Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Regarding the current sativa dominant hybrids I'm running, is there a contingency to provide the old formula (or a revised one strictly geared towards these landraces) should the new formulation not be their cup of tea? (pun intended)
Regarding the current sativa dominant hybrids I'm running, is there a contingency to provide the old formula (or a revised one strictly geared towards these landraces) should the new formulation not be their cup of tea? (pun intended)

I read a couple of weeks ago that Doc was going to make availing the old formula for strains like these...not sure if this is still true though...
So I've given my landrace malawi the new growth at 10 ml for a 10 gallon pot, same for the panama haze and I see no grumpiness out of them. I actually think they loved it. The malawi is finally starting to fatten up and the panama haze got noticeably thicker. Me likey!
Hey Doc Bud and gang... I know some here vote for big pots all the way. My Flower tent is 36"x24" and I wanted to do 2 15 gal pots in there, but I just dont think that will work with the fans taking up space also. In the instructions it recommends 7gal but that seems a bit small.So you guys think 10gals would be ok or should I go with 7s till I get some experience With DBHBB?
7's work just fine. 10's are just a bit better. I've run testers out in 3 gal pots quite a few times and the produce is still top shelf...just not as much of it as the produce is truly dependent on the root mass.
7's work just fine. 10's are just a bit better. I've run testers out in 3 gal pots quite a few times and the produce is still top shelf...just not as much of it as the produce is truly dependent on the root mass.

Wow! Thanks for the quick response... I was thinking for my first run it might be smart to do the 7s, just seems the whole process may be a bit easier with smaller pots first time around. Thanks you again, Ima still see what others say as well.
It also greatly depends on veg time, and whether you're running from seed or clone. Rooted clones are usually 2 weeks ahead of seedlings minimum in my experience. The longer you veg, the bigger the pot you'll want to finish in. I'd not veg longer than 4-5 weeks for a 7 gal pot personally.
I veg in either 1 gallon or 3 depending on the strain. Going from 1 to 10 and flip immediately and you'll have enough soil easily for an 8-10 week strain. Any longer and you may need a 2nd recharge around week 9 or 10. You want to go as big as you can comfortably fit. Pot size is not experience related. The bigger the better. Experience comes in on how heavy to feed that soil and you'll learn that as you learn the strain.
Hey Doc Bud and gang... I know some here vote for big pots all the way. My Flower tent is 36"x24" and I wanted to do 2 15 gal pots in there, but I just dont think that will work with the fans taking up space also. In the instructions it recommends 7gal but that seems a bit small.So you guys think 10gals would be ok or should I go with 7s till I get some experience With DBHBB?

I run 7's.....soon I'm going to decrease my plant count and move up to 15's I think. 7's can be considered the minimum size to still get proper results.
I veg in either 1 gallon or 3 depending on the strain. Going from 1 to 10 and flip immediately and you'll have enough soil easily for an 8-10 week strain. Any longer and you may need a 2nd recharge around week 9 or 10. You want to go as big as you can comfortably fit. Pot size is not experience related. The bigger the better. Experience comes in on how heavy to feed that soil and you'll learn that as you learn the strain.

I usually veg in 1gal as well, then to a 3 gal... then into a 15gal for flower. But I don't get roots like what Doc has shown so ima change that up for sure. I Like the idea of going from the 1 to a 7 or 10 then flip right away. I tend to let mine veg a bit too long and have height issues sometimes, so doing that should help. Thanks for your reply!
It also greatly depends on veg time, and whether you're running from seed or clone. Rooted clones are usually 2 weeks ahead of seedlings minimum in my experience. The longer you veg, the bigger the pot you'll want to finish in. I'd not veg longer than 4-5 weeks for a 7 gal pot personally.

So I could just veg in a 1gal for about 4-5 weeks, then into 7's and straight to flower... That sounds quite a bit faster than the way I've been doing it. Awesome, thanks man!
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