Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Hey all wanted to throw up some pics of docs soil rock'n......These are two prurple sherb freebies from in house genetics..... Actually I got the clones from the beans.....Thanks again neikodog.....Keeping #2 for sure...Oh yeah in week 4....



Thanks again doc.....Ur products rock......:passitleft:
Wow. Duggan really welcomed each one of us personally?! That's an admirable feat! I agree it made me feel immediately welcome as well. Thank you. Camaraderie is priceless.
Sup High brixers!

Been a while since my last post but things are looking good. 3 of my plants (Cinderella 99, Sour tangie, Critical nev haze) sprouted on 3/22. The smaller one is a seed I found in a previous bag of some fire LSD so I hope it is female and started 10 days later than the others. Today the 3 bigger ones are working on their 5th node (I can see 4 nodes noticeably). Thus far I've given a light Trans drench (7.5 mil of trans +1.5 gal of water +.5 ml tea) , light GE drench, and another light Trans drench last night. Here are my questions:

1. Now that the plants are working on their 5th node, I was thinking about topping down to the 3rd node leaving only the 2 fan leaves and the growth tips and anything below that. Should I be removing EVERYTHING except for the 2 fan leaves and growth tips? For example should I remove all the growth from the nodes below including the original 1 finger and 3 finger leaves and the cotyledons or should I leave those?

My plan is to top down to the 3rd node, then grow each growth tip to 4 nodes, then top again down to the 3rd node on each removing the 2 node and leaving nodes 1 and 3 to have a total of 8 main colas. I believe its called the Nebula haze manifolding technique.

2. When I top them, can I clone the tops instead of just throwing them away? I was thinking I could clone each plant, so I'd have 3 clones, but I've been reading that people don't really clone from topping the main stem, but only cloning from lower branches, but I figure why waste the tops and just throw them out when i can try to clone and have 3 plants ready to go after these 3 mothers are harvested? Any feedback/advice/recommendations would be grateful. I only have 1 tent right now so I'm not sure what I will do when the time comes to flower the 3 main plants. The other thinking was: just continue to veg the 3 mother plants until the 3 clones grow big enough to flower simultaneously but then I'll end up with 3 smaller yielding nugs from the clones instead of the nice full growth of the 3 mothers.

Hey Snoog! Plants are looking good! I am not familiar with the manifolding/topping technique but it sounds pretty advanced so I may try a basic top and or FIM. They're both very effective and I would say less stressful than basically chopping a young plant in half. Maybe others will have different advice....? You know the old saying, K.I.S.S.
Hey DL and Dugg, this I have done since the beginning. This is why I thought I had it down. My AP1 gets dry fast and when I feed she gets to looking great and preaches to the sky. When she feels dry so do all the rest. So I feed them all. But then they don't respond the same so this has me confused. This time I will let them dry a little further. I do also let them go over night every time I think they need water. I wait until the morning just to be sure. But maybe I don't need to drench with water??? Chime in on that please. Do I only drench with drenches and water with water?
Well now, that explains things a bit better '7'. That bigger one of yours is uptaking way more water than the other lil one's. Don't assume they are drinking that much too,..OK. Lift the pots man,..get an idea on what they weigh when they are dry. It is a foolproof method and will serve you well until you get some "miliage on you..OK! Those lil things are getting way too much water and that bigger one sounds like it could be up canned . One other thing too, next time FILL your pots ,...not 3/4 , but full,...if your worried about over filling them, don't be , cuz it will settle over the first couple weeks OK. All will be proper...have a great night '7' .

Hey all wanted to throw up some pics of docs soil rock'n......These are two prurple sherb freebies from in house genetics..... Actually I got the clones from the beans.....Thanks again neikodog.....Keeping #2 for sure...Oh yeah in week 4....



Thanks again doc.....Ur products rock......:passitleft:
Nate ,...brotha, cool to see you around again. Your pics are of fake tryin to fool us.....;).....:surf:
Hey DL and Dugg, this I have done since the beginning. This is why I thought I had it down. My AP1 gets dry fast and when I feed she gets to looking great and preaches to the sky. When she feels dry so do all the rest. So I feed them all. But then they don't respond the same so this has me confused. This time I will let them dry a little further. I do also let them go over night every time I think they need water. I wait until the morning just to be sure. But maybe I don't need to drench with water??? Chime in on that please. Do I only drench with drenches and water with water?

Hey Mag7! I'm also one that learned about overwatering the hard way. I too was waiting 6-8 days and thought they needed watering but I was wrong. They can easily go longer between waterings.

