Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

their was a study i responded to a while back, a university in the uk was asking for growers to say why they grow and if its for medical use or not, i replied for another comp at another location but it wasnt asking for details or anything like that but it was basically pushing to find out why it should be legalised, so i answered the survey and said my views then left, it also asked if they could contaxt us for follow up info but i declined and remained anonymous, they did state my info is safe and everything said is not tracable as the government has given them permision to run a study to fund out what uk growers think and why they should legalise growing,

so i put across many good points and hopefully it helps me and other uk growers get a step closer to legally been allowed to grow, i can understand a limit on plants unless your growing for other medical users but it would be a huge boost if they legalised it even just for medical reasons, but for now i stay below the radar and grow my own meds, without it my heath and state of mind would suffer, so im helping myself and im not costing the government money by taking prescribed meds.

hopefully laws will change in my lifetime,

stay strong buddy, even in england we are suppose to have genuine democracy....once there are enough of us voting yes, even the secret lords of this country can only fudge the results so far. weed winning is inevitable as long as enough of us want it legal.

once my future is a bit more secure, i intend to get noticed and will lead at least one charge before my time is done.

im not kidding either, my comments last year about planting so many seeds that the government cannot afford to fix it are deadly serious. ill build up to it of course, ill give them fair warning to change the law, and if they dont ill make the law irrelivant...and thats worth some time behind bars. i want my kids to live in a world where they get to choose what paths their mind may travel.
ok I skimmed I literally mean skimmed back a bit didn't see this when it started sorry DP im checking stuff out now
you guys discuss too much wheres the weed porn in here?
went pretty far back but I saw some pics comin along nicely there reps to ya brotha
i got plenty of seed GiGa, talking thousands my friend, ill walk the walk and talk the talk when the time comes, so ill join you on your quest, like you say numbers talk, problem is for the government to change anything they need to receive a certain number of votes on a petition before they even discuss it in parliment, then they might not change anything it just means it will be discussed, it why i responded to this research this uni was doing, they was trying to find out why people was growing and what benefits it had on their life, so im thinking that the research is a step in the right direction, ive signed a few petitions in the past but most lead to nothing, their was a cannbis parrade a while back in london and thousands of people turned up but again it led to nothing, the main problem is the street level dealers, to many young kids smoking and commiting crime to pay for drugs, so the government is against it for them reasons.

laws will change and hopefully it will happen in my life time,

@chronic, i think if you go back before the hash making pics then their might be some bud to see, i just cant remember how far back though, ill take some pics tomorrow of where my plants are now as their getting pretty frosty now and a few weeks from harvest for some, thanks for the reps and thanks for stopping by

your not wront miwa, if they can make money from it like cigs and alc then im sure it would all help, but growers who grow for themselves are not bringing the money in, they can only tax what they can sell, so in theory they would start selling it in shops and we get heavily taxed on it and buy it by the grm, but growing it ourselves means the government gets very little plus they would not be able to tax any profits growers would make, i dont sell bud so make nothing from it i grow it for my health, but how could they control it if growers was allowed to grow,
they could make us buy permits to grow but the amount of money a grower could make from selling would just be to much and out of their control so they could not tax this as such,

so i think if it was made legal here then it would be sold in dispenseries or on prescription only, they cant tax growers as such unless everything was declared but if it was sold in shops or dispenseries then they could tax and govern it, so i think if they did legalize it then they would go down that option first and hopefully that opens the door for it to be grown at home for medical use,

myargument will always be that the uk government has given permision for a company to grow many many tonnes of bud per year to produce a product that is a spray, not sure if i can name it here, so i wont, but anyway it sounds like sativa. they grow warehouses full every year and produce this spray, they then sell this spray to places like france, i dont even think the spray has been given the go ahead in this country yet but their still growing here and still selling to other countries, so id argue that if i had to.

they produce this spray that they say is identical each time its produced, so this means their growing just 1 strain all the time and producing the same amounts of bud so that they can process it and make this sativa based spray, i think its sativa based as the name sounds like sativa and not indica such as indicex,

anyways lets get back to the plants
a couple more gdp cross purple cheese auto have popped out the soil, very low germ rates with that cross, not sure why as my germ rates are usualy 90 to 100% usually i always hit 100% but i crossed a gdp male with a purple cheese auto and the seeds look perfect and a nice colour but the germ rates are below 50%, im just hoping it a good cross and the results will be worth the hard time germing, the seeds have taken over 2 weeks to grow out the soil, 2 took 3 weeks to sprout so not sure why,
hopefully ill have a male and female so i can cross them and produce a nice gdp cheese strain once ive picked pheno types,

the auto bubble fem i planted has also sprouted and is now growing, it took 2 days to sprout out the soil so that might be a good auto to produce seeds from but ill see how well it does when its growing.

ive got a huge kc45 auto male that ive been collecting pollen from so ill use that pollen on a kc45 auto female to keep that strain going and ill also use the pollen on either the auto bubble or the auto northern lights depending on how well they do,
Hey Don, I was just thinking about the GDP x Auto Cheese low germ rates. Since the ones you planted straight in dirt started to pop after 3 weeks, do you think this cross picked up one of the genes that the shell won't be viable right away? Some other types of seeds need to be refrigerated or frozen for a few days or a week before they can be germed to simulate winter passing. It was just a thought based on reading the above post and then the post you made on the KJC + WRB shared journal.

