Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

:thumb: Lets add oil fracking to the list of stuff going on that's jeopardizing our water supply.:Namaste:

I read that about the toxic poisons in California's water supply. While we're adding things how about trying to sustain massive cities like Phoenix, Vegas, Tuscon, etc in the middle of the freakin desert. lol
Morning everyone! So first off... My ladies have really started coming around since the Rescue Drench. Thanks Doc!! My question today is this: It says not to store the brix foliar after its mixed and used, you cant store and use later like you can De-Stress. Why is this? I did an experiment... well of sorts... I placed the mixed Brix foliar in my fridge for the last 7 days... smelled exactly the same as when I put it there. I left it sitting out most the day (yesterday) to warm to room temp, and still smells just like the stuff in the bottle. I did not use this, I poured it out and mixed fresh this morning. So my question is, if it smells fine can I use it? Can I just use the nose test? I was worried maybe something was wrong with it i couldn't smell but that seems unlikely. It would be awesome if i could store it, so I can mix up more than a couple Oz's of liquid at a time. These sprayers aren't exactly efficient. Which bothers my... why dont they have a wider selection of bottle types and designs to buy. I have some ideas for very efficient, low liquid (mixing small batches), spray every drop bottles. Anyway, I'll check back in a bit. Thanks for any and all input guys!!

Almost forgot, took 4 clones yesterday. 2 from plant #1, 2 from plant #2, One has wilted so far, guess it wasn't staying moist enough below the lid. I sprayed the survivors with half strength De-Stress. We shall see how it goes. Was thinking maybe I should just use this awesome soil and forget the whole DWC cloning thing. I dunno, i'm already in this so of course ill feel it out. I will probably try just soil next time. Let me know your experiences guys. Maybe a good chance to start a DBHBB Cloning Teq. Thread:cheesygrinsmiley:
My rootball I just upcanned
How does it look?
How can I improve
Thanks for the input
HB fam

I've done my best at 65% RH, I used to have very low, in 30's and maybe low 40's. Seems like 50's and low 60's is sweet spot for me

I shoot for 55% during lights on and 50% lights off. It's a balancing act trying to avoid the humidity spikes when lights go off, you really need a good dehumidifier to avoid prime conditions for powdery mildew when those lights go out.
I shoot for 55% during lights on and 50% lights off. It's a balancing act trying to avoid the humidity spikes when lights go off, you really need a good dehumidifier to avoid prime conditions for powdery mildew when those lights go out.

I used to have big spikes, would jump up at night. Now I'll let bump up 5 at night. Lately I've been at 60 during day, 65 at lights out. Last year I did see couple limbs affected with PM. That's just been one time, humidity was up in 70's
Most the information about humidity levels in flower say 40 to 50%. I see a wider range here. Not that I disagree with what has been said here. I find that in my current state of flower(week 1) the plants like humidity in the 50s then the 40s. For a brief time my tent hit 72% and plants looked great. Almost like a terarium. Condensed water on the walls. My last grow one plant I had the bud was drying on the plant at 40%. The sativa next to it was just fine in the same conditions. I think prefered humidity levels will vary by strain and plant behavior.
Morning everyone! So first off... My ladies have really started coming around since the Rescue Drench. Thanks Doc!! My question today is this: It says not to store the brix foliar after its mixed and used, you cant store and use later like you can De-Stress. Why is this? I did an experiment... well of sorts... I placed the mixed Brix foliar in my fridge for the last 7 days... smelled exactly the same as when I put it there. I left it sitting out most the day (yesterday) to warm to room temp, and still smells just like the stuff in the bottle. I did not use this, I poured it out and mixed fresh this morning. So my question is, if it smells fine can I use it? Can I just use the nose test? I was worried maybe something was wrong with it i couldn't smell but that seems unlikely. It would be awesome if i could store it, so I can mix up more than a couple Oz's of liquid at a time. These sprayers aren't exactly efficient. Which bothers my... why dont they have a wider selection of bottle types and designs to buy. I have some ideas for very efficient, low liquid (mixing small batches), spray every drop bottles. Anyway, I'll check back in a bit. Thanks for any and all input guys!!

Almost forgot, took 4 clones yesterday. 2 from plant #1, 2 from plant #2, One has wilted so far, guess it wasn't staying moist enough below the lid. I sprayed the survivors with half strength De-Stress. We shall see how it goes. Was thinking maybe I should just use this awesome soil and forget the whole DWC cloning thing. I dunno, i'm already in this so of course ill feel it out. I will probably try just soil next time. Let me know your experiences guys. Maybe a good chance to start a DBHBB Cloning Teq. Thread:cheesygrinsmiley:

Sometimes, Brix grows a whitish green "puck" of something.....not exactly sure what it is. I don't mess with storing it. I have DeStress in the fridge all the time.

My rootball I just upcanned
How does it look?
How can I improve
Thanks for the input
HB fam


Those roots look great! You could have let it go longer if you wish....or you could transplant right when you did I let mine go a bit longer.

You are correct 119...ideal RH (if you can achieve it) is 45-65 with 55-60 being just about perfect . Don't forget also have to 'pair' that figure with the temps in your GR /tent too! ...have an awesome Sunday Gang!

Those roots look great! You could have let it go longer if you wish....or you could transplant right when you did I let mine go a bit longer.


Thanks Doc

I will let them go longer on my next set ,I need to fill some spots in my flower room
I had some issues last run and before that I did the remodel on the flower room

I started a Jack Herer and Gorilla Glue from nukeheads so I aiming for a doc bud rootball on those
I am getting back to 8 strains again I am only running 2 now
Thanks again for feedback
Dang Doc... that De-Stress is no joke man. I stated earlier that 3 of my four clones I started yesterday were good but one had wilted. Well it had wilted mere hours after placing it in my cloner. So it sat almost 24 hours like that. Then I sprayed them all with De-Stress this morning... and holy crap that wilted lil girl was standing tall and proud! So crazy man... thank you so much for such great products Doc Bud. And thank you for not charging us an arm and leg for it.
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