Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

im going to have to read that when i get up, theirs load of great info in their about selecting the best pheno and that random polination can produce plants of poorer quality so picking the best phenotypes is clearly the best option, its why i only use the best males and females, im sure the strains would soon get pretty poor if you just used the 1st male and female from a batch of seeds, its why i only take clones from the best plants ive grown, that way im not bringing something i dont like into the mix or something that dont grow well,

really nice find miwa, ill have a good read when i get up, plenty of top info in their for anyone thinking of crossing plants,
oh i get it, its just like a grow book but it goes more into detail about crossing plants and phenotypes, guess thats why its called advanced, it also goes into detail about grafting and air layering which is a method i have used and explained to jon and he used it and got a big clone, air layering lets you take clones and root them before cutting them off the mother plant,

the only method i have not managed to pull off yet is grafting, now if i could graft 2 new strains onto 1 plant at a young age then you could just grow 1 scrog with 1 plant and produce 3 different strains at harvest, or out doors you could graft and just have one plant with 3 strains on it, so grafting is something i have tried but not got to work yet but only tried it a couple of times, air layering is a good method for clones and soil layering also works as ive got a plant now that i tried soiling layering on, basically i was trying to see if you give a plant more roots does it increase growth,
so what i did was totally pull the plant over to the edge of the pot, then i covered the stem with soil and left it moist, then a coupe of weeks later the stem had started growing roots into the pot so i know soil layering also works, not sure how well it improves growth but its a good method for taking a big clone from a plant
its not just for me that book covers everything, seedlings, rooting, cuttings and best methods, it goes into more detail that most grow guides, the breeding part goes into real good detail, so ill sit down when i get up and take some notes, theirs a lot to take in and hopefully it will improve the results im getting and give me a good idea of what i need to look for and what i need to do to produce the most stable strain i can.

i sent you some reps for that info, great find ive never come across that before and ive got about 6 or 7grow books downloaded but most are regular grow books and nothing as advanced as that,
i best stop reading it else i wont be getting any sleep at all, 04:45 so if i keep reading ill start writing stuff down and taking notes and before i know it the dog will be fetching me his harness and running around busting for the loo usually around 8am,
some great info in their though, someone who wrote that really knows their plants
spot on miwa,

basically when a fem plant goes hermie its still a fem plant but its producing pollen, this pollen is fem pollen as no male is involved,

so the way i make fem seeds is to leave a female plant in flower for a few weeks longer than normal, then the plant goes into panic mode as it never got any male pollen and doesnt want to die knowing its not reproduced, so it grows its only pollen sacs, then it self pollenates and produces its own fem seeds,

how ever when i have forced a fem plant to hermie early in flower then used that pollen i found the seeds where female but they also went hermie at around the same age, but the female plants that are left in flower for to long to produce pollen produce true fem pollen and using this on another fem plant produces fem seeds,
the other option is that silver chemical, that stresses the fem plant and makes it go hermie so it produces fem pollen, same process and same results,

so a female plant that goes hermie is just a fem plant with fem pollen, thats what gives us fem seeds, but i like to leave my fem plants in flower to long and get pollen that way as im then sure its femenised seeds, ive not tried the chemical option yet

@dharma, its all good my friend,

so we know a female plant can go hermie, either due to stress such as light stress, nute stress or temp stress or some will go hermie with no stress due to bad genetics, if it goes hermie due to bad genetics then id not use the pollen as the seeds would more than likely be hermie as well, id only use the pollen from a plant that has reached full flower so i know the seeds wont have the hermie trait,

a female grows what look like male pollen sacs, some look like male flowers and some look like bananas, both of these on a female plant are producing fem pollen,

now it is possible to make a male go hermie, its not as easy as i have tried, you cant let them flower to long as they just die, it seems males are not programmed to reproduce, male plants are like male humans, they cant do 2 things at once, their no good at multi tasking, a female can flower and produce pollen, a male dont do this, it just produces pollen then dies, it dont have a safety featuer to ensure it reproduces,

if their are no females around then the male wont reproduce the pollen will be wasted, a female will stay in flower and keep growing until it gets pollen, if it dont get pollen then it will produce its own pollen so it reproduces and continues to keep its strain alive, males dont do this even if left to flower for to long, ive tried and they just die, it is possible to make a male go hermie but ive not managed to do it, but it produces a super male or so ive read, not sure what a super male is or what it does or how it improves things,

so a female will produce fem pollen to reproduce if left in flower long enough or if stressed using silver chemicals,
a male just produces pollen then dies, ive not managed to make a male go hermie yet, if i do then i need to find out what a super male is and how its suppose to improve things, maybe a super male produces pistils which it can then self polinate and maybe it produces some amazing plants, but until i can get a male to go hermie i just cant try this,
ive got a couple of tubs of pollen, i got some fem pollen and some kc45 auto male pollen, so if i ever do get a male to go hermie then ill use some fem pollen on it and some regular pollen on it and compare the results,

hopefully that answers your questions miwa, its how i managed to produce my own fem seeds, any fem plant left in flower for to long will produce its own pollen as long as its not got pollen from anywhere else then it will self polinate, im not sure if these seeds would turn out hermie as i dont self polinate my plants, i use the pollen on other fem plants and that gives me fem seeds,

reg-reg a seed that is photo period and can be boy or girl
reg-fem a seed that is photoperiod but its mother and 'father' were both female (not necisarily a selfed plant)
aut-reg a seed that is on an internal timer regardless of lights and can be boy or girl
aut-fem a seed that is a female and will auto flower.

