Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Hi Dajerm, like Duggan said no worries.

I do the same with 99% success rate in the homemade cloner.

Couple of things I have observed or learned from others here:

I transplant the clones to Doc' Soil once I see the roots starting to form. These are water roots that grow in the cloner. I used to let the roots get real long in the cloner, but these are not the roots we want, we want fine roots in our soil. Getting them out of the cloner as soon as the roots form is desirable. Here are two clones I transplanted a few weeks ago. Both are thriving right now.


They root quicker if the air temps are up in the upper 70s to low 80s, but if the Rez gets too warm bad stuff can grow in there. Some use H2O2 if problems arise, but I never have a problem with it. If I did I could put the Rez on the concrete floor to keep it cooler, really was only necessary when I would bloom in a system similar to this. A safe way is to change out the Rez every 5 days, but again I've tortured clones in this thing for weeks, no Rez change, and they just got bigger.

I dust'em with Roots! Powder and into the soil they go. Note that I don't pre-form the soil anymore like you see in the pics. Shiggity taught me to just sprinkle in the soil loosely, and the roots will have an easier time growing through the soil, which is the primary goal in the veg big efficient roots.

The clones seem to stall for a week, while the roots adapt to their very different environment with the soil biota. Then they take off.

I run municipal tap water (yes it has chlorine in it) in the cloner, get roots in 5-10 days depending on the cultivar. PH's between 5.8 to 6.4 all seems to work fine. I run a Recycle Pump 45sec on/ 10 mins off.

I switch to RO water when in Doc's HB soil blend.

If the roots do get to long because of neglect, I have just trimmed them down, the clones recovered.

Currently just the way I do it, till I find a better way!

Good stuff! I need to check out one of those cloners someday. I'm still doing it the old does work,however.
Hi Dajerm, like Duggan said no worries.

I do the same with 99% success rate in the homemade cloner.

Couple of things I have observed or learned from others here:

I transplant the clones to Doc' Soil once I see the roots starting to form. These are water roots that grow in the cloner. I used to let the roots get real long in the cloner, but these are not the roots we want, we want fine roots in our soil. Getting them out of the cloner as soon as the roots form is desirable. Here are two clones I transplanted a few weeks ago. Both are thriving right now.


They root quicker if the air temps are up in the upper 70s to low 80s, but if the Rez gets too warm bad stuff can grow in there. Some use H2O2 if problems arise, but I never have a problem with it. If I did I could put the Rez on the concrete floor to keep it cooler, really was only necessary when I would bloom in a system similar to this. A safe way is to change out the Rez every 5 days, but again I've tortured clones in this thing for weeks, no Rez change, and they just got bigger.

I dust'em with Roots! Powder and into the soil they go. Note that I don't pre-form the soil anymore like you see in the pics. Shiggity taught me to just sprinkle in the soil loosely, and the roots will have an easier time growing through the soil, which is the primary goal in the veg big efficient roots.

The clones seem to stall for a week, while the roots adapt to their very different environment with the soil biota. Then they take off.

I run municipal tap water (yes it has chlorine in it) in the cloner, get roots in 5-10 days depending on the cultivar. PH's between 5.8 to 6.4 all seems to work fine. I run a Recycle Pump 45sec on/ 10 mins off.

I switch to RO water when in Doc's HB soil blend.

If the roots do get to long because of neglect, I have just trimmed them down, the clones recovered.

Currently just the way I do it, till I find a better way!

Holy crap... thank you so much! Very detailed and informative post! Will give reps when I get home...

So yours sprays the water onto the clones... and the one I'm looking at aerates the water while the clones sit submerged about a 1/4" in the water. That's why the air pump instead of a water pump... have you had any experience with that technique? I don't see why it won't work. As long as the water is aerated properly anyway.
The cloner is a StinkBud design diy. He had a whole aero system I did for years. Clever fellow.

I still like the cloner, but I scrapped the veg and flower system....Doc's soil is far superior to veg and flower in, without a doubt!

Here is the plan, it's all over the Internet.


Well I don't need one near that big... I did see those online but I only grow 2 @ a time so don't need so many clones.
My real question for you is do you think the one I linked to would do about as well as the design you posted?
Well I don't need one near that big... I did see those online but I only grow 2 @ a time so don't need so many clones.
My real question for you is do you think the one I linked to would do about as well as the design you posted?

Good question... I never did DWC cloning. I only have experience with the ez sprayers.

