Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

Welcome back GiGa, you had me worried for a while, so good to see you back,
let me know when you get a journal up and running and ill sub up to it,

a lot of the old faces are still here from before, only person who i have not been in contact with is Tesmp, not heard from him in a while, i know he was on some other site but he was arguing with someone then didnt post anymore comments, it just shows how poor these other grow sites are when all their members treat each other like crap, but this site is like 1 big family,

so welcome back my friend, its so good to hear from you,

i got a lot going on but dont worry about reading the whole journal, the last pics i posted are about where i am now, the stuff before we plants from my last harvest, i come back to the site when i settled into my new place so i was towards the end of a grow when i came back and posted this journal, so im at the start of a grow again now so dont worry about reading it from page one, just flip back a page or 2 until you see the last pics i put up and this is the new grow.

msg me when you get your journal up and running,
glad to see you still around,
reps to yo my friend, i can worry a whole lot less now,

now for my plants,
i just planted 2 new seeds, im going to try and run several grows at the same time, ill set up a decent cfl veg room in the next few days, im going to aim to have a harvest every 2 or 3 weeks, it wont be a huge harvest or high number of plants but if i can get it set up so i can harest between 2 and 4 plants every 3 weeks then that will do me,

so out of what i got growing now ill take clones off the plants i like,
ive got the purple cheese auto up the duff so thats giving me seeds, some will be fem some will be regular gdp cross so cant wait to grow them seeds out,

i just planted,
simply female dragons breath fem, its a sativa/indica cross but more sativa, looks a damn nice plant in the pics,
the other one i planted is greenhouse seeds exodus cheese, bit gutted its not the true cheese after reading about it but stilll be nice to grow,

ive just been reading about the true cheese and it sounds like its a skunk#1, the supposed cheese came from someone cloning a skunk#1 then growing that plant out and take another clone, so the grower was taking clones from grown clones, after several clones the smell and strength of the bud changed and smelled like blue cheese, so its some skunk#1 thats been cloned many times, im not to sure how it changes the plant over time but something must of changed for it to change from a skunk to an cheese smell,

ill try and find out more, i know the original cheese was clone only, but the problem is to make seeds it was crossed with a male, ive smoked plenty of cheese, the real cheese and damn does it get you pretty wasted and it stinks, but i want to grow some, ill try herbies and buy some more cheese strains now,
lmao im sick of 'real' cheese. its the only thing buyable round here for the next month and at £200 a pop its a bit stinky on the wallet too!tell you what, purple cheese would go down a storm here ;)
im eager to try these ! Herbies Auto Flowering White Label Super Skunk Automatic Feminised Seeds - Updated:11th Jul 2013 as an outdoor grow, ill be planting in about a week. outdoor grow in a veg allotment style bed that's premixed with some perlite and john innes no2 and some mycorriza and then surrounded by normal veg fleece to camouflage the visuals and they will grow along side potatoes and runnerbeans, lol.

ill get the journal up in the next day or two =)
Finally stopped in to sub. Seen you all over on here, so I figured it was the right thing to do.

Love the detailed posts you give as well. Will go back through and catch up today if my baby will nap more than an

cheers from the other side of the drink mate.
thanks everyone,

@GiGa, i cant remember the last time i actually paid for a smoke, but last time i did the cheese was like £20 for 2.7g, most of it was scrappy but it was some stinky cheese,
its a nice night time smoke, just dont want to be paying them stupid prices, the purple cheese autos stinks, but i seeded 4 of the lower buds so will have some crosses to play around with,
a few fem seeds from it then 3 of the buds have been pollenated buy ken estes gdp, so hopefully the purple from the gdp and the purple cheese auto might give me some interesting results.
i know only about 1/4 of the seeds will be auto but should get around 100 seeds so if 20 turn out auto then i got something to work with,

im pretty shocked with the kc45 auto, i grew it under 24-0 and 20-4 and got less than 1/4oz then i grew it under 12-12 from start to harvest and got around the 2oz mark, so got another 2 growing under 17-7 to see how they do, hopefully one is male and 1 fem so can get some autos seeds for future auto crosses, but im suprised with the quality of the buds, its a nice tangy smoke, considering its the cheapest auto you can buy im pretty chuffed with the results, some real nice dayime smoke, reminds me of jack flash

welcome shottafire, i know what you mean about the baby, i had 2 youngsters to bring up, i was lucky if i could find time to go the toilet let alone do anything else, by the time i got the one asleep the other would then wake up and be wide awake, when they get older its a whole lot easier, im so glad i got 2 amazing kids.
dont get me wrong, they can be a pain in the backside at times, but mine are 6 and 8, my daughter is 7 on the 22nd of this month so got a party on sunday at a wacky warehouse place for her and her school friends, so my sundays going to be fun, 25 screaming kids,

