Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Doc, so far this grow with your gear is killing my old Aero grows! So much easier once you start to become familiar with the gear, and the Soil.

26days since flip

All 4 got the cat drench last weekend and will be ready in a day or two for the 2nd cat. The bubble gum and NLH are happy with the soil as is. The 818 and AK need more mg. I gave 2tbsp of Epsoms 2wks ago and another 1tbsp three nights ago...808 leaves taco, while the AK leave seem to "pray". Just rustling the NLH smells like I stepped on a fresh lemon, and looks like an easy trim, interesting bud to leaf ratio. As you suggested Doc, I let all three grow with no topping or LST, to understand and evaluate their natural tendencies. So cool!

Happy Brixday everyone!


Got three more batches of soil going and a bunch of clones that are rooted and in 1 gal pots. Hope to start a journal soon.

Doc, so far this grow with your gear is killing my old Aero grows! So much easier once you start to become familiar with the gear, and the Soil.

26days since flip

All 4 got the cat drench last weekend and will be ready in a day or two for the 2nd cat. The bubble gum and NLH are happy with the soil as is. The 818 and AK need more mg. I gave 2tbsp of Epsoms 2wks ago and another 1tbsp three nights ago...808 leaves taco, while the AK leave seem to "pray". Just rustling the NLH smells like I stepped on a fresh lemon, and looks like an easy trim, interesting bud to leaf ratio. As you suggested Doc, I let all three grow with no topping or LST, to understand and evaluate their natural tendencies. So cool!

Happy Brixday everyone!


Got three more batches of soil going and a bunch of clones that are rooted and in 1 gal pots. Hope to start a journal soon.


That's the stuff! Just wait till you're on the new drenches......gonna amaze you.
Top of the day to ya DL , Doc and gang! DL , I notice they are showing a slight Mg def. Do you see it.....with the leaf edges just starting to curl 'up' ever so dress with a fist full of Epsoms. Do this right now , before their next drink OK. Doc has modified the 'kit' Drenches so we will not have to worry as much about our 'coveted' "frankenstrains" we love to grow OK. Epsoms won't be required to keep some salt loving strains happy into mid/late bloom. Yours are showing a very typical Mg shortage ...other than that they look very , very nice...great job so far DL...rockin it brotha!:)...:slide:
What's the recommended drench to follow the cat drenches?

I've done 1/4 trans or straight water then straight to energy the last couple runs to good effect, but would they be better with a full trans drench? or going straight to GE?

Just curious what others do.
What's the recommended drench to follow the cat drenches?

I've done 1/4 trans or straight water then straight to energy the last couple runs to good effect, but would they be better with a full trans drench? or going straight to GE?

Just curious what others do.

Hey Gov,..after the second CD i go with two straight waters , then back to GE! Cheers bud!:)
The first...mag demand, but overall looks great. The second....excess light and mag.....not quite as good.

Why? many runs on the soil? What strains?

New soil. 1. Snake venom (gg4 x viper city og) 2. Lemon OG 3. Moonshine ghost train.
New soil. 1. Snake venom (gg4 x viper city og) 2. Lemon OG 3. Moonshine ghost train.

That's very surprising on first run soil. If you can turn down the lights and up the humidity just a bit, they might have time to catch their breath, so to speak.

We use these tiny containers and push the hell out of the plants with lots of light and foliar sprays, and every now and then the wheels fall off. A perfect storm of a large plant, high temps, low humidity can do it.

Thankfully, it's not common.
That's very surprising on first run soil. If you can turn down the lights and up the humidity just a bit, they might have time to catch their breath, so to speak.

We use these tiny containers and push the hell out of the plants with lots of light and foliar sprays, and every now and then the wheels fall off. A perfect storm of a large plant, high temps, low humidity can do it.

Thankfully, it's not common.

Im thinking it was the lights because after I moved them up it stopped. That third pic though, the mgt, ive never seen that downward curl before. My environment is as close to perfect as it can be. Ill try something and see what happens. Thanks bro
Hey guys, sorry to post this here cause I'm not high brix.... yet. But Doc had said a while back that the purple petioles are a sign of slow phosphorous uptake? pretty sure thats right... anyway, is there anyway to help increase the uptake? I can't help but feel my lady is missing out. I mean just adding more phosphorus won't help right? cause just because there is more doesn't mean it'll be able to take in anymore if there is something holding it back. Hope I made sense.
Hey guys, sorry to post this here cause I'm not high brix.... yet. But Doc had said a while back that the purple petioles are a sign of slow phosphorous uptake? pretty sure thats right... anyway, is there anyway to help increase the uptake? I can't help but feel my lady is missing out. I mean just adding more phosphorus won't help right? cause just because there is more doesn't mean it'll be able to take in anymore if there is something holding it back. Hope I made sense.

Bad phosphorous uptake is usually related to root temps. Specifically night time temps. Make sure pots are at least an inch off the floor and keep night time temps above 65 and should get you on the right track.
Bad phosphorous uptake is usually related to root temps. Specifically night time temps. Make sure pots are at least an inch off the floor and keep night time temps above 65 and should get you on the right track.

Hey aruu, thanks for your reply! Not sure what my soil temp is usually but my lights on temp is 79-81f 45-50% RH Lights off 70-74 40%RH average. Im on wood floor covered with pad and carpet and have a 1.5" piece ic styrofoam under her. So I'm just not sure whats up...

Sorry not trying to jack the thread, thanks again.
:hmmmm: ... I think high pH hurts P uptake ... ? I was plagued with purple stems when my pH drifted up from hard water ...
:hmmmm: ... I think high pH hurts P uptake ... ? I was plagued with purple stems when my pH drifted up from hard water ...

Thanks for your time Graytail, I always use RO water... Our local water is just horrendous. I feed with a compost tea every third watering, and RO in between. I drink the same water I use on my ladies, so I know it at least tastes good :winkyface:
Hey guys, sorry to post this here cause I'm not high brix.... yet. But Doc had said a while back that the purple petioles are a sign of slow phosphorous uptake? pretty sure thats right... anyway, is there anyway to help increase the uptake? I can't help but feel my lady is missing out. I mean just adding more phosphorus won't help right? cause just because there is more doesn't mean it'll be able to take in anymore if there is something holding it back. Hope I made sense.

Hey dajerm,

Purple streaked stems and purple petioles are often due to slow phosphorus uptake. The most common causes are cold roots and water that's too cold. Other causes can be excess organic matter in the soil, causing sluggish biota and possibly pH lockout in a hydro environment.

Which one do you think applies to you?
Hey dajerm,

Purple streaked stems and purple petioles are often due to slow phosphorus uptake. The most common causes are cold roots and water that's too cold. Other causes can be excess organic matter in the soil, causing sluggish biota and possibly pH lockout in a hydro environment.

Which one do you think applies to you?

Hey Doc Bud, thanks so much for your reply. Well id say... excess organic matter in the soil, causing sluggish biota. How warm should the water be? Mine should be round room temperature (73-78)maybe a bit cooler.
Also, Im guessing that if it is the excess organic material slowing down the biota, the only way to speed it back up is to wait for it to break the material down?
Also, I had measured the temp of my soil a few inches down with an infrared thermometer. Remember, you told me it was too warm @75ish. Is that an accurate measurement or should i get a soil temp sensor? so many questions, I'm sorry.
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