Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

Hey Don... yes, the letter arrived today all intact... I am grinnin me... I can't wait to see the next pics with all this talk of craaaaaazy growth, my friend.

A question for you (and Miwa if he's tried it), have you tried to root a clone taken during flower in the 17/7 schedule? I cranked my normal GLR to 20/4 for the cuttings I took from the flowering plants because most of what I've seen says 20/4 or 24/0 to make them root AND reveg.

Gods above and below, all those kids at once... you really needed that smoke, eh? Glad your daughter had a good birthday, my friend.
i had a go at making some fem seeds and so far it turned out ok and all plants turned out fem with no hermie traits, i read an interesting way of making fem seeds without using that silver solution, i was speaking with someone who used this method below,
1 when plant has flowered leave a few buds on the plant and keep it under 12-12 so it goes past the harvest date by a couple of weeks, the plant then starts growing little bananas, when these are opening i collected them in a small paper bag and left them to dry so i could collect the pollen,
2, i then put this pollen on 3 plants, i did not cover the plant in pollen i selected several buds on 3 of my best fem plants, i put pollen on these bud sites and harvested the seeds, so far all seeds have turned out fem and the buds look amazing, i got 3 plants from these seeds that are coming up to harvest, no hermie traits in none of them, i was told using hermie pollen would give me hermie seeds, but letting the plants go past harvest resulted in these banana type pollen sacs instead of the usual male pollen sacs, so buy using the pollen from these it has given me fem seeds, well so far all have been fem but only time will tell,

Great info that I had been looking for.

Thanks for sharing this.

PS: I quoted you in my bananas link :)
I have a question... is this a closed banana? Is this similar to the ones you would collect... then dry and (they open up when they dry out??) collect the pollen from?

@runewulfsong, glad the letter arrived my friend, should keep you busy for a while,
with the clones id use 20-4 or even 24-0 until rooted then go back to what schedule i was using, once ive finished crossing autos ill use glr and i wouldnt root clones under glr, it might work but i always start clones under 20-4 you can use 24-0 for clones but they tend to fade pretty quick and suffer if they take to long to root, at night these plants grow roots, so it makes sense to give clones some dark period so the plant uses its stored energy to grow healthy root mass

cool scarfingger its all good, if i pass on info that helps others then im only returning all the help i got given, a couple of years ago i knew nothing about growing, its ok following advice but the best method is giving things a try yourself, some strains respond better to different setups and styles of grow so you cant always take what you read as the best idea, i have found some things i have tried myself work better when i tweak things a little,

experimenting is the only way to find out what works and what dont, its why im messing around with autos now, i want a good yielding auto thats a nice smoke

yep, that banana is the female pollen inside, now i waited till i seen them start to open before harvesting the plant, its difficult because they dont relase much pollen, but the way i did it was leave them on the plant and when they open hold a tub underneath and give the stem a tap and the pollen falls into the tub, i have tried using the harvest method but i think i harvested to early and the bananas didnt open,

so id either wait till you see one or more open before harvest or if you have the space collect the pollen while it still in flower, make sure you check all the nodes and if you look under some of the buds, lke where the bud is attached to the stem you will find more pollen sacs their, i find that most pollen sacs tend to be around the smaller pop corn buds, i guess their younger and got more chance of producing seeds,

just keep an eye on it, you dont get much pollen from one banana but its fem pollen, if you do harvest before they open then id wait till at least 1 is open then harvest, then let the bananas dry out on the bud, dont shake the buds or anything once hung, then when dry you will find open pollen sacs, these will be releasing pollen when you touch them, i have took bananas off and let them dry and then broke them open and get pollen from them that way, but it all depends how old they are.

but yes that banana is the fem pollen, thats exactly what i used, i seen them on some of my buds then i checked the rest of the plant and seen some had all ready opened, then i just placed some black shiny paper under the pollen sac or a plastic tub and then tap the branch and collect the pollen, then use a small brush or que tip to put pullon on some pistils, then a couple of weeks later you will have fem seeds,

its ok jimmy, he is after fem pollen for some femenised seeds,
its all good, its a method i use to produce fem seeds, works well so far all my seeds have been fem when i used this fem pollen
@jimmy, i dont have the true cheese strain my friend,

ill tell you what i got,
i got growing exodus cheese which i will either use fem pollen on or self polinate to produce fem exodus cheese seeds.