a seedbank is on the cards in the future :rofl:

Thanks DP and GB, I'm going to blog both of these posts as easy future reference.
yep spot on miwa,

a female plant grows nuts, these nuts contain fem pollen, use this pollen on another fem plant and it produces fem seeds, not sure if it works if it self polinates as ive not tried that,

i have tried pollen from a female i made go hermie early in flower but the seeds turned our hermie so they went in thebin, but a female plant that produces pollen late in flower or using the silver chem option should produce fem seeds with no hermie traits,

its how the breeders make fem seeds, they use the silver colliodol or what ever its called, they turn a fem plant hermie using that then use that pollen on another female plant and it produces femenised seeds, but the female pollen sacs dont contain as much pollen as the male pollen sacs, also if your going to mess around with pollen make sure you move the plant your putting pollen away from any wind and other plants, then put pollen on the buds you want seeds from using a fine brush or que tip, then leave the plant where it is for a few hours, then spray it down with water to kill any pollen that is on the plant, this will stop if getting in the air and getting on other plants,
within a few hours to 24 hours you will notice the pistils die and shrivel up, a few days later the calyx will start to swell, a few weeks later the seeds will be splitting the calyx open, then when you harvest you get a load of fem seeds, a great option for a sog grow, something ive been contemplating for a while,

@dharma, if only it was that easy, i got thousands of seeds of my own crosses but several ive not had chance to grow out, but when i do grow them out ill work with the best pheno types and cross them with each other to make a more stable strain, most strains you buy have anything up to 4 or 5 different pheno types, so buy 10 seeds and would could end up with 4 or 5 different looking,smelling and or tasting plants,
its not easy making a strain stable, the first cross you make is the most stable, once you start picking out pheno types and back crossing thats when you run into problems, its just having the time to grow them out and clone the best fem and collect pollen from the best male.

im trying to find out if making fem seeds from say the best females of a batch of seeds will produce stable seeds.
so say i grew out the white widow cross skunk and found a really nice pheno type, if i had 2 females with that exact pheno type then i collected pollen from the one fem and put it on the other fem, would this then produce stable fem plants of that same pheno type or would i still end up with many pheno types, i know when you cross male and female you can end up with all the pheno types from the male, or all the pheno types from the fem or a mixture of the 2, so perfecting a strain is a slow process, i got plenty of seeds to last me a life time, but i like to try new strains so usualy place an order every few weeks just to get more in stock.

You know DP, you would think there was some of these gurus from these famous strains that would already have the answers out there for you.
if i had the money and the room id go with a seed bank but theirs lots around so getting breeders to let you stock seeds would be to hard with all the seed banks around, but with prices like herbies their is no point in trying to compete, the best option would be to produce your own strains, let others try these strains and see what they think, then find a way of getting them tested so they can be released in a seed bank.

its a slow process but i will make a dank auto that produces well ever time, i will pruduce a nice purple strain and i will produce a nice cheese strain and cheese auto strain, crossing plants is the easy part, choosing pheno types and crossing these then back crossing is the hard part,

but look how different the strains look we buy, most dont look like the breeders pics, so once your name is out their you can pretty much bring out what you like, as long as it produces well, produces good thc levels or cbd levels, what i really hate is not been able to test the products i produce, id love to be able to send buds to a lab to be tested, id like to work with cbd strains but without having a place to test them its pretty pointless as you wouldnt know if you improving or getting worse,

so producing a dank strain that puts me on my arse is about my only option, then letting others sample them at some point will give me some idea of how well or how poor im actually doing, i have no problems with throwing seeds away if they produce poor results, i wont keep poor genetics, but so far my crosses have produced great results but their are some crosses i have not even had chance to grow out yet,

i could do with a nice big grow space where i can work on my strains and perfect the strains i want to produce, low numbers of plants means its a slow process

Let's get me a visa and we will go in on a warehouse! oh, wait is it legal there?
the only method i have not managed to pull off yet is grafting

hmmmm i have an idea about that.

i recently purchased some new smoking papers that are made entirely out of plant cellulose. i believe you could use these as a skin graft over the graft to add seal and structure.

its a bit like cellotape, but with a very slight disolvy element to its surface, a fraction like sugar paper.

