopefully it is, if its not ill take a trip down south and pick up a few clones as i can get hold of it from the mother plant of a true cheese clone, so worse case ill take a weeks holiday and head south and pick up some cheese and bring it back,

its just i want to work with this strain and try and produce a nice cheese auto and produce some fem seeds of the true cheese.

its just a higher quality weed, skunk used to be the strongest you could buy and smoke and the courts rated skunk higher in the drug classification list and if you got caught with skunk then you would be worse off, but now its all cheese, everyone wants cheese it puts you on your backside every time and even the most experienced smokers of bud cant get through much cheese. i can smoke most strains and not have a huge affect on me, but if i have some cheese i cant even finish a spliff to myself, it really is that strong, its why all the breeders and seed banks are now pushing and selling cheese strains, but their not the true cheese their just skunk#1 crosses.

so if i can work with the true cheese and produce a nice cheese auto then ill be very happy, im hoping i can use the seeds i got now to cross with the true cheese, so gdp cheese would be my end goal and gdp cheese auto, but im a long way from that, i produced seeds from a gdp and purple cheese auto so im on the way but i want to bring a true cheese into the mix.

if you have smoked cheese then you know what i mean when i say how strong it is, ive smoked many many strains and many skunks and super skunks, but this cheese really does take you to another planet, how they made it i just dont know, im wondering if they trimmed the clones and got a polyploid and that is how it turned to cheese, either way they produced a damn nice strain that can sell for anything up to £40 per 8th round here.
with an auto you dont want to stunt growth,

some autos will only be in veg for the first 2 weeks of growth, some can be in veg for 4 to 6 weeks, but if its a short grow time auto then anything you do to it will stunt growth, fimming will stunt it by 10 to 14 days, and topping about the same, you could top it and it might start flowering before the new tops have even grown so you might not benefit from it,

ive had autos that start flowering at week 2 from seed and some that will go as far as week 6, but thats only under 12-12 with the kc45, under 20-4 the kc45 starts flowering between week 2 and 3 of growth, autos are bred to be ready to harvest very quick so they dont have a veg and flower period as such, they just grow and reach harvest so their is no way of knowing how long their in veg veg,

with regular plants you can top them then it stunts grown by a week or 2, but it dont matter as you give it 2 weeks longer in veg, you do this so the new tops have time to develop and become the main tops, you also need to give the plant time to grow the new tops to produce big enough buds to make it worth doing,

at the end of the day its your grow, so go with what you think is best, but you cant clone autos, i only use minor lst to get light to all nodes but im talking very slight, i just pull it over so the whole of the plant is getting light,

you just dont know how long their in veg for, thats the main problem, but even if they didnt start flowering for 6 weeks, then if you top you lose 1 to 2 weeks of growth so your left with just 4 weeks of growth, the same with fimming,

i mean it might pay off but i personally wouldnt risk it with an auto, a regular plant ill do anything to knowing if it takes 2 weeks to recover then i can extend the veg by 2 weeks, which is what we expect to do when we do anything that causes stress,

so if you want to top and give it try then by all means give it a try, but i dont know if it stunts growth so it gives you longer growing time, or if the plant just stills starts flowering when it would of done anyway,

for example lets say its starts flowering at week 4 if you do nothing to it, so if you topped it an it stunted growth by 2 weeks would this push the start of flower back 2 weeks so it wont flower till week 6, or will it still flower at week 4 and the stunted growth will lower yield,

i know you been following harleys grow and what he did, but would he of gotten a bigger yield if he did nothing to the plant, we will never know, maybe he got a good yield because of what he did, or maybe he could of got another 14g from it if he left it to grow as it is.