the seeds i have got that contain cheese strain are
ak47 cross uk cherry cheese, plus a few others that i crossed,
i got a pack of 10 ak47 cross uk cherry cheese for a seed breeder, he sent me them to test the strain and give feedback on how it grows and end results, im really impressed with the growth and end results, so sent review and heard nothing back, then when i was down to my last 2 seeds i searched the net for the same strain, i cant find it anywhere,

it might be called something else and have its own name, but its a really nice strain but i could not find it anywhere so could not buy seeds, luckily my last 2 seeds turned out to be 1male and 1 fem, so i crossed them to produce more ak47 cross uk cherry cheese seeds, so luckily i got a few of that strain,

i even got many seeds from crosses that i have not had chance to grow yet, all the crosses where done with the best female and best male i grew i kept cloning the best fem from each grow and in the end i would end up with a good solid fem clone, then id collect pollen from either a male plant that grew well or id grow fem pollen from a strong fem plant and cross that,

but i got many regular seeds ive not had the chance to grow yet, so cant comment on the results, they could be some top shelf bud or some really poor bud, but with good parents i should get decent results, when i get chance to grow them out ill know more
if anyone does have the true uk cheese strain in seed then drop me a pm,
im more than happy to let others sample my seeds, but we cant discuss that here,

what i dont get is why breeders charge so much for seeds, when you cross a plant you end up with lots of seeds, so why does one strain cost £1 then some others cost £50 per seeds, surely once the strain is stable the seeds should all cost the same, i know for a fact if the £50 seeds where in line with other seed prices then id be giving them a try but at £50 per seed i wont be trying them at all, but if people are gullable enough to pay them prices then they will keep charging it,

if i made a pair of jeans and advertised them at £1000 then im pretty sure at some point someone will think they must be the most amazing pair of jeans ever made, so if people pay the prices then they will keep charging them,

ive found the cheap strains just as good as the expensive strains, ive had stronger bud from some cheaper strains than more expensive strains, i just dont get how they can charge so much
if anyone does have the true uk cheese strain in seed then drop me a pm,
im more than happy to let others sample my seeds, but we cant discuss that here,

what i dont get is why breeders charge so much for seeds, when you cross a plant you end up with lots of seeds, so why does one strain cost £1 then some others cost £50 per seeds, surely once the strain is stable the seeds should all cost the same, i know for a fact if the £50 seeds where in line with other seed prices then id be giving them a try but at £50 per seed i wont be trying them at all, but if people are gullable enough to pay them prices then they will keep charging it,

if i made a pair of jeans and advertised them at £1000 then im pretty sure at some point someone will think they must be the most amazing pair of jeans ever made, so if people pay the prices then they will keep charging them,

ive found the cheap strains just as good as the expensive strains, ive had stronger bud from some cheaper strains than more expensive strains, i just dont get how they can charge so much

Agreed its robbery
Heya Don, I ordered those Auto Kandy Kush on special from Herbie's. Since you are the one who kept talking about their wonderful service, I made sure that Herbie knew it was your promoting them as a solid company that convinced me. I don't know if Herbie runs any kind of referral thing, but if so, you just got my vote with him.

Kids are in towels on top of my old, hacked AppleTV (running linux and XBMC, lol) and I have some rapid rooters presoaking in 1/4 strength, PH'd water waiting ;) I'm excited, needless to say... can't wait to order the tent and light tomorrow, woo hoo, lol.
if anyone does have the true uk cheese strain in seed then drop me a pm,
im more than happy to let others sample my seeds, but we cant discuss that here,

what i dont get is why breeders charge so much for seeds, when you cross a plant you end up with lots of seeds, so why does one strain cost £1 then some others cost £50 per seeds, surely once the strain is stable the seeds should all cost the same, i know for a fact if the £50 seeds where in line with other seed prices then id be giving them a try but at £50 per seed i wont be trying them at all, but if people are gullable enough to pay them prices then they will keep charging it,

if i made a pair of jeans and advertised them at £1000 then im pretty sure at some point someone will think they must be the most amazing pair of jeans ever made, so if people pay the prices then they will keep charging them,

ive found the cheap strains just as good as the expensive strains, ive had stronger bud from some cheaper strains than more expensive strains, i just dont get how they can charge so much

