Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I appreciate you all for chiming in, I was really screwing the pooch. I was giving 1.25mL of Trans per 1 gallon H2O for waterings and about 4mL drench per gallon of H2O so I was all hosed. I am taking the information and running with all of it. I got it right at my side to look at before my next drenches until I get it down. Thanks a ton everyone!
Me whenever I am planting a seed and get to the part with the Roots!

Ok, just curious here... someone posted something about stem splitting a while back. I'm in my last 2 weeks before harvest so I'm curious what the general consensus is on this. I'm tempted to try it, just wanted to get as many expert opinions as possible. After searching around it's very inconclusive as to wether or not it actually does anything... along the lines of 48 hrs dark before harvest... ice water last to waterings etc...
Ok, just curious here... someone posted something about stem splitting a while back. I'm in my last 2 weeks before harvest so I'm curious what the general consensus is on this. I'm tempted to try it, just wanted to get as many expert opinions as possible. After searching around it's very inconclusive as to wether or not it actually does anything... along the lines of 48 hrs dark before harvest... ice water last to waterings etc...

What's the theory behind this sorcery?
What's the theory behind this sorcery?

Well it's supposed to stress the plant out to help produce more trichomes.
But Idk if this kinda stuff actually works. You High Brix guys won't need to do this but I'm on one of my last SS grows and am curious if any of you guys with tons of experience has ever tried this and what the results were. I'll be moving to HB soon!

Splitting cannabis
Well it's supposed to stress the plant out to help produce more trichomes.
But Idk if this kinda stuff actually works. You High Brix guys won't need to do this but I'm on one of my last SS grows and am curious if any of you guys with tons of experience has ever tried this and what the results were. I'll be moving to HB soon!

Splitting cannabis

I've never done it myself. I'm still learning how to produce trichomes via life and growth......I haven't yet moved into torture and may never get there! Seriously, it such a practice is useful, I'd consider doing it.....I have my doubts but I have no experience with the technique.
I've never done it myself. I'm still learning how to produce trichomes via life and growth......I haven't yet moved into torture and may never get there! Seriously, it such a practice is useful, I'd consider doing it.....I have my doubts but I have no experience with the technique.

And all I've read so far is anecdotal. Meh, my weed has PLENTY of trichomes! The next time I split my stem will be harvest time hahaha :)
Actually, stressing plants for better buds is something I have experience with. :cheesygrinsmiley:

In the 80s, living way back in the sticks, it was very very hard to learn how to get the most out of a barnfull of plants. There was almost nothing published on the subject - we found three books, HT mag, etc - pretty much on our own. And the kinds of things that are published in magazines tend to be things that are especially memorable - magazines are advertiser projects - they want eyes and attention. So techniques like stem splitting and other stressors were especially interesting.

It definitely works. :cheesygrinsmiley: In fact, my last grow was plagued by an adapted whitefly population, and I got some especially potent buds out of that.

But here's the thing: You're not getting the best out of the plant - you're only stressing it into producing a narrow result. The plant isn't healthy fer pete's sake. :laugh: You've only made it produce more trichs on fewer smaller buds. And the terpene profile will be affected. If the contest is to harvest a spectacular bud or cola, then sure, torture the crap out of it - you'll get some amazing results.

But you can produce similar results with a perfect plant, and the produce from a perfect plant will always be noticeably better in overall quality AND quantity. I reserve any stressing for a plant that's gone bad already. I wouldn't do it on purpose.
I am officially VERY happy with the new drenches. Below is the Skywalker OG. I fed it at 3x recommended dosage of GE and midbloom fade....and I got lots of purple. I do feel it would have grown better with about half as strong of feedings, but I wanted to test things out before giving guidelines.

The new drenches have solved all frankenstrain issues, from what I can tell. Heavy Transplant drenches (super drenches) are the way to go for these strains....AFTER roots have developed.


Other plants.

I am officially VERY happy with the new drenches. Below is the Skywalker OG. I fed it at 3x recommended dosage of GE and midbloom fade....and I got lots of purple. I do feel it would have grown better with about half as strong of feedings, but I wanted to test things out before giving guidelines.

The new drenches have solved all frankenstrain issues, from what I can tell. Heavy Transplant drenches (super drenches) are the way to go for these strains....AFTER roots have developed.


Other plants.


Beautiful, Doc!

Thank you for the kit ingredient update :circle-of-love:
Damn Doc, those look lethal! Can you clarify though, you said super drenches (after root development), did you do 1 super drench or all transplant drenches were super? I'm curious because my next round of flowering plants (day 25) I've been using the new drenches. So far I only have given them the new transplant at normal dosage. They have 1 more CAT then I'll switch to GE. So you are saying I should be doing 1.5 to 3 ml per gallon of soil?
Damn Doc, those look lethal! Can you clarify though, you said super drenches (after root development), did you do 1 super drench or all transplant drenches were super? I'm curious because my next round of flowering plants (day 25) I've been using the new drenches. So far I only have given them the new transplant at normal dosage. They have 1 more CAT then I'll switch to GE. So you are saying I should be doing 1.5 to 3 ml per gallon of soil?

Treat them just like you are....normal drenches till after the Cat Drench. We want root development. There's enough Mg in the GE and Trans to stave off the magnesium demand till AFTER the Cat drench. Try to Super Drench once or twice in the post-Cat Drench phase of bloom. You can also feed GE at about twice as strong as normal if you've got Taco.

So...Cat Drench....Cat Drench....water.....Super Drench....water.....GE....water....Super Drench.....water....finish normally. Give it a try and see what you think.
I'm running a tester of the 501st OG right now too that looks really good. It's already been through the CD cycle and has gotten one strong trans drench with the older trans. It's got about 4-5 weeks left so I'll hit it with some of the new GE next few drenches.

Here's the 501st OG tester at 4 weeks. I really like the way this strain digs the soil and will have to run its clones in earnest next round.


Here is this round of Laniakea showing some slight fade in the center at week 5.5. Still just under 3 weeks left as it's a fast finisher never running more than 8 weeks.

I'm running a tester of the 501st OG right now too that looks really good. It's already been through the CD cycle and has gotten one strong trans drench with the older trans. It's got about 4-5 weeks left so I'll hit it with some of the new GE next few drenches.

The new Trans is pretty cool! You'll find it smells different, looks different....and the plants really respond to it. Easy on the landrace....kick the hell out of the frankenstrains!
Well Doc, I'm kicking myself now for not including a qt of the new trans with that last order. I'll get some this week. I indeed did notice a slight difference in the new roots too in color and smell. I just used the last of my old stuff to transplant a couple more plants this morning so only the new stuff on hand now. I still have some old transplant left, but not as much as I thought...invoice request pending.
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