Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

hi all,
@runewulfsong, i was going off info i was told about the auto seeds, i was told it would be 1 out of 5 would be auto if crossed with a none auto strain,

its been a while since i put up some pics, when i get up in morning its 2am now, when i get up ill take some pics of what i got going on,
the auto purple is a poor yielder under the 20-4 schedule, i think ill go 12-12 with all autos from now on or something similar, ive never got good results under 24-0 or 20-4 using autos but under 12-12 i got amazing results and huge buds,

so clearly autos need their dark more than the light, what im thinking is the reach harvest due to their age in light hours and not days of growth,
so for example, lets say an auto reaches harvest in 240 hours of light, we know they dont but it makes it easier to understand this way,
so if its on 24-0 then it would be ready in 10 days,
if its 12-12 it takes twice as long to get the 240 hours of light needed to be harvest ready,

so im thinking the more light they get the quicker they flower and quicker to harvest meaning less growth and smaller plants,
when i grew under 12-12 the same strain i had grown under 24-0 and 20-4 i got a 3ft plant with 5 1ft buds and over 2oz in dry weight, under 20-4 i was getting around a quater to 3 8ths, the same with this auto purple, ill be lucky to get a quater dry, which is a joke,

another grower jon is also getting similar results with the 12-12 schedule, his auto is pretty big and he is not giving it lots of light hours, we know plants grow in the dark, in the day they grow and bush out, at lights out they use the stored up energy to grow roots and repair any damage done, but also in the dark the plant stretched, it does this as its trying to find the light again, so the main stem grows talling, the side branches grow longer, this gives us more nodes for bud growth, this means more bud in the end,

so 24-0 is just getting them to flower and harvest to soon and not letting them have much growth time, at least thats the results im getting, so now my lights are on 17-7, ive got 2 k45's that have just sprouted, these will grow and flower under this schedule, then i can compare results, when i flip the lights 12-12 ill plant more kc45 and again compare results, but i honestly think the more light they get the smaller they will be and the quicker they will finish,
i may be wrong but its what results im getting and other growers are getting, i always gave them as much light as possible as its what all the growers said,

but when my lights where on flower schedule i was expecting poor results but got amazing results and autos 3 times the size of the same strain grown previous, so their must be something to this,
the 20-4 autos started flowering at week 2, the 12-12 auto started flowering at week 3 to 4,
the 20-4 auto pretty much stopped growing at week 3, the 12-12 auto continued to grow until week 5 and 6.
the 20-4 autos finished 3 to 4 weeks earlier than the 12-12 autos

so it looks like autos flower due to total light hours received or maybe its how much light they get over 24 hours, the less light they get means it keeps them younger and allows them to grow longer before harvest, more testing needs doing i know but the results im getting suggest anything below 18-6 will give better results than autos grown above 18-6,

so ill see how these do under 17-7 then when my regular plants are ready to flower ill plant some kc45's and ill order some more auto purple cheese so i can compare it with this one i got now thats going to give me very little, then i can see if 12-12 really does mean more growth for autos,

autos grow in places like mountains in russia, they dont have seasons they either have months with the same light hours or months with the same dark hours, so they dont have true seasons as such, so they flower due to some other method, growing them under 24-0 does not let them know what a day is so might make them flower a whole lot sooner, where as 12-12 might make them keep growing as they need longer to reach maturity before their ready for flower and then ready for harvest,

we could do with a few growers testing this method, we need many strains tested to find out for sure, we would need a grower to try an auto under veg schedule then the same strain under 12-12 then compare the results,
right back to me plants,
at the moment my auto purple cheese is stinking, not a cheesy smell which is pretty dispointing considering its called cheese, so either it needs to start smelling like the true uk cheese strain in the last week or 2 of harvest or its just a bad cross with the cheese strain, which if thats the case then it should not be called cheese but i guess its tough crossing the true cheese with auto and a purple strain, i might try and find out its genetics,