Hey DP, might make another attempt next month from overseas, so I will let you know. The reason they charge so much, is simple economics, we are still buying at that price. If they got zero sales at that markup, you be damn sure they would come down.
your not wrong their shottafire,

exactly my point DharmaBud, the thing is they put a high price on knowing that growers will think their the best seeds money can buy, so the growers who can afford to buy these seeds will buy them just because they think their a high price because of the end results, but its just crazy high £50 per seed, think it works out to about $75 to $85 per seed or their abouts, i know i could not spend that much money on one seed, it just seems to high for me, fair enough if seeds cost on average from £5 to £20 per seed then i ould justify buying a couple but the high price they are selling for now is just to much of a risk,

if i did order one id want a free gift, id want some free nutes, id want someone to come and grow it for me, lol.

yep the pics look great for a £50 seed but its no different to a seed that costs £5 per seed, also a lot of strains are not 100% stable, for instance subcools strains produce a couple of pheno types, so you could have 2 plants that come from a supposedly stable seeds yet both grow different and buds are different, so clearly their is always the risk that the end results are not anywhere near to how the pic looks.

i mean just look at how cheap these kc45 autos are, 10 seeds for £10, cant get much cheaper than that, their regular so perfect for crossing, but i was pretty disapointed with the first few i grew, but i grew them under 20-4 and 24-0 and i got about 1/4oz dry after harvest, so then i decided to see exactly what would happen if the auto was grown 12-12, then i changed my mind about the strain, it grew like crazy, instead of been 1ft at harvest it ended up 3 ft and it was 12-12 from start to finish, the taste and smell is really tangy type cat piss pheno type, really impressed with the results from this last time i grew it, so now i got another 3 growing, 1 i planted today to replace the purple cheese auto thats getting close to harvest and the other 2 i planted about 2 weeks ago and are now in veg,

under 20-4 they would be showing sex around week 2 of growth, but both are not showing sex, 1 is much taller than the other so im thinking that its a male, if it is ill collect as much pollen as possible and use it for future crosses, im trying to work out what these autos benefit from, what schedule works best,

i know this is strain dependent and some wont do well under certain condition, but i think these autos flower and are ready for harvest due to the amount of total light they receive in hours, plus we know these plants grow in the dark, roots grow in the dark, any damage is repaired during the dark period and the plant also stretches during the dark period so it can find the light again, this is exactly why plants stretch when we flip them 12-12. its the same thing when a plant is in the shade, they stretch to get back into the light.

so im thinking that the autos flower due to age in light hours and not age in days, so under 24-0 they mature quicker and reach harvest sooner but have a shorter grow time so yield is smaller, under 12-12 they take twice as long to reach the same age in light hours so this allows for more growth,

i think 24-0 and 20-4 make the plant reach harvest quicker as its getting as much light as possible, this is ok if your doing a sog with autos but for the general grower who grows them between harvest then this becomes a problem, so ill keep testing whats best and see what schedule actually works best, im under 17-7 at the minute, plus the more roots a plant gets the more nutrient it can take in and the faster the plant will grow, so maybe this is why the kc45 finished 2ft taller under 12-12 then it did under 20-4 and 24-0, plus the yield was just over 2oz under 12-12 and i had 4 buds 1ft in length, under 24-0 and 20-4 i was lucky to get a bud that was bigger than 2 inches in length

so their is plenty of tests to carry out, ill try other auto strains as well and see what i can work with.

