Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

:party:Granddaddy purple cherry cheese 47 or The Don. I like The Don.:thumb:

Today is a proud day for me. I grew a Barney's Farm Blue Mammoth auto and the info said 15-20 grams per plant outdoor.I weighed my yield today and I got 47g dry. I've never had more than double expected yield from a plant. I've also got a Chaze auto nearing harvest that's so big my best bud called me a liar when I told him it was an auto. I'm expecting 6 or 7 ounces off it. For me, autos really seem to thrive in the great outdoors.

Seems you're really bumbing along these days Don. I'm so proud of and impressed bywhat you're achieving, but I just wish teSmp was around to see it. I got him to reply to a PM the other day, maybe you ought to drop him a line to tell him about all your breeding and other successes. :bravo::lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke:

My outdoor crop this year is all Power Skunk. I chose it because it has a tendency to grow very bushy instead of verticle. The mom is mid flower indoors and the clones are all starting to flower outdoors. The sun is so awesome. The clones are all bigger than momma under her 400w hps.:party:

Keep up the awesome work bro!:cheer:
the problem with most breeders and seed banks is that they would use paypal if they could, for some reason paypal will not allow their funds even though their really our funds to be used for cannabis seeds or cannabis related items, some places get round this by charging for something other than seeds, ive all ready had this discussion with seed supplies in the past, its not them that dont want to use paypal its paypal wont let them, some did use paypal but if a customer complained through paypal to get refund then paypal found out exactly what the funds where used for so most are not using paypal just because of paypal not allowing it.

im not sure why herbies wont accept other bank cards, not sure whats going on their, i would of thought most cards could be used to buy anything, i only found paypal to be an issue, i can drop herbie a pm and check what payment methods can be used, i know their are many US customers that use herbies,

so to round it all up, the problem with paypal is paypal, for some reason they wont let us spend our own money buying things we want, but i think the problem is they dont want to get involved in the transaction when its to states or countries that cannabis is illegal, i think that was the main issue with paypal they could not govern who could use cannabis and who couldnt, my argument was seeds are not illegal in most countries,

just uploading some pics

with the autos im not saying 12-12 is best, im just saying 12-12 was best for me and the kc45 strain, im guessing 20-4 and 24-0 are not the best due to the plant maturing to early and having a poor yield, under 20-4 and 24-0 i was getting around 1/4oz per auto, under 12-12 and with the same strain i got just over 2oz with 4 x 1ft buds, so the kc45 auto did much better under 12-12, now would it of done even better under say 17-7 or 16-8 or even 15-9, its all strain dependent and ive not had chance to do much testing,

but id give an auto some dark period, id say anything more than 20-4, 18-6 might be ideal, i just dont know until i work with more auto strains and test more schedule, but it looks like the night period plays a big roll in these plants, im thinking they flower due to age in light hours and not days,

so under 24-0 its getting 24 hours of light per day,
under 12-12 its getting 12 hours of light per day,
i think the 24 hours of light makes the plant mature quicker due to getting more light hours over 24 where as under 12-12 the plant took longer to flower and longer to harvest by about 3 to 4 weeks but yield was well worth it,

so just go with what you thinks best but think how they grow outdoors, they will be getting a good amount of dark period outdoors, so id give them a good dark period of between 5 and 10 hours of dark, thats what im going with now, im under 17-7 with the same strain, ill know more once i tested more.

@pierce, very nice mate, autos do really well outdoors, i seen a few now what would you say the light schedule was outdoors, what kind of day and night hours did it get throughout the grow,
i found teSmp on another site but he was arguing with someone and stopped posting, i did search the net from him but did not find him on any other sites, not sure why he left this one,
ill try dropping him a pm, see what he is up to,
feel free to post pics on here mate, i dont mind, be nice to see that auto,

ill pm teSmp and see if i can get hold of him, i did try and found him on another grow site but he hadnt posted for a while due to some idiot, but the other sites are full of them so i dont blame him at all, plus i only got him to thank for everything i have grown, he really hooked me up from day1
just waiting for pics to upload,

if i knew the summer here was going to be like this then id of planted a few outdoors, summer came late but we got a heat wave now, many sever heat warnings across the UK, telling people to check on the elderly, its been many many years since we had summer like this,
every day its been 29 to 30deg c, to hot for me, to hot for the dog, to hot for my plants,
my 2ltr dwc is drinking over 2ltrs of fluid a day,

i think the fans are drawing moisture out the leaves and the plants just taking in more and more, im going to be out of bloom nutes after this grow so i need to either go with the super soil or order me some more bpn, i got plenty of the grow and micro left and bloom booster, im just low on the bloom feed.
the news says level 3 heat warning, 1 postman died of heat exhaustion, why cant they just say its damn hot instead of saying we are now at level 3, level 4 is classed as national emergency,

possible hose pipe bans in the near future, been told not to waste water, im ok i only drink pepsi, i dont need hose pipe to water my plants, i can use a jug



below is kc45 grown again under 12-12

below is a small experiment

below is the 2ltr dwc hempie



below is a critical sensi star seedlings

below is clones from my own fem strain



now below we got the purple cheese auto, pics are of the plant and buds and if my camera got close enough then you might just see some seeds forming in the lower buds


spot the seed popping out its shell




below is jack flash fem seedling

below is a baby kc45 auto,

below is more of the above plus a few i did not take pics of as my bat went flat on my camera,
hey brother =)
caught up on the last few days...damn how time flies so fast!

