Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

LOL. Budrunner was copying what I said here, posting it there, and pretending he made it up! He's an imposter. He would literally copy and paste. So yeah, the information is's my words!

Christ... wtf is wrong with people. What an ass for pulling that shit, but at least it came from you so I should be able to believe most of it. Funny cause I thought it was maybe an old account of yours, everything he was saying sounded so familiar. Now I know why.

Sooo.. I bet you've got some great links to good study materials Doc... Would you be willing to share? Pertinent to High Brix of course.
Christ... wtf is wrong with people. What an ass for pulling that shit, but at least it came from you so I should be able to believe most of it. Funny cause I thought it was maybe an old account of yours, everything he was saying sounded so familiar. Now I know why.

Sooo.. I bet you've got some great links to good study materials Doc... Would you be willing to share? Pertinent to High Brix of course.

Read Albrecht, Reems, and everything on the lab's website. Get their DVD series too.
Still 2 weeks left on these. They'll get a good transplant drench probable Saturday with the new formula (it came today!), then I'll finish them out on the new GE.


This is the 501st OG tester at 5 weeks. It's super funky and has that strong bakery smell combined with some funky a good way. It'll go 9 weeks almost for sure, so still a month to go on it.


Cheers gang.
Hey Doc I'm learning much on my first run with your gear. 46 days since flip. 4 different stains, AK47, HBOG, Bubblegum, and Nitro Lemon haze. The Blueberry has trucked along with no Epsoms, seems to love the soil as is. The others, I've got behind the mg issues and never caught up, plus a little heat stress from run of plants I have pruned for bushes, due to ceiling restrictions.

Hey Doc I'm learning much on my first run with your gear. 46 days since flip. 4 different stains, AK47, HBOG, Bubblegum, and Nitro Lemon haze. The Blueberry has trucked along with no Epsoms, seems to love the soil as is. The others, I've got behind the mg issues and never caught up, plus a little heat stress from run of plants I have pruned for bushes, due to ceiling restrictions.


Damn DL those plants are looking killer!:bravo:
Still 2 weeks left on these. They'll get a good transplant drench probable Saturday with the new formula (it came today!), then I'll finish them out on the new GE.


This is the 501st OG tester at 5 weeks. It's super funky and has that strong bakery smell combined with some funky a good way. It'll go 9 weeks almost for sure, so still a month to go on it.


Cheers gang.

Oh man, you're gonna be real happy with those buds. Please give feedback RE the new drenches.
Hey Doc I'm learning much on my first run with your gear. 46 days since flip. 4 different stains, AK47, HBOG, Bubblegum, and Nitro Lemon haze. The Blueberry has trucked along with no Epsoms, seems to love the soil as is. The others, I've got behind the mg issues and never caught up, plus a little heat stress from run of plants I have pruned for bushes, due to ceiling restrictions.


Those are gorgeous. Seriously. They'll regain their color in a week or so...that's the midbloom fade. The buds will develop without incident....the plant's metabolism is high. It's gonna catch up and green up. Just watch.
? Brixers , Im using the kit, however I would like to know if there is a a way to increase leaf production, I would like to grow 2-3 plants specifically for juicing while the others handle the bud departments
Thank you
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

? Brixers , Im using the kit, however I would like to know if there is a a way to increase leaf production, I would like to grow 2-3 plants specifically for juicing while the others handle the bud departments
Thank you

A soon to be Brix guy here.

Veg longer ? Or veg and just keep harvesting leaves. Then you could have a huge mother with a totally radical root system developed.... Or just flip when you feel like getting some flower.
Maybe. Dunno. Just some thoughts.. Someone will be along shortly. I seen this n had to try....
Can't wait to see what the right answer is
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Yes my thought as well , but hopefully someone will come in with a strain maybe or light suggestion or a technique:)

I grew a white widow x big bud in a greenhouse and it grew 1' wide leaves like crazy
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Yes my thought as well , but hopefully someone will come in with a strain maybe or light suggestion or a technique:)

Honestly, everything in the kit is designed to produce buds.

If you wanted nothing but leaves, I'd keep the lights at 15 hours on, 9 hours off. Do not spray with Brix...I can get you another foliar that's only for vegetative growth if that's a goal.

But you're in uncharted waters....the kit is designed to grow flowers.
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Honestly, everything in the kit is designed to produce buds.

If you wanted nothing but leaves, I'd keep the lights at 15 hours on, 9 hours off. Do not spray with Brix...I can get you another foliar that's only for vegetative growth if that's a goal.

But you're in uncharted waters....the kit is designed to grow flowers.

Thanks doc , My intentions are to grow buds , if you have a foliar spray you think would work I'd love to try it ,btw you shipped me 2 kits last week , PayPal an invoice happy to experiment..
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Honestly, everything in the kit is designed to produce buds.

If you wanted nothing but leaves, I'd keep the lights at 15 hours on, 9 hours off. Do not spray with Brix...I can get you another foliar that's only for vegetative growth if that's a goal.

But you're in uncharted waters....the kit is designed to grow flowers.
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