i just checked the purple cheese auto and the buds that i put pollen on, the calyx are huge on the seeded buds, the seeds are getting that big that the calyx is splitting and i can see the green seed under neath,

so cant wait to get the seeds from this, 1 bud is producing fem seeds, then 3 lower buds are producing regular seeds crossed with ken estes gdp,

my plan now is to grow the seeds out as and when i can, then i can find which are autos as im told between 5th and 1/4 will turn out auto seeds, so ill start with the purple cheese auto cross with ken estes gdp male and grow out some of the seeds, then i can pick out the autos and hopefully ill have a male and female from the batch of seeds as i should easily have 100 plus seeds, so if i get a male ill collect every last bit of pollen from it and store it until i find a female from the same batch then i can cross these together and that should give me a
purple cheese cross gdp autos regulars, i wont use the plant for smoking ill put them both in seperate room and let them grow next to each other with fans blowing so it gets covered in pollen or ill use the pollen i collected to put on the pistils then that will give me all auto seeds of that new strain,

now with the fem seeds i wont get a male auto as they will all be fem, hopefully ill get a fem auto and what ill do is use some pollen from the gdp auto male to produce purple cheese auto cross with ak47 x u cherry cheese fem and use the pollen from the gdp to produce some auto seeds,

then what ill do with the rest of the plant is let it flower to long and get as much fem pollen as possible, then i can cross that with itself or an auto seed from that batch,

so ill need name sfor the following new strains
what i got growing now is
purple cheese auto fem cross with ak47 x cherry cheese fem pollen
purple cheese auto fem cross with ken estes gdp male pollen,

once i grew them out and found some autos ill have the following
purple cheese auto x gdp crossed with itself to produce auto seeds,
purple cheese auto cross with ak47 cross uk cherry cheese cross with fem pollen of same strain, this will give me fem autos
purple cheese auto cross with ak47 cross uk cherry cheese cross with gdp auto, again will give me auto seeds

then i need names for the regular seeds that dont turn out auto,
so that would be purple cheese cross ken estes gdp male pollen
purple cheese cross ak47 cross uk cherry cheese femenised,

bit confusing i know but im hoping the gdp genes and purple cheese genes will help produce a nice purple strain,

its will take a while for me to grow these out and pick the best of the best to cross with each other so i can produce more seeds of each strain.

@runewulfsong, thanks for dropping my name, herbie dont run any referals but he knows i promote his company loads on here so he knows we are from the same site and know each other so dropping my name will just let him know we are promoting his company due to the top service we all get, i guarantee you will be more than happy with what you get, when i first started growing i was just buying 1 or 2 seeds and herbie always sent 3 free seeds, once i made more orders i got the odd extra seed or plant markers, tins of promotional mints etc etc so as you dropped my name he will know its because i been promoting his business and you will be well looked after,

i few growers dropped my name because i told them how good the service was at herbies so the more of us that mention this site and growers names then it just lets herbie know its well worth him been a sponsor here as we are promoting his business due to the top service we always get,

so i dont gain anything from buyers dropping my name, it just promotes this site more and herbie can see that its a good comunity and we all know each other, it just lets him know that he is doing the right thing by been a sponsor on the site,

if you ever have any problems just drop herbie a msg, due to where i live i cant discuss germination problems so i have to word my msgs carefuly but herbie has always replaced any problem seeds, ive ordered a lot now and i get the odd extra free seed or if a seed breeder makes a new strain and herbie will then put one of these extra seeds in with the next order, so its all good, i cant fault the service, its next day delivery for me, but will be slightly longer for you, i guarantee you will be more than happy and ive only ever had 2 problems, each time herbie put 2 extra free seeds in with my next order to replace the problem seed i had,

its all good at herbies. thanks for checking him and dropping my name, im sure you will promote his company also once you see the type of service you get,
your not wrong their shottafire,

exactly my point DharmaBud, the thing is they put a high price on knowing that growers will think their the best seeds money can buy, so the growers who can afford to buy these seeds will buy them just because they think their a high price because of the end results, but its just crazy high £50 per seed, think it works out to about $75 to $85 per seed or their abouts, i know i could not spend that much money on one seed, it just seems to high for me, fair enough if seeds cost on average from £5 to £20 per seed then i ould justify buying a couple but the high price they are selling for now is just to much of a risk,

if i did order one id want a free gift, id want some free nutes, id want someone to come and grow it for me, lol.

yep the pics look great for a £50 seed but its no different to a seed that costs £5 per seed, also a lot of strains are not 100% stable, for instance subcools strains produce a couple of pheno types, so you could have 2 plants that come from a supposedly stable seeds yet both grow different and buds are different, so clearly their is always the risk that the end results are not anywhere near to how the pic looks.