@tm420, its all good my friend.
thanks for stopping by
looking good when you get off that 17/7..whats the light schedual gonna be,,thats a good way to start a 5 gal DWC..when the roots gets that size..i go to a gallon or two...then to a 5 gal...i got 2 in gallon pots now...under 17/7..still under CFLs...the 5 clones i took off roots..probably keep them in water...sprouts seem to like that 17/7...fine with me...i'll be taking bud shots real soon..if i can get this cam working right..:goodjob:
yeah buying sucks. its such a shame that I had to abandon my kc45 grow, so many plants...had that harvest come to fruition I wouldn't have had to buy any.
Nevermind, about a month and im expecting never to have to buy again. im not going to bother running a journal for my big bad john grow as its just one seed maker plant for now, but I will keep photos of it so you can watch and see if the genetics are good enough for me to send you some seeds. who knows, maybe these claims of it being a perennial are slightly true and that would make it a wonder plant indeed.

I hope your purple cheesexgdp autos come out well and have hybrid vigour ;)
Do, don't say it enough, but thank you for your detailed explanations. Some might be over my head at this point, but they are written down to go back to. Don't stop, keep the knowledge coming!

I'd give ya reps, but it says I have to spread it around...bastards.
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

Don I'm new at this growing, and I am amazed by what you are doing. No wonder a lot of people keep telling me to READ the grow Journals. I guess I will be doing a lot of reading, I just came across a post about Tiresias ? for doing what you did, is this the silver solution?

Anyways I like your method better already. will keep following your posts. Now to get ahold of some HIGH CBD seeds and start doing my second grow. ( it sounds like i finished my first, no way just 2 weeks into my first, but will put to good use all the tips in here on the next one.
hi all, been pretty hectic this weekend so not been on here, had daughters birthday to sort out with 25 screaming kids in the wacky warehouse, so got some time to myself now so just rolling a fat one and time to relax, its 1:30am and not stopped all weekend,

@burnedout, welcome to 420 mag, you have joined the best grow site by far, no bitching in this site or slagging each other off, so your more than welcome to tag along and enjoy my journal, feel free to ask any questions, dont worry if you think their basic, the more you ask the more you learn, plus you mights ask something that someone else might find interesting, then ill do my best to answer and if i cant answer then any one of the top growers that follow my journal will jump in and answer,
so welcome to the site,
as for fem seeds i didnt do the silver solution like theresa did so cant comment on how well it works,
for cbd strains go to herbies head shop, search for cbd crewe then check out the seeds, all of them are high cbd strains, let herbie know you came on a recomendation from 420 mag and you will be well looked after, he really does do some amazing free seeds with all orders, order 1 seed get 3 free, cant get better than that anywhere else, so if you want seed check herbies, he is a sponsor on this site

@miwa, if i had the room id go with a bigger dwc grow, but i just dont have the room, so the dwc is now under 12-12, its under the hps for about 8 hours then when i go to sleep i move it into the cfl cupboard for its 12 hours of dark, then the cfls come on and its under them for 4 hours before i get up then its back under the hps,

@GiGa, its all good my friend, if you need any new strains drop me a pm, i got more than enough, i owe you one for helping me out when i got flooded, so say the word and their in the post,

welcome pierc89, good to see you floating around.
@runewulfson, did you get the letter i sent you my friend, it should be with you by now i would of though,

now for my plants,
im not sure whats going on, all my plants are growing well how can i say this, growing like weeds, crazy growth on all plants, dwc is by far the fastest growth i have seen, ive had to defol most of my plants, the top 2 sets of fan leaves where getting huge, some where twice the size of my hands, the rest of the plant was in the shade and lower branches where starting to stretch and node spacing was getting bigger so had to defol to prevent stretch on lower branches,

ive not seen growth like this in my plants before, so either i got everything else dialed in perfectly or the 17-7 is really helping these plants grow like this, some of these plants ive grown before and some in the last grow i did, yet they have much bigger leaves and much further along than previous grows, i know for a fact im using a lot more water and my dwc is using the whole 2ltr res in 24 hours, im filling it up with double strength bpn every 24 to 36 hours, i let the res empty so the roots are searching for water as they would in soil, but the roots are just a huge mass, the 2ltr res is packed full of roots now, no room what so ever, ive not had any dwc have root growth like this,