im sure others will comment on what they think is best but for me id have to leave autos alone and let them grow as is and maybe use some lst just to pull the plant over very slightly so no part of it is in the shade
My WW auto I am just LST ing a little, but the growth from doing that is amazing. It is almost 3 weeks in veg now, no sign of flower on a 18/6 schedule with the lights 3-6" or 7.62 cm to 15.24 cm away from the tops
what i do know is you can make autos stretch, ive tried starting one in a pot that was shaded by other plants and it did stretch but it still started flowering at the same age as other plants of the same strain and it didnt increase yield,

the only way ive manged to increase yield in autos is to adjust the light schedule. kc45's grown under 20-4 and 24-0 was producing between 7g and 21g at the very most but only 1 plant hit the 21g mark, all the others was around the 1/4oz mark and i grew at least 15 of these under them schedules including males, all harvested at less than 1ft high
i grew the same kc45's under 12-12 from seed and yields where around the 2oz mark and plants reached 1.5ft to 2.5ft in total including the males,

so thats what i found with the kc45 but that could be anything or it could be nothing, other strains may and will probably differ.

but from the results i got i came to the idea that maybe autos start flowering due to age in hours and not age in days,

so lets say for example and auto needs 240 hours of light to reach harvest,
under 24-0 that would be 10 days
under 12-12 it would be 20 days,
now as the kc45s i grew produced more under 12-12 and doubled in size they also took 3 weeks longer to reach harvest and they took 2 weeks longer to start flowering,

so do autos grow according to age in days, or do they grow according to age in light hours, now where autos grow they dont have seasons as such, they have long growing seasons and short growing seasons so the light hours are not the same as where regular cannabis grows, so autos flower not by photo period but by some other means, so is this other means age in days or age in hours,

the kc45 leads me to believe that autos flower due to age in light hours, every auto ive grown under 24-0 and 20-4 produced very poor, ive had autos reach 6,7 or 8 inches and their done and harvested, i grew the purple cheese auto under 17-7 and again i got about 3x 8ths off it, so not much, would i of got more if i grew it under 12-12, i just dont know, this is why i got a kc45 male auto producing pollen which ive been collecting the last few days, ive got more kc45 autos growing under 12-12 and again their getting much bigger than when they did under 20-4, ive also got a auto bubble fem growing under 12-12, so ill be making some auto seeds so i can run more tests as well as trying to produce a nice cheese auto strain like gdp cheese auto,

so once ive got plenty of auto seeds i can play around and try different things, as ive followed harleys journal ill run side by side grows with the seeds and top 1 plant and not top another and see what happens, again ill do this with the fim as well, but my goal is to create an auto that has a longer grow time but produces much better, so ill be making the auto gen weaker but ill need to back cross to keep it an auto but im a long way off from that yet,

my main goal is to find out how autos wotk and why, if they flower due to age in days then why do autos do poor under 20-4 and 24-0, it could just be that ive bought crap autos that dont produce well, but that would not explain why the kc45 does a lot better under 12-12, i was getting around 1/4oz under 20-4 and 24-0 but under 12-12 from seed to harvest i was getting bigger plants with more branches and bigger yields around 2oz,

so ill produce my own autos seeds and many of them, then ill grow a few at a time under 20-4 and then under 12-12 and ill have a good idea of whats going on that as ill have a bigger test group to work with,

but dont let me put you off testing on your auto, if you want to top then why not go for it, it might work out well, it just depends how much grow time your auto has got, if it flowers early then you will reduce yield, but if its in veg for 6 weeks or more then it may increase yield but you will have stunted growth for at least 7 days while the lower nodes grow.

when you top or fim a clone they recover pretty quick as the clone is the same age as the plant it came off so growth at nodes starts pretty quick, but with seedlings you will notice that the plant needs to reach 4 or 5 nodes before side branches actually start growing, where as clones grow side branches as soon as its grown past the node, so topping or fimming seedlings will stunt growth a lot more than it would if it was a clone of the same size.

i run test with autos then ill be able to understand whats going on and if their flowering due to age in days or age in hours,

now ive grown autos under 24-0, so if they do grow according to age in days then why do they flower under 24-0, surely if the plant is not getting its day and night cycle then it dont know its 1 day old, but autos still flower under 24-0 and flower sooner under 24-0, so this really does lead me to think that autos flower due to age in light hours and not due to age in days, if it was age in days then under 24-0 they would stay in veg until you give them some dark period which they dont do,

so if it was say age in days then the plant only knows its a day old when the sun sets and rises again, then it knows its a day old, but under 24-0 it cant tell how old it is yet they still flower, so it really does look like they flower due to age in hours of light and not how many days old they are, this would explain why im getting better yields off 12-12 as the plant is only getting 12 hours of light per 24 hours, and we also know plants grow and stretch when the lights are off, so is 12-12 allowing them longer to grow as their getting less light hours over a longer period, plus in the night the roots are growing and the plant stretches to find the light,