happy birthday to your daughter ;)

kc45 are meant to be a super auto, a lot of super autos almost have a veg period if kept on more than 18 hours of light. when i was growing kc45s i waited weeks for them to flower before trying to drop the light to 12/12 and then they burst into flower. the sweet spot is in there some where between 13 and 17 hours ;)

im smoking pure cheese at the moment and quite a few ounces are going through my hands, if i find a seed i shall send it to you for seed production, i dont have the facilities and im not growing regs atm.

i also treat myself to a single doggies nuts big bad john. ill crack it soon and let it go full term. its effectively an auto that always selfs itself if left too long to flower and has some great stats including a rather tall claim of it being a perrenial.

anyways point being if this is as good as i hope ill send you a bag of them so you have some superior auto/selfing genes to add to your archive =)

im currently growing barneys sweet tooth and il diavolo. and i have more il diavolo and super skunk on standby.

i do have a couple of fem critical sensi star seeds if you want them, i have no use at the moment.

genetics wise im looking for mass production, fast flowering autos with a great yield decent strength and preferably a small odour, not too fussy about looks or taste, i just want something cheap and cheerful i can pump out to the masses lol. more interested in being able to drop the average price per gram in this country than i am about winning any cups, i can improve quality later when they lose the war on weed ;)
@jimmy, i dont have the true cheese strain my friend,

ill tell you what i got,
i got growing exodus cheese which i will either use fem pollen on or self polinate to produce fem exodus cheese seeds.

the seeds i have got that contain cheese strain are
ak47 cross uk cherry cheese, plus a few others that i crossed,
i got a pack of 10 ak47 cross uk cherry cheese for a seed breeder, he sent me them to test the strain and give feedback on how it grows and end results, im really impressed with the growth and end results, so sent review and heard nothing back, then when i was down to my last 2 seeds i searched the net for the same strain, i cant find it anywhere,

it might be called something else and have its own name, but its a really nice strain but i could not find it anywhere so could not buy seeds, luckily my last 2 seeds turned out to be 1male and 1 fem, so i crossed them to produce more ak47 cross uk cherry cheese seeds, so luckily i got a few of that strain,

i even got many seeds from crosses that i have not had chance to grow yet, all the crosses where done with the best female and best male i grew i kept cloning the best fem from each grow and in the end i would end up with a good solid fem clone, then id collect pollen from either a male plant that grew well or id grow fem pollen from a strong fem plant and cross that,

but i got many regular seeds ive not had the chance to grow yet, so cant comment on the results, they could be some top shelf bud or some really poor bud, but with good parents i should get decent results, when i get chance to grow them out ill know more

Well feel free to hook a brother up. Id like to give the cheese a try next year.

Atm my two fav strains growing wise and quality wise are Chemdawg D and Purple Kush. Easy grow, good growth high THC content :).
Hi GiGa, good to hear from you, i got some sensi star growing, i got another couple in my seed collection so i got enough of them for now,
id love some cheese seeds, im trying to get the true cheese strain so i can produce cheese seeds and also use it for future breeding, but producing many cheese seeds would be my first option.

that doggies sounds interesting, their some expensive seeds though them doggies, a female plant will always self pollinate if left late in flower, its how ive been making my own fem seeds, you let it flower a few weeks longer and it grows bananas, then collect the pollen from this and use it on other plants and it produces fem seeds, its what ive been doing a few weeks back and got some fem seeds for future grows,

i wasnt sure if autos did the same so will be interesting to see your results and see if an auto will actually self polinate,
the purple cheese auto i got nearly ready for harvest will produce some intersting seeds, out of the seeds ill grow them out and which ever turn auto ill cross with each other to produce an auto strain and try and work with that and the kc45 auto to try and produce a big yielding auto,

i agree with the light schedule you mention also, under 12-12 the kc45 produced 2oz, under 24-0 and 20-4 it produced around 1/4oz, so their must be a sweet spot somewhere for these autos or at least for the kc45 strain,