most of my plants are now showing sex, seems my own fem seeds are still on track for all been fem, they showed sex sooner and are all fem, the rest i planted where all fem seeds from herbies and some have shown sex, just waiting on the kc45 to show sex hopefully i got a male and female so i can produce some more auto seeds and i want some auto pollen for future crosses,

ken estes gdp male has given me plenty of pollen, i took it out grow room before pollen sacs opened and had it in another place on its own with just sun light on it, its gave me plenty of pollen but has now gone back into veg so using a dark cupboard to put it back into flower, i want as much pollen as i can get off the gdp seems like a good strain and genetics to work with

ill take some pics tomorrow, my plants have easily doubled in size since the last pics,
the purple cheese auto just keeps growing fatter and fatter, the buds just keep on growing, never seen this on an auto before, but the top bud keeps getting wider and wider and taller, the buds and the node below are now up level with the top bud so its going to be a decent sized bud at the top of the plant, but if the lower buds keep growing like they are then its just going to be one huge bud when its finished,

if you remember i crossed the purple auto with fem pollen, so the seeds from that are now developing, the calyx are swollen with seeds and starting to pop open and i can see the green/brown seed poking out so another week and they will be falling out the plant, the next 3 buds down are also swollen with seeds these are covered in gdp pollen, the strange thing is the whole bud was seed set, but now the bud has grown taller and taller and the seeds are now at the bottom of the bud and now their is much more seed free bud growing at the same place, so its growing well this auto, looks like i made a good move using it for breeding,

so i should have some purple cheese auto female cross with ak47 cross uk cherry cheese female pollen.
the 3 lower buds will be purple cheese auto female cross with ken estes gdp male pollen,

ive got a few crosses now and i need to start thinking of some names cuz its a pain writing down so much info on the seed pots, so i need some names for these crosses i have made.
hopefully between 1/4 and 1/5th of the seeds will turn out auto, i will grow the seeds out and i can then sort out the autos and cross a male and female auto from the seeds and that should give me auto seeds only, but im a few grows away from that yet,

so alls going good, trying to get caught up on all these journals,
thanks for the reps and spreading the reps everyone,
thanks for the info miwa, im glad its not just me getting these results, so this suggests that 17-7 is actually doing something to these plants, so maybe the old 18-6 schedule is the best schedule to be using, i mean all growers know that everyone says 18-6, before all these grow sites and grow books it was always 18-6, i guess growers kept upping the light schedule and noticed the plants kept growing, but it does seem strange that 17-7 is giving these results,

all my leaves got really huge on my soil plants so had to cut some fan leaves off to get light to the nodes below, ive never used 18-6 in the past ive tried glr for a short period and that worked well, then it was always 20-4 and 24-0, but after speaking with jandre i decided to try something different and went with 17-7, im just amazed by the root growth, ive had to flip the dwc to 12-12 to flower it because its just so damn huge compared to other dwc grows, even when i harvested my other 2ltr dwc's they didnt have this much root mass, the roots seem really healthy as well, i might need to change the res to something slightly bigger the further i get into flower,

i just wish i knew why 17-7 is giving the growth it is and the root growth it is, also why can i give this plant double dose of bpn 3part plus bloom booster when the exact same strain before could not take bpn at these doses, i could possibly push it higher but the plant is doing that well that i dont want to cause any issues, so ill keep it double dose and see what happens, but so far im shocked at how well its doing, i always try and push the dwc plants as its easier to control the amount of nutrients, in soil you water with nutrients and you have to wait a while before finding out whats working and whats not, then if you up the dose to much in soil its harder to correct and stunts growth longer, but dwcs i can up the dose and check the plant in a few hours and if its showing signs of to much N or nutes then i just tip some out and water it down, but this time round of slowly upped the dose like i always do and this dwc has not showed any signs of stress, it just keeps taking in as much as i give it, i know their will be an upper limit but so far its doing well.

my soil plant of the same strain is just about on full strength, i had a slight amount of nute burn on a top leaf when i went from veg 2 to crazy growth on bpn feed guide so backed it down with the next feed, but the soil plants are not able to take as much bpn as the dwc plant,

its strange i know but its only since using 17-7 that ive got these huge fan leaves and huge root mass, but im thinking that the more roots the plant has the more water and nutrients it can take, the more roots it has the quicker the plant grows, usually my dwc stays in veg as long as my soil plants, but this time round i cant let it go that long, it would take up to much space and id need a bigger res, looks like i might need a bigger res anyway, so ive had to flip to to flower before i run out of room
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