so im leaning towards autos flowering due to age in hours of light, if they did flower due to ages in days then putting them under 24-0 would keep them in veg as without the night period they would not know its a day old,

hopefully ive not confused anyone,

dharma if you want to try topping then go for it mate, you will have another auto to grow in a few days time so if it dont work out you can just plant the other one, if it does work out then even better,

i dont want to influence anyone, i like to work things out myself, so once ive produced many auto seeds which will be soon as ive got plenty of auto pollen now, then i can run side by side tests, ive followed harley's journal and he got a nice auto, but their is no way of knowing if he would of got another 1/4 to 1/2oz off it if he had it in bigger pot and didnt do anything to it, or did he increase yield by what he did, without running a side by side test we will never know, plus some autos like big bang auto hit 4oz each plant so maybe he increased yield using his method or maybe he decreased yield by doing what he did,

i cant judge him, im going to try it myself to see what works and what dont, but i know it would need to be an auto that has a decent amount of veg, which most autos ive tried just dont have, ive tried probably nearly 20 different autos over the last couple of years and ive always grown them under 20-4 and 24-0 as i was told not to use any other schedule as it would stunt growth, but i had my lights on 12-12 and decided to grow an auto to get a quick harvest, then i was shocked at how big the plant get, i ended up with 4 x 1ft buds on the 12-12 auto where as on the 2-04 and 24-0 the whole plant weighed less than 1 of the 1ft buds,
My problem DP, is I don't have the stsh to back me up if I produce low yields in between grow periods, once I get that I might get more aggressive. My Silver LA is 60% indica 40% Sativa, how long would you veg it for? It's almost on two weeks now, I'm sure it's a minimum of a couple more right?
spot on miwa,

a good way of knowing when to flip to 12-12 is either go by height or wait till it shows sex around weeks old,

you can grow plants under 12-12 from seed also so you can flip 12-12 when ever you like but it wont start flowering until its mature enough,

if you go by height which is pretty much what i do is then expect and indica to double in size by harvest and a sativa will double or tripple in size if its a true sativa,

so you have a few options, height or age of the plant, but the longer you have it in veg the more of a yield you will get, an extra week in veg will produce more than you going to 12-12, so the longer you can kee it in veg the more you get in return.

autos are ok but check the breeder and strain and then check the expected yield, it might say 400 or 500g per sq meter, well that sounds good for considering you can fit 50 x 2ltr plants in that space then it dont end up sounding to good if you just got 1 plant, so an expected yield of 500g per sq mtr means the plant only has to produce 10g dry to be on target

most yields are based on sq meter, so autos are a bit difficult and this is why im working on my own auto, id be happy with a longer veg if i could hit 1oz per auto each time, so thats what im aiming for, some autos produce just an 8th mate so dont expect to much then you wont be disapointed,
the idea of autos so to reach harvest as quick as possible breeders breed them to have a very short growing season, this is so growers can plant 50 seeds and produce 500g dry every 50 to 60 days, so breeders are trying to get the quickest grow time possible so they can grow more plants per year and get good yields

so they dont breed autos to produce big yields on their own or per plant, but they are starting to work on these and their are geting more and more autos that produce bigger yields at the cost of a few weeks extra grow time, which is what im hoping to achieve myself, but most autos you buy now are produced to reach harvest as fast as possible so 10g per auto is pretty good in the breeders eyes as they have achieved their goal of producing a fast growing auto, so 10g dry is what they expect due to the plants been grown in sog type grow,

their not bred to produce big yields per plant all though some breeders are now catching onto this piece of the market and are producing autos that yield well per plant, big bang auto is one and that gives 4oz on average per plant, but that reaches over 3ft high and covers a big foot print as well,

so dont expect lots from it and you might end up been suprised, where as i was pretty disapointed when i ended up with less than an 8th, but then sat back and thought about it and 3 to 10g dry per plant every 50 days is pretty good when you can grow 50 plants and produce a very good return in a short grow time,

