Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I dunno....I really enjoy my analog digital stuff, no wi-fi, no cell phone.....I can hear the bird's, crickets, wind and all that. That's good for us.

Aha, analog time eh. That's the best form of entertainment Doc.

Question for all! Does anyone use a specific cleaner for glass? I am in need of a deep cleaning and usually I use iso. Dunno if there is a better alternative as I'm ignorant to the subject.

Ladies and gents, happy 420!

Aha, analog time eh. That's the best form of entertainment Doc.

Question for all! Does anyone use a specific cleaner for glass? I am in need of a deep cleaning and usually I use iso. Dunno if there is a better alternative as I'm ignorant to the subject.

Ladies and gents, happy 420!


Formula 710 Advanced Cleaner
Aha, analog time eh. That's the best form of entertainment Doc.

Question for all! Does anyone use a specific cleaner for glass? I am in need of a deep cleaning and usually I use iso. Dunno if there is a better alternative as I'm ignorant to the subject.

Ladies and gents, happy 420!


Well ima poor SOB... I use 80+% rubbing alcohol. But I'm sure the other recommendations are better.
Doc or anyone confirm for me?

I've never even looked at it that way! After thinking about it, it sounds good.

But I wouldn't use an oz per gallon of Cat Drench or GE.......only with Transplant would I drench that concentrated.

For feeding 15 veg plants, I use 5 gallons of water, 3 oz. GE, 5 mils Tea.....divide the water/drench between two buckets and submerge the pots.

For bloom, I use 1-3 oz. GE per 5 gallons of water....depending on size and metabolism. Same with normal drenching with Transplant. Cat Drench I rarely use more than 2 oz. per 5 gallons, often only 1 oz.

Each plant gets a gallon in bloom.
Doc, Gov, BrixNewb, the most important thing with what Doc said , was that we should be going easier with the GE and CD , and not treat them like Transplant , giving as much. I have burned plants from too strong a GE Drench. The amounts are , as per instructions , unless, like Doc said , a faster metabolism , etc. This is very good info for all of us! Go lighter when Drenching with GE! Thanks for that Doc, Gov, BrixN.:)
I haven't burned mine giving as much as 1.5ml/gal soil of GE, but I also didn't notice any great benefit at higher concentrations. So, last few runs I've been approx. 1-1.5ml with good results.
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