Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I have some gnats trying to make a home in my HB plants. Last run had the same problem but they never got out of hand. I only see 1 or 2 flying around and that's occasionally. Do I need to get the leaf wash for such a small infestation?

The gnats mess with roots more than leaves right? Larvae being little bastards. Have you done the mosquito dunks yet? I was under the impression you could use those with the kit and have no adverse side effects. Someone else shall have the definitive response as my answer comes from, "I remember reading _______ awhile ago!"
I sent ya one too Doc.
Almost there. :passitleft:
Question on Soil storage.

Getting ready to mix up the Kit and realized I wont need the full 60gal +
medium all at once so thinking of only cooking up Half

Can I mix the 3 items (Pro-Mix, Worm Castings, Kit Amendment) together and
store before adding RO Water ? Or should I just keep it all separated until ready
to cook ?

Since I have two 27 gal containers I was hoping to mix it all up into 2 containers
and only add the water to 1 and store the other (not watered) until needed?
I'd just mix it and cook it all. Store the stuff you're not using in a corner somewhere. It won't go bad and can be used whenever you decide as long as the storage temps aren't too cold.
Question on Soil storage.

Getting ready to mix up the Kit and realized I wont need the full 60gal +
medium all at once so thinking of only cooking up Half

Can I mix the 3 items (Pro-Mix, Worm Castings, Kit Amendment) together and
store before adding RO Water ? Or should I just keep it all separated until ready
to cook ?

Since I have two 27 gal containers I was hoping to mix it all up into 2 containers
and only add the water to 1 and store the other (not watered) until needed?
Great question Gazoo.
I'd just mix it and cook it all. Store the stuff you're not using in a corner somewhere. It won't go bad and can be used whenever you decide as long as the storage temps aren't too cold.

Thanks Gov

My concern was the long term storage since I normally only run 2 plants at a time
and even with the 7 gal pots that will use approximately 15 gal each grow so the 30 +
Bin could last a few years with second & third run soils ?

Thanks for the fast responses Gov & Doc, Much appreciated
now off to play in the Dirt
Question on Soil storage.

Getting ready to mix up the Kit and realized I wont need the full 60gal +
medium all at once so thinking of only cooking up Half

Can I mix the 3 items (Pro-Mix, Worm Castings, Kit Amendment) together and
store before adding RO Water ? Or should I just keep it all separated until ready
to cook ?

Since I have two 27 gal containers I was hoping to mix it all up into 2 containers
and only add the water to 1 and store the other (not watered) until needed?

I'd just mix it and cook it all. Store the stuff you're not using in a corner somewhere. It won't go bad and can be used whenever you decide as long as the storage temps aren't too cold.

Yep, mix it all per the instructions. It will "keep" for a long time, no problem.
Thanks Gov

My concern was the long term storage since I normally only run 2 plants at a time
and even with the 7 gal pots that will use approximately 15 gal each grow so the 30 +
Bin could last a few years with second & third run soils ?

Running 2 at a 10's if you can fit them. Even if you run the same veg period, they'll be happier.

...and yes, it may last you a long time that way. I have mine split into 2 bins and alternate bins. When I was just doing 2-3 runs/yr of 4 plants it could have lasted a long time for sure, but alas, I run perpetual now and sometimes do 4 plants (in 10's), and even stick an odd 3gal or 5 gal in the corner as a tester. I keep a bag of loose-fill promix hp and at least 5# ewc in the closet to amend with post-chop and now my bins are more ful than they were when I started. Just roll with it.
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