but you can grow any strain 12-12 from seed and most will produce more than autos, so its a tough choice to make, do you go with autos and get low yields unless you get a big hitting auto or would you be better off going 12-12 from seed with none autos and getting anything from 1/4 to 1oz per regular plant, which is best is tough to call, if you growing just 1 auto then if its only going to produce a small yield then going 12-12 from seed with none autos would be the better option,

you might have an auto that yields well but you wont know until you get to harvest or far enough into flower to know its getting big or not getting big,

hopefully and im keeping my fingers crossed that yours is a big yielding auto, if it is then it could easily reach 2ft and be 2 or 3 ft wide, until its in flower we just wont be able to tell,

so you can veg as long as you like with the none auto, go by height or go by when it reaches maturity, if you give it 6 weeks in veg then you should easily hit 2oz plus per plant maybe even 4oz plus, but the longer you veg the more you will get, it also depends on your grow space size as you need to make sure its totally dark when you flip 12-12, any light leaks will make it go hermie and you will just end up with lots of seeds.
so check how much height you got and make sure you take in the space needed for the light and bigger pot if its not in a bigger pot and expect it to at least double in size when its reached harvest,
im not sure if it will double in size if you go 12-12 really early but you would be better off waiting until you have some good side branches before you flip to flower, that will give you a decent yield,
I have had 3 weeks of veg and had the plant easily double most time they triple in height
this is in hydro tho soil may not give similar results
very nice jimmy, i just pm you mate,

mine was really blonde when it was first drying but now it looks like yours does but mine is squashed together into a block, how do you let yours dry, do you tip it onto foil or something similar so it lets the water evap off,

just uploading some pics,

I have a 20 micron screen that I lay in either a cardboard box or lay on top of a towel. It lets the moisture seep through but keeps all the good stuff on top. Leave it for 2 or maybe 3 days and peel it off.
I have had 3 weeks of veg and had the plant easily double most time they triple in height
this is in hydro tho soil may not give similar results

My findings are if you feed them almost no nitrogen in flower they stop or mostly stop lateral growth as long as the plant is of good size. A smaller plant sure does stretch to 2 or even 3 times height. But at least for me on the bigger plants that are a good 4 feet around or larger they only grow buds and barely stretch.

My 2 chemdawgs that flowered way way early have grown only inches in the past month or 1.5 months. But in that time they have gone from basically no buds to fairly fat nugs. I am noticing my purple kushes (the biggest plants) and the deep sleeps act similar now that they are in flower too and that i feed them nearly no nitrogen.
yea ive heard if you veg em too long they wont stretch much more
I guess its genetics itll top off when its predetermined in their genetics
I'd say give it some more veg time. I went 12/12 from seed, more or less, with one plant and overall, it'll end up yielding probably about 3/4 oz dried, based on the samples taken and what's left. it's siblings got an extra 4 weeks of veg, 2 1/2 weeks past full showing of sex and if you look at the last pics in my journal, the tall mystery machine in the back right hand side, that's the same plant. It's bigger now too, comes up to my girl's breasts, lol. Today was day 21 and defol for the flower tent, but it trippled in size. I'm not impressed on 12/12 from seed myself, but mine were in 2L hempys, so close to an oz probably isn't too bad. That said, I'd veg it a couple weeks past showing sex at least, that way you have more of a stash for between grows.

I might try another 12/12 from seed with a 2 or 3 gal pot and see if it does better. I am impressed with how the Auto Candy Kush from Herbies is doing under 12/12, but it's crossed with Auto Pounder, so it should be a bigger auto. It's already doubled the height of the plants that are 3 days older than it, lol. I'm hoping it shows a lot of the auto pounder genetics :) We'll see though. :Namaste:
I have 62" or 157.48 cm of grow tent height, minus the HPS when it goes in, I really don't want to flip the Silver LA so soon, I just posted pics, so take a look yourselves, the WW Auto is LST'd. Thank you all for your advice and Good Weed Day to you All!!!
so you got 5 ft 2 inches minus the light and minus the pot
you can safely get it about 3 ft tall? giving space above so it isn't in the light?
silver la indica dom or sativa dom?
a sativa you could start and finish in 12/12 you may not have enough space
just a thought
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