Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I'd grow two strains you are familiar with and enjoy. Then you'll see.

Gotcha, grow a couple I'm familiar with so I can really see how awesome this kit is and have something to compare the HB grow with. Great thinking... I think i'll run a Wonder Woman and a White Widow.
I really need to buy some seeds from a different company, I have read that Nirvanas genetic aren't very stable.I have had a few come out with tiny seeds, or a few big seeds but none that are viable. But damn there are so many companies and so many strains. I don't even know where to begin. I'll look through the sponsors here first, any have to grow strains anyone wants to recommend?
BTW, sorry about all the posts lately... apparently Codeine makes me chatty. I had a large lower molar removed the other day and can't seem to stay off here.
Anyway, been trying to read: Choose! Life or Death Reams Biological Theory of Ionization By Carey A. Reams.
But I gotta be honest, its a tough read when every other sentence is something about god. Guess its mostly cause its such an old book but its like trying to read the Dr. Bronners soap bottles. Really takes away rom the read.
BTW, sorry about all the posts lately... apparently Codeine makes me chatty. I had a large lower molar removed the other day and can't seem to stay off here.
Anyway, been trying to read: Choose! Life or Death Reams Biological Theory of Ionization By Carey A. Reams.
But I gotta be honest, its a tough read when every other sentence is something about god. Guess its mostly cause its such an old book but its like trying to read the Dr. Bronners soap bottles. Really takes away rom the read.

Yep. Reams saw life, science and God to be allies, not enemies. It seems that modern-day Christians often see God and science as enemies and life as silly. It seems that many of them prefer armies and chemicals and an angry opinion only.

My last grow had PM. Per your guidance, I ran a Sulfur burner for 6 hours and cleaned and sterilized everything. I'm now in a new grow, day 21 of veg. Started foliar sprays this past week. Temps range from 70-78, RH 40-60%

I'm starting to notice a white residue on the leaves. Under a lighted 60x scope, the white material looks like sugar or salt crystals. It's random, non defined, meaning there is no discernible pattern to the material.

I'm thinking it's just foliar spray residue, but after the last grow, I'm a little panicky that I might have it again.

Is there any "test" to determine if it is PM? I've included a couple of pics, though I'm not sure if they'll help. Thx.

My last grow had PM. Per your guidance, I ran a Sulfur burner for 6 hours and cleaned and sterilized everything. I'm now in a new grow, day 21 of veg. Started foliar sprays this past week. Temps range from 70-78, RH 40-60%

I'm starting to notice a white residue on the leaves. Under a lighted 60x scope, the white material looks like sugar or salt crystals. It's random, non defined, meaning there is no discernible pattern to the material.

I'm thinking it's just foliar spray residue, but after the last grow, I'm a little panicky that I might have it again.

Is there any "test" to determine if it is PM? I've included a couple of pics, though I'm not sure if they'll help. Thx.

Doesn't look like PM. Could be residue from WayAhead? Try washing it off and see if it comes back?
Gotcha, grow a couple I'm familiar with so I can really see how awesome this kit is and have something to compare the HB grow with. Great thinking... I think i'll run a Wonder Woman and a White Widow.
I really need to buy some seeds from a different company, I have read that Nirvanas genetic aren't very stable.I have had a few come out with tiny seeds, or a few big seeds but none that are viable. But damn there are so many companies and so many strains. I don't even know where to begin. I'll look through the sponsors here first, any have to grow strains anyone wants to recommend?

Nirvana has a very stable, very decent Northern Lights. Years back, everything they did, pretty much, were Skunk/NL hybrids - wether they told you on the label or not. For best results, imo avoid their femmd seeds & newer stuff, & stick with the classics.

My last grow had PM. Per your guidance, I ran a Sulfur burner for 6 hours and cleaned and sterilized everything. I'm now in a new grow, day 21 of veg. Started foliar sprays this past week. Temps range from 70-78, RH 40-60%

I'm starting to notice a white residue on the leaves. Under a lighted 60x scope, the white material looks like sugar or salt crystals. It's random, non defined, meaning there is no discernible pattern to the material.