i mean just look at how cheap these kc45 autos are, 10 seeds for £10, cant get much cheaper than that, their regular so perfect for crossing, but i was pretty disapointed with the first few i grew, but i grew them under 20-4 and 24-0 and i got about 1/4oz dry after harvest, so then i decided to see exactly what would happen if the auto was grown 12-12, then i changed my mind about the strain, it grew like crazy, instead of been 1ft at harvest it ended up 3 ft and it was 12-12 from start to finish, the taste and smell is really tangy type cat piss pheno type, really impressed with the results from this last time i grew it, so now i got another 3 growing, 1 i planted today to replace the purple cheese auto thats getting close to harvest and the other 2 i planted about 2 weeks ago and are now in veg,

under 20-4 they would be showing sex around week 2 of growth, but both are not showing sex, 1 is much taller than the other so im thinking that its a male, if it is ill collect as much pollen as possible and use it for future crosses, im trying to work out what these autos benefit from, what schedule works best,

i know this is strain dependent and some wont do well under certain condition, but i think these autos flower and are ready for harvest due to the amount of total light they receive in hours, plus we know these plants grow in the dark, roots grow in the dark, any damage is repaired during the dark period and the plant also stretches during the dark period so it can find the light again, this is exactly why plants stretch when we flip them 12-12. its the same thing when a plant is in the shade, they stretch to get back into the light.

so im thinking that the autos flower due to age in light hours and not age in days, so under 24-0 they mature quicker and reach harvest sooner but have a shorter grow time so yield is smaller, under 12-12 they take twice as long to reach the same age in light hours so this allows for more growth,

i think 24-0 and 20-4 make the plant reach harvest quicker as its getting as much light as possible, this is ok if your doing a sog with autos but for the general grower who grows them between harvest then this becomes a problem, so ill keep testing whats best and see what schedule actually works best, im under 17-7 at the minute, plus the more roots a plant gets the more nutrient it can take in and the faster the plant will grow, so maybe this is why the kc45 finished 2ft taller under 12-12 then it did under 20-4 and 24-0, plus the yield was just over 2oz under 12-12 and i had 4 buds 1ft in length, under 24-0 and 20-4 i was lucky to get a bud that was bigger than 2 inches in length

so their is plenty of tests to carry out, ill try other auto strains as well and see what i can work with.

i just checked the purple cheese auto and the buds that i put pollen on, the calyx are huge on the seeded buds, the seeds are getting that big that the calyx is splitting and i can see the green seed under neath,

so cant wait to get the seeds from this, 1 bud is producing fem seeds, then 3 lower buds are producing regular seeds crossed with ken estes gdp,

my plan now is to grow the seeds out as and when i can, then i can find which are autos as im told between 5th and 1/4 will turn out auto seeds, so ill start with the purple cheese auto cross with ken estes gdp male and grow out some of the seeds, then i can pick out the autos and hopefully ill have a male and female from the batch of seeds as i should easily have 100 plus seeds, so if i get a male ill collect every last bit of pollen from it and store it until i find a female from the same batch then i can cross these together and that should give me a
purple cheese cross gdp autos regulars, i wont use the plant for smoking ill put them both in seperate room and let them grow next to each other with fans blowing so it gets covered in pollen or ill use the pollen i collected to put on the pistils then that will give me all auto seeds of that new strain,

now with the fem seeds i wont get a male auto as they will all be fem, hopefully ill get a fem auto and what ill do is use some pollen from the gdp auto male to produce purple cheese auto cross with ak47 x u cherry cheese fem and use the pollen from the gdp to produce some auto seeds,

then what ill do with the rest of the plant is let it flower to long and get as much fem pollen as possible, then i can cross that with itself or an auto seed from that batch,

so ill need name sfor the following new strains
what i got growing now is
purple cheese auto fem cross with ak47 x cherry cheese fem pollen
purple cheese auto fem cross with ken estes gdp male pollen,

once i grew them out and found some autos ill have the following
purple cheese auto x gdp crossed with itself to produce auto seeds,
purple cheese auto cross with ak47 cross uk cherry cheese cross with fem pollen of same strain, this will give me fem autos
purple cheese auto cross with ak47 cross uk cherry cheese cross with gdp auto, again will give me auto seeds

then i need names for the regular seeds that dont turn out auto,
so that would be purple cheese cross ken estes gdp male pollen
purple cheese cross ak47 cross uk cherry cheese femenised,

bit confusing i know but im hoping the gdp genes and purple cheese genes will help produce a nice purple strain,

its will take a while for me to grow these out and pick the best of the best to cross with each other so i can produce more seeds of each strain.