Literally yank the plant and rootball out of the plastic pot and check to see if the bottom is wet or dry. My first grow when I was overwatering I was in softies and couldn't pull the plant out of the pot. I changed to plastic and being able to pull that plant out and feel how damp or dry the rootball was really helped me dial in the watering aspect.
Hey DL and Dugg, this I have done since the beginning. This is why I thought I had it down. My AP1 gets dry fast and when I feed she gets to looking great and preaches to the sky. When she feels dry so do all the rest. So I feed them all. But then they don't respond the same so this has me confused. This time I will let them dry a little further. I do also let them go over night every time I think they need water. I wait until the morning just to be sure. But maybe I don't need to drench with water??? Chime in on that please. Do I only drench with drenches and water with water?

Ahh yes...I remember this too....watering all the others when only one is truly ready to water. Been there, done that, didn't work out so well. Water each one as it needs it...just like Duggans and Beavis said.


I learned this just like you are about to. I too thought the pots were dry when I started. I had to actually see the plants physically wilt, like leaves drooped, like oh shit..what have I done! I then watered and watched the plants rehydrate right in front of my eyes...they flenched and sporadically moved for about 15 minutes as they came back to life. Then the next time I noticed the wilt start, but wasn't sure, so waited the night, and checked on them in the am...wilted....ahhh now I learned what they look like right before they wilt, so I don't have to keep stressing them and waiting for the full wilt. This changed everything...a few days after the rescue drench, they took off.

So don't be apprehensive about learning the look of pre-wilt. Learn this, as there are many more hurdles to overcome down the road.


I too have been a victim of the overwatering. It's so easy to do.

These high brix plants they just don't wilt sometimes! That first time you let them "die" on you makes the roots work big time--let it happen at least once.

My rule is wilt or 10 days. You'd be surprised how many times I make it to 10 days, especially when they're that young. .
Hey Mag7! I'm also one that learned about overwatering the hard way. I too was waiting 6-8 days and thought they needed watering but I was wrong. They can easily go longer between waterings.

Literally yank the plant and rootball out of the plastic pot and check to see if the bottom is wet or dry. My first grow when I was overwatering I was in softies and couldn't pull the plant out of the pot. I changed to plastic and being able to pull that plant out and feel how damp or dry the rootball was really helped me dial in the watering aspect.

I would just use the lift method to see if they are dry. I would think that disturbing the roots and taking them out probably isn't the best for the plants
Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I'm gonna wait ten days this time. Definitely gonna jus give a little water, then a light transplant and then a rescue drench to the once that need it. I guess I was trying to keep the kit at an equal ratio as I had six plants going. Maybe next time I'll just do 5 plants and have enough for in expected issues
Well done m gonna wait ten days this time. Definitely gonna jus give a little water, then a light transplant and then a rescue drench to the once that need it. I guess I was trying to keep the kit at an equal ratio as I had six plants going. Maybe next time I'll just do 5 plants and have enough for in expected issues

As everyone has already said, lift technique is the best way for water judgement. If you have a lone pot sitting around fill it with dry soil and use it for mild reference. The plants will eventually add weight, but it could help to get that lifting thing down.

Question, my plastic pots have larger drainage openings and some soil has moved around from my dunk. I can see roots down there that are exposed to lots of dry air. Should I pack some soil in those holes? In hindsight I would put a screen at the bottom of those pots to keep soil from washing out.

Can't wait to get home and :cool:
I use the lift technique. When I lift AP1 and she light and empty and then I feed she just takes off and looks great!! Funny thing, they all feel they same so that feed them all. I even use the meter to test the soil. The meter read dry at the first notch. So I'm assuming by weight and meter that they are dry so I water. One plant loves it one plant does ok and two plants do blah one does kinda ok and one does nothin
I use the lift technique. When I lift AP1 and she light and empty and then I feed she just takes off and looks great!! Funny thing, they all feel they same so that feed them all. I even use the meter to test the soil. The meter read dry at the first notch. So I'm assuming by weight and meter that they are dry so I water. One plant loves it one plant does ok and two plants do blah one does kinda ok and one does nothin

Please get rid of that meter, it's already fooled you! The bigger plant is using more water, period. Cheers eh!
As everyone has already said, lift technique is the best way for water judgement. If you have a lone pot sitting around fill it with dry soil and use it for mild reference. The plants will eventually add weight, but it could help to get that lifting thing down.

Question, my plastic pots have larger drainage openings and some soil has moved around from my dunk. I can see roots down there that are exposed to lots of dry air. Should I pack some soil in those holes? In hindsight I would put a screen at the bottom of those pots to keep soil from washing out.

Can't wait to get home and :cool:

Don't worry about that. Not a problem.
non kit plant, but WTF happened? she not only curled up, she did 360's

harvesting in about a week, so I flushed and two days later she curled up

she's one of the stickiest I have grown.


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