Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Just thought I'd drop this in caught my eye and I found it interesting.

Before I found Doc's method I had heard of Brix and knew wine grapes were measured. I am a home coffee roaster and was reading up on some green coffee beans I may want to purchase to roast....we're talking 100-200 lb bags. Coffee bean descriptions go into detail of the farm, the owners, the area, soil, etc and their growing methods. These particular beans are from a very small farm in central region of Costa Rica.

The last paragraph of their little marketing flyer said this:

"During the harvest of their coffees they will measure the brix content in the coffee cherries to determine the best time to pick their coffees to obtain the utmost sweet and fruit forward profile."

Pretty cool. I wasn't aware coffee bean cherries were tested for brix but it makes sense. I think we're onto something. Eventually we'll have measurement stats like this too that provide us indicators.
Quick question for any of you guys: is a lights on temp of 71-74 at the canopy in veg anything to worry about? I have been reading and researching heating the space and from what I am reading the seedling mat seems like the thing to do. The floor of the tent is well insulated. Thanks in advance!
Thanks doc, the girls are back to being perky again.
Hello everyone back again for another Fast question,
How much EWC should be used to top dress a 7 gal plastic (15 inch dia. top) 1 st run soil
Hello everyone back again for another Fast question,
How much EWC should be used to top dress a 7 gal plastic (15 inch dia. top) 1 st run soil
I usually grab a 16 oz solo cup and fill it up. Usually comes out close to being a good amount and makes a nice thin layer on top. Then scratch it in with my fingers and water. When you get to know a strain pretty good you can adjust the amount for amount of "fade" it has. Also I've noticed some strains don't need as much and a hand full or two will work wonders.
Would be nice if someone could tell us how much per gallon, same with recharge. Thanks
Well a few pages ago there was talks of how much recharge is each kit. One kit is for 6 - 7 gallon pots. Divide it up evenly to the 6 pots then divide that by seven. That's what should be done if you are doing everything by a measurement. I just give it a good eye ball amount and it works great lol.
I used three 16 oz solo cups per 6 gallon pot. :bongrip:

Half cup per gallon ... ?

30 lbs of EWC per 42 gallons = 3/4 lbs per gallon ... ?
Well a few pages ago there was talks of how much recharge is each kit. One kit is for 6 - 7 gallon pots. Divide it up evenly to the 6 pots then divide that by seven. That's what should be done if you are doing everything by a measurement. I just give it a good eye ball amount and it works great lol.

Thanks Nismo, unfortunately we lost two people at work and I am back to long hours 6 days a week. I probably missed it as I don't get the chance much to read every post now.

The kit is designed around 6 plants....for a very good reason as that's the legal limit in many states, including CA.

So EWC....just a solo cup full per 7 gallon pot.
Recharge, about 1/8th cup per 7 gallon pot.

These amounts need not be precise.

Thank you Doc, I originally purchased two kits worth, then realizing that was just a little more than I need for nine 8 Gallon pots, I purchased the "bulk" kit, which if I recall equals 4 kits. So I have this product in bulk and wasn't sure of how much of each. I intend to run four 15 gallon pots this time. so when things are broken down into "X" amount per gallon this helps a lot. I wasn't looking for some sort of exact amount, just didn't want to waste or use too little product.

Thanks to all of you for your patience and support. :thanks:
Morning guys... was wondering if this cloner would work ok with the plants going into DBHBB.
already have a small air pump that will work with this... and I love how small it is. Usually id build one myself but tis one is a great size. Just let me know what you guys think! Thank you!
Hydroponic system cloning kit for plants 4 site DWC cloner | eBay

Hi Dajerm, like Duggan said no worries.

I do the same with 99% success rate in the homemade cloner.

Couple of things I have observed or learned from others here:

I transplant the clones to Doc' Soil once I see the roots starting to form. These are water roots that grow in the cloner. I used to let the roots get real long in the cloner, but these are not the roots we want, we want fine roots in our soil. Getting them out of the cloner as soon as the roots form is desirable. Here are two clones I transplanted a few weeks ago. Both are thriving right now.


They root quicker if the air temps are up in the upper 70s to low 80s, but if the Rez gets too warm bad stuff can grow in there. Some use H2O2 if problems arise, but I never have a problem with it. If I did I could put the Rez on the concrete floor to keep it cooler, really was only necessary when I would bloom in a system similar to this. A safe way is to change out the Rez every 5 days, but again I've tortured clones in this thing for weeks, no Rez change, and they just got bigger.

I dust'em with Roots! Powder and into the soil they go. Note that I don't pre-form the soil anymore like you see in the pics. Shiggity taught me to just sprinkle in the soil loosely, and the roots will have an easier time growing through the soil, which is the primary goal in the veg big efficient roots.

The clones seem to stall for a week, while the roots adapt to their very different environment with the soil biota. Then they take off.

I run municipal tap water (yes it has chlorine in it) in the cloner, get roots in 5-10 days depending on the cultivar. PH's between 5.8 to 6.4 all seems to work fine. I run a Recycle Pump 45sec on/ 10 mins off.

I switch to RO water when in Doc's HB soil blend.

If the roots do get to long because of neglect, I have just trimmed them down, the clones recovered.

Currently just the way I do it, till I find a better way!
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