Hope the rest of your weekend has gone well :) :Namaste:
im so glad i thinned out the monster cropped plant, it just had way to many leaves and light was not penetrating into the plant, outdoors this would not be a problem or if i didnt let the plant get so big, but i did so i had to be harsh and strip it back a bit, now its flowering much quicker and the branches are now starting to grow a lot quicker, it looks like it will have a good few main cola now instead of it all staying as a big bush,
really not sure runewulf, i did use the fridge method for a couple of weeks, in fact i just took the rest of the seeds out the fridge earlier today, i keep my fridge very cold so they been sitting in their for the last 2 weeks,

ive not used the fridge method with any of the other crosses and ive not had problems with them germing, but when i plant some more ill see if the fridge method has increased the germ rate,

now with the gdp seeds i kept getting males so got the pollen from the best male, the auto purple cheese grew pretty quick with no issues, so its difficult to say where its got this low germ rate from, but the fem pollen i used is also a low germ rate and this was crossed with the same auto purple cheese, so im thinking it can only really come from the auto, so maybe their was some problems with making the auto purple cheese and this has come out in the seeds when i crossed it, but you would of thought the auto seed would of had similar low germ rates,

maybe crossing a none auto with an auto does cause problems, its the first none auto to auto cross i have done so dont know for sure if its the same method or if it can cause some problems,

all i can do is try the seeds that have been in the fridge, i dont mind if germ rates are low as i can cross a good male and female from the batch and produce more stable seeds of a certain pheno type, maybe that will bring the germ rate back up, as only around 1/4 of the seeds will turn out auto then ill cross the best female pheno type with the best male and produce regular gdp cheese seeds, but if i get lucky and have a male and female auto then ill cross them to produce an auto gdp cheese,

it will take some time to get it right so im hoping its just this first cross that the seeds dont germ, the gdp x purple auto cheese seeds look like any other seed you buy so it wasnt harvested early but even then ive got a bag of seeds that are green and they still germ ok with no low germ rate, it just seems that its this batch of seeds thats having the problems.

hopefully it will be grown out of the strain when i cross them back with each other, but will be a few months until i know this, im just hoping it was a good cross as ive not grown a female gdp so not sure what to expect the purple cheese produced really nice buds and a good strain so crossing it with the gdp might pay off as it will mean ill have a none auto with the purple cheese genes and the gdp genese,

so lets just hope that its difficult to germ because its going to be a killer strain, i know when i scuffed the seeds they turned black and was solid like small black stones, but given time they did sprout but its still a very low germ rate.
all i can do is grow it out and see how it turns out, if the results are poor then ill give the seeds away but if it produces well and gives me a nice strain to work with then ill pick the best pheno type and try and back cross it to make it a stable strain, the first cross is suppose to be stable so these seeds should produce a stable strain its when you then cross a male and female from the batch of seeds that you get many different pheno types, so thats when ill need to keep the best female in clone form and collect pollen from the best male and keep crossing it then back crossing it until im happy with the pheno types produced.

its will be a slow process and might take 6 to 12 months to perfect so im hoping this first batch of seeds produce well and is something i can work with,

ill try the seeds that have been in the fridge in a coupe of weeks as i dont have the room so when im closer to harvest ill plant some more and see what happens, i prefer to plant direct in soil as they tend to grow quicker so hopefully the fridge method has helped increase the germ rate, im sure ill find out soon enough, it just seems a very slow strain to germ,
hmmmm i have an idea about that.

i recently purchased some new smoking papers that are made entirely out of plant cellulose. i believe you could use these as a skin graft over the graft to add seal and structure.

its a bit like cellotape, but with a very slight disolvy element to its surface, a fraction like sugar paper.

usefull for more than smoking im certain of it



Aurora Indica (Nirvana Seeds) Nug and a Blueberry J.
happy munchday to all, well 2 hours and its 2 toke tuesday so rolling a fat one for midnight,

hope all is well in the 420 world, just uploading some pics, lots and lots of pics, hopefully they upload and nothing goes wrong, at least using internet explorer you can upload a whole file instead of finding each pic and uploading them 8 at a time, firefox only lets you pick 8 links to upload plus you have to add each link seperately, but internet explorer lets me pick all the pics and it uploads them all with 1 click, just hope it dont crash with the amount ive uploaded, soon know i guess
ok, time for some pics
out of all the strains ive got in flower at the minute im going to have to say the ak47 x uk cherry cheese is by far the best of the bunch yet again with the sensi star not far behind, ive not found anything yet that as in the same level as the ak47 x uk cherry cheese, hopefully one of the other strains will turn out amazing but the ak x cheese just stinks and looks so damn nice, but sensi star is not far behind looks wise, not as frosty yet though
below is the 2ltr dwc hempie, now ive been reading that trich is increased with lower humidity, but my plants are pretty frosty with quite high humidity as i dont have anything to control the humidity with, so would trich be increased more than this if i did lower the humidity or could it just depend on the strain




below is the 2ltr dwc hempie critical sensi star




below is kerala x skunk





























the leaves are a bit droopy on the plants in flower but its because i gave them all a good spray with water while they was away from the light, i like to give them a good spray so it removes any dust thats settleds on the leaves.

you can also see how small my veg cupboard is, its only used for seedlings and clones so it dont need to be big, its the right size for what i need, how ever im thinking about setting up a seperate veg room so i can veg plants in one place and flower in another so i can stagger the harvest,
thanks chronic,

im hoping the sensi star packs on some more trichs and ends up looking as nice as the ak47 x uk cherry cheese, so far ive not found anything that even comes close to that strain, at least not yet, its why ive used that strain to cross with other strains as it seems to have just 1 pheno type, each time i grow the ak x cherry cheese it gives me the same plant and same buds each time, its only a small plant this time as it was a clone but again its producing nice buds covered in trichs, so glad i managed to keep this strain in my collection,
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