@jimmy, ill pm you my friend,
looking good bro, i just bought some more seeds lol, told herbies about my non starting pineapple chunk seeds and they gave me a few extra to compensate for my loss, still a bit gutted tho only 1 outta 5 popped so needto get some others popped and started
what breeder was the seeds from, i know herbies will sort it out if their are any issues, he has always replaced my seeds but ive only had 2 that i had issues with, 1 was suppose to be fem and it turned out male which we know does happen as we are buying femenised seeds and not female seeds, so their is always the risk you will get the odd male, i told herbies incase others had the same problem and he said i was the only one that said anything so he replaced that 1 seed with 2 fem of the same strain,

the other was some blueberry a while back that many growers where having problems with, they bought theirs from other seed banks but all was from the same breeder, i contacted herbie and he pulled them from sale and replaced the seed, everyone was having deformed plants and plants not living more than a couple of weeks, its in my other journal but i told herbie and he pulled the seeds and replaced with another seed of similar type but from a different breeder.

how did you germ your seeds, ive always had 100% success with herbies seeds, the only time i had an issue is when i used paper towel method and the paper towel was to wet, the seed popped and rotted, the other issue was when i dug down in the soil to check it had sprouted and it had but then it died due to me messing around with it, so now i plant them between 3 and 5ml below soil level with the pointy part of the seed faicing down and the flat end facing up, they always seem to sprout quicker when planted direct,

sounds like it was a bad batch of seeds then or maybe the plant was harvested before the seeds where fully developed, herbies is a seed bank so he dont actually make his own seeds so he relise on the breeders to get it right, so it can go wrong from time to time but herbie always sorts it out, he wants the custom and will do what he can to right what ever is wrong
it was my barneys farm pinapple chunk, only 1 outta 5 popped all the others i did popped within 48 hours, not really happy about it tbh they replaced the four seeds with royal queen skunk#1 which i spent another 50 quid on just to recieve these seeds as a freebie i probs wouldnt have spent 50 quid if i knew i was going to recieve skunk #1 as replacement
wonder why he never replaced them with the same strain, herbie usually replaces problem seeds with seeds of the same strain but possibly from other breeders, i can only think he ran out of them seeds or their was more problems with that batch, if you only had low germination then chances are others had the same issues, i dont think you would be the only one with that problem, i can understand 1 not sprouting but that many suggests their is a problem with that batch of seeds, when their was a problem with the blueberry strain i had herbie pulled them from sale as everyone had the same problems with that breeders seeds at the time so they was removed from sale,

so i can only think that others had similar problems and they was pulled from sale thats the only reason i can think why herbie would ship different seeds, when my jack flash fem turned out male i contacted herbie and he sent me 2 x jack flash #5 seeds, he must of pulled that batch of seeds you had from sale to stop others having the same problem, but he could of said in an email what they would be replaced with,
has anyone actually seen a hermie auto before?

ive grown rather a few autos and never seen one. christ some of my autos have had the strangest light hours possible and yet still no hermie, its why im so interested in the doggies nuts one. i know they are expensive but ive already bought one so if it does reliably self then the cost is irrelivant as its probably going to be divided by a thousand seeds ;)
this is what i got told " Pineapple Chunk is a consistent bestseller and we don't recall having received any similar feedback about this popular item.
The guarantee we give at Herbies, which is posted at the checkout, is that all souvenir seeds are fresh, genuine and will reach you in perfect condition. For countries where cultivation is permitted, we offer no guarantees relating to germination / feminised / autoflowering rates etc. ach well shit happens
i popped 10 seeds all the rest are now above the cubes i had5 pineapple chunk, 3 purple paralysis, popped now seedlings 1 mazar x white rhino now a seedling and a critical jack herer now a seedling the mazar and jack were freebies from my order so popped them just incase, the pinapple chunk popped but its still not above ground either
ach fuck it maybe just a bad batch, i soak them in filtered water for 24-48 hours till they show a taproot then pop them in cubes, the way ive always done it, lost more seeds from 1 batch than i have in the 4 years ive been growing, ive got other seeds here i can try got critical jack herer,mazar x white rihino, skunk#1, blueberry, purple wreck and bubblegummer, ill give the seeds a few more days in the cubes then ill rip em open to see if we have any taproots or that, soz for jackin your thread DP lol
ach fuck it maybe just a bad batch, i soak them in filtered water for 24-48 hours till they show a taproot then pop them in cubes, the way ive always done it, lost more seeds from 1 batch than i have in the 4 years ive been growing, ive got other seeds here i can try got critical jack herer,mazar x white rihino, skunk#1, blueberry, purple wreck and bubblegummer, ill give the seeds a few more days in the cubes then ill rip em open to see if we have any taproots or that, soz for jackin your thread DP lol

Haha, you guys have popped sooo many seeds!, you KNOW if they don't pop they suck!
has anyone actually seen a hermie auto before?

ive grown rather a few autos and never seen one. christ some of my autos have had the strangest light hours possible and yet still no hermie, its why im so interested in the doggies nuts one. i know they are expensive but ive already bought one so if it does reliably self then the cost is irrelivant as its probably going to be divided by a thousand seeds ;)
Can't remember the breeder, but I had Biodieseol Mass autos hermie outdoors.
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