Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Doc, be honest ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

Do you always know for sure that you don't have mold, or do you find yourself looking real closely at the trichomes sometimes? Y'know? :laugh:

When they get all grayish like that, don't you just have to check to be sure? I mean, you know it isn't mold, but ...

Gawd I love that look. You don't get that on outdoor plants. This is the epitome of indoor success. :bravo:

Doc, be honest ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

Do you always know for sure that you don't have mold, or do you find yourself looking real closely at the trichomes sometimes? Y'know? :laugh:

When they get all grayish like that, don't you just have to check to be sure? I mean, you know it isn't mold, but ...

Gawd I love that look. You don't get that on outdoor plants. This is the epitome of indoor success. :bravo:

GT, try as I might, I can't seem to grow "bushes" like this one. What's your secret?

How many times did you top (assuming you did) this plant? How long in veg? What's the light/wattage. Gram/watt ratio?

EDIT: just realized that you (GT) inserted one of Doc's pics. Me bad! So, Doc, if you see this I would appreciate your comments.

I'm all for quality over quantity, but it would be nice to get up into the 4-6 oz range per plant.
GT, try as I might, I can't seem to grow "bushes" like this one. What's your secret?

How many times did you top (assuming you did) this plant? How long in veg? What's the light/wattage. Gram/watt ratio?

EDIT: just realized that you (GT) inserted one of Doc's pics. Me bad! So, Doc, if you see this I would appreciate your comments.

I'm all for quality over quantity, but it would be nice to get up into the 4-6 oz range per plant.

So, those two monsters are Tangie. I'll get 7 oz at least on each one. I don't have another strain that yields anything close to this.

They drink a gallon a day and are starting to get frosty. I need to take them soon, as the tangerine smell is at a peak and from here on out it changes....not a bad thing, but not like a bowl of fruit either.


That's a good number for outside.....but indoors I'd like to see temps up to 78-80 and rH 55 to 60 in bloom. Even in veg, I'd like to see day temps in the high 70's.

Ah I have been a bit misunderstood then lol, my tents stay at about 82 degrees and 50-55 RH. One my flower room is built here soon I'll shoot for 78 degrees 60 RH then!
So, those two monsters are Tangie. I'll get 7 oz at least on each one. I don't have another strain that yields anything close to this.

They drink a gallon a day and are starting to get frosty. I need to take them soon, as the tangerine smell is at a peak and from here on out it changes....not a bad thing, but not like a bowl of fruit either.



On Sunday our tangie got her first CAT drench and last night it was like all of a sudden their was smell. It seriously smells like an orange peel. Roughly what day do you see the peak usually?
On Sunday our tangie got her first CAT drench and last night it was like all of a sudden their was smell. It seriously smells like an orange peel. Roughly what day do you see the peak usually?

pretty much from what you see in the picture and about 2 weeks prior. The buds are very dense and well formed and the pistils recede and all that if I wait another 2 weeks...yield also goes up....but "Tangerine" gives way to something more complex and earthy. Still really nice, VERY potent, but if it's called "Tangerine" and it smells and tastes like a tangerine.....well, that just seems right.

This week it will be harvested.
So, those two monsters are Tangie. I'll get 7 oz at least on each one. I don't have another strain that yields anything close to this.

They drink a gallon a day and are starting to get frosty. I need to take them soon, as the tangerine smell is at a peak and from here on out it changes....not a bad thing, but not like a bowl of fruit either.

Hi Doc, I was amazed by the looks of tangy too. A gallon a day....What size pot is Tangy in?

At a gallon a day, you must go through many cycles of GE -> DRINK -> TP -> DRINK during bloom.

My short bushes in 15 gal pots go through the drench - drink cycle every 3-4 days, @ 1.5 to 1.75 gallons each time.

What is you method of knowing when to water the plants in bloom? I do the lift method, but wonder if I sometimes let it get to dry.

I once let the soil dry too much in bloom, the plants had mild wilt, recovered after I watered, but I observed a week later a lot of the lower leaves fell off, and the rest of the canopy looked less than stellar for the rest of the bloom.
Hi Doc, I was amazed by the looks of tangy too. A gallon a day....What size pot is Tangy in?

At a gallon a day, you must go through many cycles of GE -> DRINK -> TP -> DRINK during bloom.

My short bushes in 15 gal pots go through the drench - drink cycle every 3-4 days, @ 1.5 to 1.75 gallons each time.

What is you method of knowing when to water the plants in bloom? I do the lift method, but wonder if I sometimes let it get to dry.

I once let the soil dry too much in bloom, the plants had mild wilt, recovered after I watered, but I observed a week later a lot of the lower leaves fell off, and the rest of the canopy looked less than stellar for the rest of the bloom.

They're in 7 gallon pot, DL. I give them a lift to see if they're light and since about 4 weeks ago they've needed water daily. Drench/RO/Drench/RO.....every dang day!

The one closest to you in the pic went dry and wilted pretty bad about a week ago, and yes, many of the lower, interior fan leaves turned yellow and crispy and dropped right off. No problem.

It is not my goal to let them dry out that much in bloom, but it did happen and the plant recovered in about an hour. These are the most vigorous plants in HB I've had yet. The yield alone is enough to keep it around, and I think by taking it 2 weeks earlier than I normally would I'll get more fanatics for the strain.

Right now it's: "Whatcha got Doc? Any Paki? Grape Ape?" Doc: "No, just tangie...." "Oh...well, OK, I'll take some of that. When it the Paki ready?" LOL.

My fully legal "customers" are spoiled as can be. Perhaps if I can get it smelling a bit stronger and more fruity they won't seem so dejected having to smoke Tangie while waiting for the good stuff.

The Blue Kush looks very promising! I'll be harvesting that the next week too. Sadly, it did not go purple, so I'm still looking for a replacement for GA.
Hi Doc, I was amazed by the looks of tangy too. A gallon a day....What size pot is Tangy in?

At a gallon a day, you must go through many cycles of GE -> DRINK -> TP -> DRINK during bloom.

My short bushes in 15 gal pots go through the drench - drink cycle every 3-4 days, @ 1.5 to 1.75 gallons each time.

What is you method of knowing when to water the plants in bloom? I do the lift method, but wonder if I sometimes let it get to dry.

I once let the soil dry too much in bloom, the plants had mild wilt, recovered after I watered, but I observed a week later a lot of the lower leaves fell off, and the rest of the canopy looked less than stellar for the rest of the bloom.

Yes indeed.. had this happen in veg. Hey Doc whatcha think about using soil moisture sensors and just shooting for a certain %? Like note the number when the plant starts to wilt and use that as a guide for when to water. Less guess work..,
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