anyway this is what i done,
i put fem pollen on auto purple cheese to give me fem seeds, not sure what % will be auto, i though it was 1/5th but i dont know for sure,
i also put ken estes gdp on the same auto, i put string round the stems of the buds with the ken estes gdp pollen on it,
im still collecting lots of pollen from ken estes gdp for future crosses to try and get a purple strain,

now i might have figured out why im not getting purple buds, well i got jon to thank for the links, their is videos on the video site of the weed nerd or subcool, now he creates something called super soil, he dont use any nutes at all from start to harvest, he adds nothing just water, he has worked out a perfect soil mixture that requires nothing but to the plants watering when their growing,
the plants he grows look amazing and all have the colour purple, some dark purple some light purple, i was starting to think it was all to do with the temps and needing cool temps to bring out the purple, but this is not the case, we all know cannabis is purple its just hidden by the green colour, so all cannabis will turn purple, usually with cool temps at end of flower,

but these purple strains turn purple without old temps, i was not getting these results at all, but after reading about this super soil i now know what the problem is, its the nutes we give the plants, or the nutes i give the plants, i use bpn, so i need to work out what i need to cut down on at end of flower to produce the purple, i dont know enough about nutes to know what i need to use less of, might drop corey a msg at bpn and see if he can help me,

anyway the nutes we give them dont allow the plants to turn into their natural colour, outdoor the plants will naturally go purple if its a purple strain as we are not giving them as much nutes as we give them indoors, the problem is to much nutes dont allow the plant to produce the true colours but we need the nutes to get the best results,

so im going to give this super soil a try for possibly my next grow if i can get what i need, you dont need much and the price of the products works out pretty similar to the price of nutrients so im thinking about giving it a try, super soil needs no nutrients for the whole grow, the plants will produce well and bring out the true colour of the buds, so i might have purple buds that dont taste like crap in the near future, just depends if i can get all the products needed, not many but not sure what i can get where i am
something else im pretty shocked about as well, my future grows where under 20-4, so im 2ltr dwc was started under that schedule, now my 2ltr dwc is under 17-7, now the roots are huge, the plant is about 6 inches high, yet the roots are nearly 3ft, nothing else has changed, temps, humidity nutes was the same, so all thats changed is the light schedule, ive never had roots this big on any dwc grow i have done, these roots are nearly 3ft long and look much better than any roots under 20-4, ive never seen roots this long in any dwc grow i have done, having roots that big this early as well is pretty amazing,

the other thing is i always up the nutes on the dwc so i can push the plant as much as possible, under 20-4 i could only use the stated dose of bpn, but under 17-7 the roots are really long and really healthy, the plant started to look a lighter shade of green, but the leaves where getting huge, really big fan leaves on this dwc, so ive slowly upped the dose of the nutes due to size of roots and size of leaves, the plant is using a res in 36 hours which is the fastest a dwc has used up all the water in the res, this plant is super hungry and loves to drink, think its got a drinking problem, anyway ive upped the nutes slowly and the plant just kept growing more and more and suffered no problems, i was expecting yellow spots of leaf curl on the plant when nutes got to high so i would then back off,
but im up to just under double dose of bpn, the plant just keeps taking the nutes and the leaves keep getting bigger and growth is very rapid, so not sure whats going on, im not taking the dose up higher than this,

none of my other dwc could take nutes this much and they all told me when they was getting to much nutes so i always backed off, but this sensi star just wants more, keeps taking more and more bpn and drinks like crazy, so not sure why its doing this but maybe its to do with the amount of roots and leaf size, i just cant believe how well its doing and how much nutes it can take, ill show some pics i took 2 days ago of the roots, in fact ill take some more in the morning as it will need a drink and will have probably got more root growth since then,

ive also upped the dose on 2 other plants that was going a ligher shade of green, but i have got the same sensi start growing in soil, this was showing light green under normal bpn schedule for its age so again i slowly upped the dose, but i could not up it as much as the dwc, i upped the dose by an extra 2ml per gallon of grow,micro and bloom and within hours its had turned a nice shade of green, but had slight leaf cupping on the very bottom set of leaves, so i had to cut back to 1ml per gallon extra per feed and its now not cupping and growing well,