usefull for more than smoking im certain of it

A hermaphrodite can come in two different ways, every plant has a hermaphroditic trait......however, there are varying degrees at which any particular strain or possibly even different phenos will display these traits. A plant can be stressed into producing male flowers, or bananas, or a combination of both. A plant that runs past what we would accept as a nominal harvest period will often produce the bananas, sometimes not visible at harvest....but most often the banana will grow out beyond the outer structure of the bud, opened up, and already stripped of it's pollen, and the resulting seeds will be in close proximity to the stem. I have strains that if you flash them 1 single time... I promise they will turn! It is impossible to get a male seed in the absence of male pollen....unless you change the rules of this universe.......IMHO!
hmmmm i have an idea about that.

i recently purchased some new smoking papers that are made entirely out of plant cellulose. i believe you could use these as a skin graft over the graft to add seal and structure.

its a bit like cellotape, but with a very slight disolvy element to its surface, a fraction like sugar paper.

usefull for more than smoking im certain of it


I use cellulose papers sometimes, I wonder if they made em with gmo corn! I use Teflon tape for wrapping any stem or any works really well. I have a big plant that split the main 6" in the opened up to a half inch, it's wrapped right now, with thread tape.
Only on cannabis, and only in certain states, though we're up to 20 now and apparently several local area, towns and counties in the country, are trying to decriminalize cannabis in small-ish amounts as well, but even with that said, take a look at our healthcare, all about $$ from the bottom to the top and if you don't have a lot of $$ you don't have it, lol. We're ruled way too much by corporations and greed, imo anyway. :Namaste:
Only on cannabis, and only in certain states, though we're up to 20 now and apparently several local area, towns and counties in the country, are trying to decriminalize cannabis in small-ish amounts as well, but even with that said, take a look at our healthcare, all about $$ from the bottom to the top and if you don't have a lot of $$ you don't have it, lol. We're ruled way too much by corporations and greed, imo anyway. :Namaste:

Well evidently, there is a petition that was successfully signed and will be in ballot for the august 2014 state elections for the legalization of recreational use marijuana. Only stipulation in the law that worries me is I no longer own my own home, and the cultivator must own the land he is cultivating on or have permission from the land owner, being the landlord who is paying for my electricity and thinks I'm growing veggies! Law will also state up to 6 plants with 3 or fewer being mature flowering plants and the marijuana from those plants. What I don't get is you will be allowed to possess up to 1 oz. Well what do you do with all the marijuana from previous grows...well besides smoking it I mean. here is the law on the ballot.
thanks james, good to hear from you as always

@dharma, its a big no no here my friend, a few years back they lowered cannabis to a class c drug so it was at the same level as some prescribed meds, but when the new government come in they bumped it back up to calls b along side other illegal drugs that i cant name due to site rules but im sure you can work out what they are,
how ever we are allowed to trade and collect seeds for souvineer purposes, we have many seed banks and sellers around here but we can only buy and sell as souvineer only, im sure laws will change at some point, hopefully sooner rather than later.

@GiGa, interesting idea with the papers, might just work i never thought about trying something like that, ive got a load of wheat grass rizzla in assorted colours that i no longer use so wonder if they will work the same, their like clear plastic and very thin but made from plant matter,
but for now im out of room in the flower room, my plants are to big, touching all 4 walls, well all 3 and the door when i close it, its getting pretty crowded in their, only got a few weeks left with the 2ltr dwc and a 12-12 ak47 x uk cherry cheese clone is almost ready so that will free up some space, my plants just go to big to quick this time, maybe the 17-7 schedule is what made them grow this big, ive not had them grow this big before in that short a time.
plus i got more strains in their than i like so wont be having this many plants next time,

well i say that but then im reminded by the long list of seeds i planted and are growing in seedling stage, plus the clones me thinks i need a bigger room, i just wont let the plants get as big next time round, after the next lot of plants im cutting my numbers down to just 3 or 4 plants at the most and ill veg longer, this time i had some strains i wanted to try so once i clone them ill be able to pick the best of the lot and grow them out and go bigger with longer veg.
their was a study i responded to a while back, a university in the uk was asking for growers to say why they grow and if its for medical use or not, i replied for another comp at another location but it wasnt asking for details or anything like that but it was basically pushing to find out why it should be legalised, so i answered the survey and said my views then left, it also asked if they could contaxt us for follow up info but i declined and remained anonymous, they did state my info is safe and everything said is not tracable as the government has given them permision to run a study to fund out what uk growers think and why they should legalise growing,

so i put across many good points and hopefully it helps me and other uk growers get a step closer to legally been allowed to grow, i can understand a limit on plants unless your growing for other medical users but it would be a huge boost if they legalised it even just for medical reasons, but for now i stay below the radar and grow my own meds, without it my heath and state of mind would suffer, so im helping myself and im not costing the government money by taking prescribed meds.

hopefully laws will change in my lifetime,
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