@runewulfsong, thanks for dropping my name, herbie dont run any referals but he knows i promote his company loads on here so he knows we are from the same site and know each other so dropping my name will just let him know we are promoting his company due to the top service we all get, i guarantee you will be more than happy with what you get, when i first started growing i was just buying 1 or 2 seeds and herbie always sent 3 free seeds, once i made more orders i got the odd extra seed or plant markers, tins of promotional mints etc etc so as you dropped my name he will know its because i been promoting his business and you will be well looked after,

i few growers dropped my name because i told them how good the service was at herbies so the more of us that mention this site and growers names then it just lets herbie know its well worth him been a sponsor here as we are promoting his business due to the top service we always get,

so i dont gain anything from buyers dropping my name, it just promotes this site more and herbie can see that its a good comunity and we all know each other, it just lets him know that he is doing the right thing by been a sponsor on the site,

if you ever have any problems just drop herbie a msg, due to where i live i cant discuss germination problems so i have to word my msgs carefuly but herbie has always replaced any problem seeds, ive ordered a lot now and i get the odd extra free seed or if a seed breeder makes a new strain and herbie will then put one of these extra seeds in with the next order, so its all good, i cant fault the service, its next day delivery for me, but will be slightly longer for you, i guarantee you will be more than happy and ive only ever had 2 problems, each time herbie put 2 extra free seeds in with my next order to replace the problem seed i had,

its all good at herbies. thanks for checking him and dropping my name, im sure you will promote his company also once you see the type of service you get,

So the best for my white widow auto is 12/12 at this point? I know I asked this question before, and someone answered it, if I grow my NL #5 x Haze along side, isn't the veg time longer for this one? How can I grow them together without going to flower too early for the NL?

If you are close to Herbies, maybe you could whisper in their ear about taking paypal. My bank blocks all UK transactions, the only way I got them was finding a sponsor on here that takes paypal. He would get more business from me that's for sure.

You are right about the cost, I spent 57 GBP $86USD for 4 seeds, granted most of them were from Sensi, I don't know enough about other vendors, but I do know they are well reputed.
I'm sure I'll be happy with Herbie's. Everything I've seen re: his place, and not just from you, has been positive.. which is what I wanted. I was going to order some seeds I wanted from seeds4free, but their server "is unable to take credit cards from the united states" and I'm not cool with doing a bank transfer, especially with the extra costs that brings from my bank.

Hey Dharma, apply for the Paypal debit card, it's free with your account. I just used mine when I placed the order and had no problems. I got my paypal debit receipt email and my confirmation's from Herbie's. I use that card for most online purchases or anything I want less ... auditable and have for years. That card makes Paypal so much more useful.
I'm sure I'll be happy with Herbie's. Everything I've seen re: his place, and not just from you, has been positive.. which is what I wanted. I was going to order some seeds I wanted from seeds4free, but their server "is unable to take credit cards from the united states" and I'm not cool with doing a bank transfer, especially with the extra costs that brings from my bank.

Hey Dharma, apply for the Paypal debit card, it's free with your account. I just used mine when I placed the order and had no problems. I got my paypal debit receipt email and my confirmation's from Herbie's. I use that card for most online purchases or anything I want less ... auditable and have for years. That card makes Paypal so much more useful.

Rune, with my divorce came awful credit. I was in Iraq and could do nothing about it, wife left and debts went unpaid for 2 years. They won't take me.
That sucks Dharma... though I know the feeling all too well... was just getting mine fixed due to an ex when I became disabled... I'd be scared to see what my score is now, but they did give me another card last year, but I only use the Debit, I didn't apply for their credit card. I'd try a prepaid credit card from walmart or one of the "cash your check here" type places in that case.
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