I'm thinking it's just foliar spray residue, but after the last grow, I'm a little panicky that I might have it again.

Is there any "test" to determine if it is PM? I've included a couple of pics, though I'm not sure if they'll help. Thx.

That's PM.
PM is systemic, i.e. treatments like sulfur only control, but don't eliminate it. If you used a carbon scrubber, the tank holding the carbon is pretty much ruined, as spores gets trapped then ejected into air over time, reinfecting the room. You can disinfect the fan by spraying regular disinfectant cleaner through it. There's a million ways people say to eliminate PM, but very few do, they just control it. Eagle 20 works 100% of the time, every time. Use only in veg. One very light spray & done, it's a systemic. It's not organic, fyi, but good luck finding an organic that eliminates PM.
That's PM.
PM is systemic, i.e. treatments like sulfur only control, but don't eliminate it. If you used a carbon scrubber, the tank holding the carbon is pretty much ruined, as spores gets trapped then ejected into air over time, reinfecting the room. You can disinfect the fan by spraying regular disinfectant cleaner through it. There's a million ways people say to eliminate PM, but very few do, they just control it. Eagle 20 works 100% of the time, every time. Use only in veg. One very light spray & done, it's a systemic. It's not organic, fyi, but good luck finding an organic that eliminates PM.

The sulfur vape will get rid of it. Eagle 20 is toxic.

When you run the sulfur vape, it's very important that the AC remains ON. rH in the room must be 90% or higher to get the best results.

Sulfur burners eliminate it. Everytime. I'm not sure that's PM, however.
I had white stuff on a few leaves too Medman, but it's not PM it 's residue from Way x10 collecting on a few should rinse right off with a good solid spraying of pure water OK,..give it a try and keep your RH below 60% if you can OK! I didn't know about that carbon filter holding a live virus, very interesting Skunk , makes sense. So if that is the case Medman , if it turns out to be Pm and will not rinse off , don't forget to spray some disinfectant into your exhaust fan/filter to eliminate that threat as well. cheers bud and good luck!
Nirvana has a very stable, very decent Northern Lights. Years back, everything they did, pretty much, were Skunk/NL hybrids - wether they told you on the label or not. For best results, imo avoid their femmd seeds & newer stuff, & stick with the classics.

Well to be honest I would like something better than "very decent". And would also like to try another company... Id rather go with a company that I didn't need to avoid any of their products. I like femmd seeds, I dont have the space to grow out 5 or 6 seeds trying to get just 2 female. Also if more turned out to be female then what I could use... I'd feel awful culling them. Maybe Im just over thinking it. Thank you for your reply, do you have any recommendations(other companies or strains) for me?
Well to be honest I would like something better than "very decent". And would also like to try another company... Id rather go with a company that I didn't need to avoid any of their products. I like femmd seeds, I dont have the space to grow out 5 or 6 seeds trying to get just 2 female. Also if more turned out to be female then what I could use... I'd feel awful culling them. Maybe Im just over thinking it. Thank you for your reply, do you have any recommendations(other companies or strains) for me?

Hey 119, top of the day to you and the gang. There are so many good breeders out there now and they are all competing for our business. A lot of us around here like Ace, Crop King Seeds, Herbie's, Gorilla. You can't really go wrong with any of these Ok. I liked and did a lot of business with UK Female seeds , too. All these breeders/dealers are sponsors too, i believe. Gorilla has some really cool berry strains i'm trying these days,...hunting for fruity flavor....:tokin: Hope this helps 119 , cheers .:high-five:
The sulfur vape will get rid of it. Eagle 20 is toxic.

When you run the sulfur vape, it's very important that the AC remains ON. rH in the room must be 90% or higher to get the best results.

Sulfur burners eliminate it. Everytime. I'm not sure that's PM, however.

