Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I think my huckleberry kushs love the GE+trans+tea. They like a heavy feeding, seems like 1.5 ml per gal of soil and they're praying. At 1ml per gal no praying lol

I need to thin them out some, they are on day 8-9 from flip.

I'm always curious about the mixing, DO does this was well. 1.5 ml, is that per GE and TP or do you split and are you mixing the tea per gallon of Drench?
Buddha Tahoe OG
Harvest today
Flipped on July 10, 17 Just over 10 weeks
I'm always curious about the mixing, DO does this was well. 1.5 ml, is that per GE and TP or do you split and are you mixing the tea per gallon of Drench?

On the tea, I was using .1 ml of tea per gal of soil. With these girls on the GE I bumped up to 1.5 ml per gal of soil. But I only added 2.5-3 ml of trans and I used just barely over 2 ml of tea. Just been playing around till I think I found sweet spot. Been real easy so far, but I still catch myself wanting to check ph lol
On the tea, I was using .1 ml of tea per gal of soil. With these girls on the GE I bumped up to 1.5 ml per gal of soil. But I only added 2.5-3 ml of trans and I used just barely over 2 ml of tea. Just been playing around till I think I found sweet spot. Been real easy so far, but I still catch myself wanting to check ph lol
I've quit checking pH for both my soil and coco setup. DBHBB allows for no pH checking absolutely and the coco I've had the formula for perfect pH with the nutrients I've used memorized. No one has time for that.
Nice, I've always wanted to try a Tahoe cut, I have a Tahoe alien/sour apple IBL cross. Give us a smoke report when she's ready
Sounds good man where did you pick that up at
Do you know the breeder
I wouldn't mine trying that myself

I'll get back to you in the smoke report
I have some cured from last harvest but am currently smoking THC bomb

Real heavy pine scent and cat piss when growing
Gets more earthy in the jar
Sounds good man where did you pick that up at
Do you know the breeder
I wouldn't mine trying that myself

I'll get back to you in the smoke report
I have some cured from last harvest but am currently smoking THC bomb

Real heavy pine scent and cat piss when growing
Gets more earthy in the jar

The breeder is alien genetics, I can pm ya the seedbank to get, he only releases to 2 seedbanks. He actually puts a lot of work into his strains. The sour apple he inbred 6 or 7 generations to get results that he wanted.
I think my huckleberry kushs love the GE+trans+tea. They like a heavy feeding, seems like 1.5 ml per gal of soil and they're praying. At 1ml per gal no praying lol

I need to thin them out some, they are on day 8-9 from flip.

Hi Buck, looks like your cranking with growth over there! Your set up is amazing! You sir are a go getter...building rooms, lights, and growing cannabis! I think you have an addiction.

I have always wondered about the praying leaves. Is it good or bad?

When I grew in an aero setup the praying seemed to be a precursor to a Mag deficiency, but in Docs soil this may be different. Same with the leaf tips clawing down, I always saw this as the beginning of a nitrogen toxicity, but I don't know if that is possible in our soil....I know Doc has tested out toxicity levels, and tortured some plants to see when that level is.

Does anyone have some insight on this?
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