Give it a try and report back to all of us, I don't see why it wouldn't work as advertised.
Good question... I never did DWC cloning. I only have experience with the ez sprayers.

Give it a try and report back to all of us, I don't see why it wouldn't work as advertised.

That's what I was thinking as well. Ok, I'll probably just make one... now that I've thought about it I have everything I need already! Thanks DL, I'll let you guys know how it goes... with pics of course.
Hey gang hope all is well in High Brix Land
Kind of an odd question but can anyone describe what a batch is Destress may smell like when it goes bad
Had a exhaust fan fail and it got real warm where I store them just for 24 hours but man next time I opened my
bottle I thought I don't remember it smelling like that( BO kind of funky)
I remember more of a kikoman teriyaki sauce lol
Anyways prob order replacement just to be safe

The cloner is a StinkBud design diy. He had a whole aero system I did for years. Clever fellow.

I still like the cloner, but I scrapped the veg and flower system....Doc's soil is far superior to veg and flower in, without a doubt!

Here is the plan, it's all over the Internet.


Thanks for posting this, ONE Question DO they make more than one size of the RUBBERMAID RUFFNECK Model
I don't see any dimensions on the TOTE and curious how far down the spray nozzles are positioned below
the nets? Could you measure yours and let me know, that would be a major point to know when putting one
together, Thanks again I have been meaning to build one and with all the extra time I have now that I am
growing hands free in the kit :)
The tote is a 18 gal. Other brands seem to leak at the lid edge. The net pots are 2" with the lip. Very important as you can get them without the lip, but those will fall through a 2" hole.

We ran into the issue of the water coming out of the lid so I drilled a hole in the side on the bottom and put it in another tote to act as a reservoir. That way water doesn't get on the floor and solved the issue. I had thought about getting some gasket material and putting it on there but we have totes a plenty. Plus a larger amount of water takes longer to heat up so we don't have that issue either.
Hey gang hope all is well in High Brix Land
Kind of an odd question but can anyone describe what a batch is Destress may smell like when it goes bad
Had a exhaust fan fail and it got real warm where I store them just for 24 hours but man next time I opened my
bottle I thought I don't remember it smelling like that( BO kind of funky)
I remember more of a kikoman teriyaki sauce lol
Anyways prob order replacement just to be safe


Depending on how old it was to begin with, it's probably OK if it only was exposed to heat for 24 hours. However, if it's blooming, you'll KNOW in a day or two. Mix up a batch with water and smell it.

It's also a good reminder to use our noses as often as possible. You never know what little detail you might pick up, that can help you grow better weed.
Yep. It's gonna be a big problem. Most "medical" weed has pesticides and fungicides in it too. It's scandalous.

High Brix: the SAFE way to grow.

I had a bad mite infestation webbing and all and I used
In rotation
Leaf wash (of course)
Neem oil
And green clean (recommended buy a old member here)
All of which I believe are natural
Hit them every 3-4 days and got ahead of them
Now just once a week I rotate between the three and keep them at bay
It is a PITA to get ahead of them but you stay vigilant and it can be done naturally
Yep. It's gonna be a big problem. Most "medical" weed has pesticides and fungicides in it too. It's scandalous.

High Brix: the SAFE way to grow.

Was just reading an article by Dr. Ingham that reports we will run out of clean water
BEFORE we run out of food/soil if we keep moving in this direction. WE DON'T NEED ALL

EDIT: I should add its due to all the run-off that is causing dead spots in the ocean,
Gulf of Mexico. Killing the life in the water
Depending on how old it was to begin with, it's probably OK if it only was exposed to heat for 24 hours. However, if it's blooming, you'll KNOW in a day or two. Mix up a batch with water and smell it.

It's also a good reminder to use our noses as often as possible. You never know what little detail you might pick up, that can help you grow better weed.
Thanks doc

It's less than 6months old not exactly sure forgot to date it

It may have only have been 12 hours I changed the fan out immediately as I seen the problem

Just I noticed a kinda of body odor smell

I have mixed it with water didn't notice anything bad smelling

I ordered more so I will compare

My nose is always on high alert

Was just reading an article by Dr. Ingham that reports we will run out of clean water
BEFORE we run out of food/soil if we keep moving in this direction. WE DON'T NEED ALL

:thumb: Lets add oil fracking to the list of stuff going on that's jeopardizing our water supply.:Namaste:
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