After a couple of decades running indoors I can assure you: Sulfur will only control PM, it will absolutely positively not eradicate it. PM is systemic, it's not simply a spore. And with AC on, there's no way a room will be at 90% rH, ever. And, putting a room at 90% rH poses other unique challenges to plants that aren't good. But, it'd be a good idea to pull sulfur vapor through the AC at some point to kill any spores in the intake/exhaust. As to eagle 20 being toxic, many pesticides and and fungicides can be if used improperly, but there's also a proper way to use them that's perfectly okay.
Hey 119, top of the day to you and the gang. There are so many good breeders out there now and they are all competing for our business. A lot of us around here like Ace, Crop King Seeds, Herbie's, Gorilla. You can't really go wrong with any of these Ok. I liked and did a lot of business with UK Female seeds , too. All these breeders/dealers are sponsors too, i believe. Gorilla has some really cool berry strains i'm trying these days,...hunting for fruity flavor....:tokin: Hope this helps 119 , cheers .:high-five:

Hey Duggan, Thanks for your reply it was very helpful. Thats all I wanted were a few recommendations, I appreciate it! I'd love to find my strain... like Doc and that delicious looking Lemon Paki. But I haven't tried near enough to figure it out. Thanks again!!
Way Ahead? Nope. I'll try washing it off and see what happens. Thanks.

And for clarification:
* Sulfur burner was used after the previous harvest: so there were no plants in the room during the burn.
* All containers, tools, etc., etc., etc. were left in the room for the burn.
* I got the RH as high as I could - upper 70s.
* I do not have A/C in the room.
* Carbon filter is on exhaust fan, which exhausts room air outside. Wouldn't pulling Sulfur vapor through it do the trick? (post burn)
* Intake fan has a Dust Shroom HEPA filter
* WayAhead was not used - early veg....

Thanks for the input.
Way Ahead? Nope. I'll try washing it off and see what happens. Thanks.

And for clarification:
* Sulfur burner was used after the previous harvest: so there were no plants in the room during the burn.
* All containers, tools, etc., etc., etc. were left in the room for the burn.
* I got the RH as high as I could - upper 70s.
* I do not have A/C in the room.
* Carbon filter is on exhaust fan, which exhausts room air outside. Wouldn't pulling Sulfur vapor through it do the trick? (post burn)
* Intake fan has a Dust Shroom HEPA filter
* WayAhead was not used - early veg....

Thanks for the input.

Run the burner again. Be safe and thorough!
After a couple of decades running indoors I can assure you: Sulfur will only control PM, it will absolutely positively not eradicate it. PM is systemic, it's not simply a spore. And with AC on, there's no way a room will be at 90% rH, ever. And, putting a room at 90% rH poses other unique challenges to plants that aren't good. But, it'd be a good idea to pull sulfur vapor through the AC at some point to kill any spores in the intake/exhaust. As to eagle 20 being toxic, many pesticides and and fungicides can be if used improperly, but there's also a proper way to use them that's perfectly okay.

Think you came to the wrong thread...
After a couple of decades running indoors I can assure you: Sulfur will only control PM, it will absolutely positively not eradicate it. PM is systemic, it's not simply a spore. And with AC on, there's no way a room will be at 90% rH, ever. And, putting a room at 90% rH poses other unique challenges to plants that aren't good. But, it'd be a good idea to pull sulfur vapor through the AC at some point to kill any spores in the intake/exhaust. As to eagle 20 being toxic, many pesticides and and fungicides can be if used improperly, but there's also a proper way to use them that's perfectly okay.

I can get my room to 90% rH pretty easily, with the AC on too. It's like it's raining at night, so the plants don't have any issues with it. The sulfur vape works by reacting with water and creating sulfuric acid, which kills the spores throughout the plant, in the top soil, on the walls, containers, trays.......and leaving the AC on cleans all that too.

My AC runs about 10 to 15 minutes per hour in the dark cycle, so while the humidifiers are pumping out water vapor, the AC (temperature controlled) doesn't have a chance to dehumidify the room only cycling on for 10 minutes or so.

As for fungicides.....I do not use them, neither do I recommend them. We growers are about to get bitch-slapped by the politicians because pesticides/fungicides are being detected in virtually ALL medical cannabis in CA. This isn't a front page story yet, but it will be soon. (I have some inside knowledge on this)

My methods---if followed---will allow a grower to deal with mites and PM without using a single toxic agent.

Again, I have no trouble getting the room soaking moist in the dark cycle, but I am curious as to why you have trouble with it?
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