but ive got to admit under 17-7 all my plants are doing much better, cant say the autos are as their still seedlings but ill know in a couple of weeks if they start flowering or not, but so far all my plants are doing much better under 17-7 then they ever did under 24-0 and 20-4, most of the strains ive grown before so i know how they grow and how quick, everything else is always kept the same,
nutes,temp,humidity,water was all the same,
the only difference is the light, but the 2 plants i upped the doses on are not plants ive grown before so cant comment on how well they would do under 20-4 but their growing at same rate as all my other plants so seem to be doing ok under 17-7

if i didnt have 2 autos growing id go back to glr, i stopped using it when i grew autos so didnt give it a real good run so will try that again when i stop growing autos, or if someone knows if i can use glr for autos then if it wont cause problems ill give it a try, but i dont really want hermie autos, all thought self polination would give me plenty of auto seeds, or even if both the autos went hermie and pollenated each other then id have lots of auto fem seeds,

maybe something i can try with future grows, for this grow its 17-7 then ill slowly lower the schedule by an hour a week coming up to harvest so i can actually see what schedule the plants will start flowering under, so something like 14-10 might induce flowering,
the more of us that try this the better, might be good to start a seperate journal for autos, then we could just post details their and have it all in one place,
its something we can possibly set up and some point, then the 1st post could be edited by the person who started the journal and edit in what each person is growing then post the results in the first post with the lighting schedule used, then anyone who reads it will have all the info in the 1st post instead of having to read many pages to find the info,

but until we do more testing we wont have enough results to say either way, i can only go on what i have seen for myself, i was always told to give them 20-4 or 24-0 as they need constant light to grow the most, but im not seeing this with my results, another grower is also getting amazing results with 12-12 schedule, so it seems to work for a few autos strains,

once more testing is done we might be able to get the most from these autos, so giving it constant light might actually be reducing yield and growth time, but until we try more strains and different grow styles and compare results then we just dont have enough samples to say either way whats best, but so far for me more dark means more growth,
im sure someone will argue that im wrong and autos need more light to grow more, i tried that method and got very little.

@rune, have them things arrived yet mate, not sure how long post takes to the US as not posted their before, but should be with you pretty soon i would of thought, i got the reciept somewhere, its 3am now ill dig it out in morning and check the tracking number,
ill check my msgs on here as well and drop you a msg with the number on it, i just thought id update my journal as not done it for a few days and check in on some other journals,
so when i get up ill dig out the receipt and sort out the tracking number,
cant discuss to much on here as mods dont like it, its not something the site allows,
so id of thought if you not got the letter yet then it should be here this week sometime, i just really dont know how long it takes,
No worries DP... I haven't checked today as post doesn't run sunday here, but will check tomorrow.

Yeah, I've been debating with myself how to handle the journaling, as I'll end up doing several things at once here soon and have already been thinking about using separate journals where they make sense, so a separate one for Autos kind of makes sense if you're trying to collect auto specific info and be able to analyze it later.
pics uploading now,

give me 10min,
hey pierce hows you mate, all good here

@harley, the defol is still in progress, im not getting a huge difference in growth between either, when i upload these pics ill take some of just the defol plants so you can see the difference, at the minute it looks like their both about the same just one has got fan leaves and the other hasnt, so not a huge difference yet,
im thinking their will be more of a difference in flower but wont know till i get into flower, but as of yet no difference, well not noticable anyway, i thought removing the fan leaves would stunt growth for a few days and the none defol plant would grow slightly bigger for a few days, but both are the same and only difference is one has got fan leaves and the other hasnt,

so at the minute their is not much difference, im pretty sure it will make more difference in flower though,
right, heres the pics, now most of these strains ive grown before and ive grown them under either 20-4 or 24-0, this time im down to 17-7, now this time round the leaves are much bigger than before, some nearly twice the size, everything else is kept the same so nutes, temps, distance from light etc are the same as they have always been, the only 1 thats different is the dwc 2ltr hempie, this sensi start is getting a much higher dose of nutes for its age, im at double dose of bpn on this plant, the same strain grown in soil is at regular bpn feed and cant up the dose as quick on that, so this dwc seems to be doing really well, plus the pic of roots is below, maybe the roots mass and extra leaf growth is allowing it to take in more nutes,

either way im loving the 17-7 at the minute, once my autos are done ill try glr,




for some reason my camera makes the leaves look a different colour to what they are, they look lighter in the pics than they actually are,
below is the purple cheese auto, one of the buds has been pollenated with fem pollen to give me some fem seeds, 3 of the lowest buds have also been pollenated by ken estes gdp male, so ill have some regular seeds from it as well, hopefully 1 out of 4 or 5 will be auto so if i end up with male and female auto from the seeds then ill be very happy indeed, so it would be auto purple cheese cross with gdp male,




now this one below ive been waiting ages to grow, when i first smoked this many years ago i soon found i loved this strain, its a tangy fruity smoke, by far the best tasting bud ive ever tried, its more like tangy sweeks than bud, anyways its the jack flash femenised, the last fem seeds turned out male so herbie sent me 2 more fem seeds from a different breeder,
im really hoping its the same jack flash i always smoked years ago, problem is if you buy ak47 from one breeder and ak47 from another breeder then both will be different, even ak from 2 years ago is not like ak47 from today, so we take risks hoping we get what we want, it seems many strains change from year to year and breeder to breeder,

the next few pics are the critical sensi start 2ltr dwc hempie







ive never checked the ppm and dont very often check ph, i check my tap water from time to time but thats about it and my dwc seems to do well pretty much every time i grow one, ill be putting it into flower tonight and will possibly lollypop when it starts flowering, its only a 2ltr dwc and the roots are filling the res pretty quick now, so i either need a bigger res which i dont have room for or i flip it to flower and get it to harest,

below is a clone from my own fem strain,

below is the other sensi start, both grown at same time, this one is much smaller than the dwc sensi star and is only on schedule nute feed, the dwc is on double bpn at the minute

below is a sour diesel. royal queen seeds


below is several plants in smaller pots ready to transplant when i weed out males,
top left is my own fem strain, topped twice will give me 4 main colas
below that in small brown pot is sensi start number 3
below that is clones from my own fem strains, might be giving these away or binning them as i dont have room unless i find out i got more males than normal
to the right of the small brown pot is a sour diesel, thats growing in the big blue pot
to the right of that is a kc 45 auto,

below is the clones i may need to get rid off, their is 2 clones their, they been in the pot way to long now, i will have problems splitting them so if i keep them ill just cut the one back to ground level and keep the bigger one,
both monster cropped clones


below is kc45 auto

below is the sour diesel

now below is a sort of test plant, its one of my clones from the nice fem strain i grew from my own seeds, its been topped then topped again, so 4 main colas,all lower node growth has been removed leaving the tops and a couple of nodes just below, plus its been defoliated right back so their was nothing on the plant apart from the tiny growth at the nodes and the new growth on the tops, so far growth below the tops has been slow but the top of the plant has really started growing over the last couple of days, so ill see how it picks up now its started growing again.

now below is the clone that needs repotting, i think this is clear proof that when a plant dont have width to grow roots then it just gets taller and side growth is slow, this clone has been in this pot from the day i took the clone, it needs repotting which ill do in a few minutes, but its clear proof that a tall thin pot means a tall thin plant, so hopefully it will either bush out lots when transplanted or it will give me a huge bud on the main cola.

as you can see its also ready for flower, i could keep it as 2ltr hempie and flower it now but ill give it a few weeks to stretch its legs before going 12-12, again this is proof plants show sex even in veg, some growers have thought plants under glr have started flowering when in fact they are just showing sex like this plant below

thanks for looking,

@harley, just charging my camera back up as the battery dont stay charged long so when its charged ill take some side by side pics of the defol plant and a none defol plant of same strain and you can see for yourself that at the moment their is not much difference between the 2
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