Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I've found, in the current strain I'm running, a traditionally higher concentration of the drenches from week 3 to finish makes this particular strain super-happy...and I'm still using up the last of my old kit stuff. I've even been using the old Roots! to top dress with the ewc, recharge and extra soil in week 2 rather than week 3. I'm upping the levels a little more this round too in the last 3 weeks to finish up the old GE as well as to see what it does.

Really looking forward to my next order next month of the new stuff!dosing your giving the

Doc, with the higher dosing your giving them to test right now, are you also upping the amount of tea?

hey Gov,

Tea is staying the same, I'm watering between drenches once or twice too. But the GE and Trans are now different. They look and smell different too.....some key changes. There's very little water in the GE drench now....weighs nearly 12 lbs per gallon! Transplant drench is very acidic too, which is making minerals available in a surprising way on the recycled soils. While all this is fantastic news for the Frankenstrain crew.....we're going to have to be careful with plants that "love" the soil.

Brix isn't up....but I'm also torturing the plants with excess to see what will happen. On the other hand, resin production is at an all time high.
Yep. When you've grown a strain a couple times and you know what's coming, taking action a week or ten days prior does the trick. The new drenches have totally solved this issue, BTW.

But they've also created some new situations, which I'm just now discovering......nothing bad, just different.

You might notice that many of my plants are turning colors lately? I using the new drenches at 3x the recommended level in order to see if there are any potential negatives. I'm getting fall colors, fat buds and more terps!

So, I'm reworking the Super Drench, now that Transplant is loaded with Mg and Sulfur. The acidity in the new formula presents some interesting behavior in 3rd run soil, reacting in such a way as to free up minerals like never before.

It's been over a year in the making....close to two years, but finally we've got another "breakthrough." Things have just gotten a whole bunch better with the kit!

:thanks: :circle-of-love:
Hi guys! Looking for advice on my 4 girls that are 25 days post flip. I Have 2 blue kush, 1 Dr Krippling incredible bulk and 1 deep cheese. I started them from seed about jan 1st. The soil, drenches and failures were about three years old but I got Doc's blessing that they were ok. This is my second hi brix grow and only third indoor grow ever, so I'm still learning. The blue kush #1 is having trouble and I think they may all have issues to be honest so I'm ready for some advice. I think the smaller blue kush is ready for the cat drench? Should I use epsom salts, recharge, rescue drench??? Help please!! I'm looking to get close to the level I see here. I've followed the directions close to a tee, measured out products and only watered in veg when completely dry and slight wilt. I learned so much from reading here but need to make up for lack of experience. Temps and humidity were always good, may get a little hot (85) in the 3 hours both my tents are on at the same time but I watch it close. Well it looks like my pics don't have the identifying description I added, The first two are the deep cheese. Looks like I may need some better pics...
Hi guys! Looking for advice on my 4 girls that are 25 days post flip. I Have 2 blue kush, 1 Dr Krippling incredible bulk and 1 deep cheese. I started them from seed about jan 1st. The soil, drenches and failures were about three years old but I got Doc's blessing that they were ok. This is my second hi brix grow and only third indoor grow ever, so I'm still learning. The blue kush #1 is having trouble and I think they may all have issues to be honest so I'm ready for some advice. I think the smaller blue kush is ready for the cat drench? Should I use epsom salts, recharge, rescue drench??? Help please!! I'm looking to get close to the level I see here. I've followed the directions close to a tee, measured out products and only watered in veg when completely dry and slight wilt. I learned so much from reading here but need to make up for lack of experience. Temps and humidity were always good, may get a little hot (85) in the 3 hours both my tents are on at the same time but I watch it close. Well it looks like my pics don't have the identifying description I added, The first two are the deep cheese. Looks like I may need some better pics...

sumpthin's not quite right.....25 days post flip and you should have lots of pistils.

do you have a light leak?

Also, the containers look a tad on the small side. Prune them up and make sure it's nice and dark at night.
Thanks Doc. I agree they are way behind. I sat in the tent before the flip and didn't see any penetration but I'll double check it. Thanks for the help! I think they are 7 gallon but next batch will be in 10s for sure.
Thanks Duggan, I do have the soil as I bought another kit and it's been cooking since feb 5th so ready to go. I hadn't thought of upcanning, I think I may do that! They are 12/12 6;30pm to 6:30 am. and with the veg tent being open and running 5:00am to 11:00 pm there is a lot of ambient light in the room. I'm considering getting an exhaust fan for the veg tent so i can close that up during the day and that may be the easiest way to solve the leaks. A little leak was from the 6in passive intake and it's got 5 S bends!
OK Duggan thanks for the advice. Going to get some 10 gallon containers and up can this weekend. The light leaks are better already. Thanks for chiming in!
Hi guys! Looking for advice on my 4 girls that are 25 days post flip. I Have 2 blue kush, 1 Dr Krippling incredible bulk and 1 deep cheese. I started them from seed about jan 1st. The soil, drenches and failures were about three years old but I got Doc's blessing that they were ok. This is my second hi brix grow and only third indoor grow ever, so I'm still learning. The blue kush #1 is having trouble and I think they may all have issues to be honest so I'm ready for some advice. I think the smaller blue kush is ready for the cat drench? Should I use epsom salts, recharge, rescue drench??? Help please!! I'm looking to get close to the level I see here. I've followed the directions close to a tee, measured out products and only watered in veg when completely dry and slight wilt. I learned so much from reading here but need to make up for lack of experience. Temps and humidity were always good, may get a little hot (85) in the 3 hours both my tents are on at the same time but I watch it close. Well it looks like my pics don't have the identifying description I added, The first two are the deep cheese. Looks like I may need some better pics...

A couple of those cola took off didn't they, plants looks great!! Sooo green. I'm still new so all I can say is good luck and you'll be fine. Looks like you may live down south, by the home decor. Or at least that what it reminds me of. Close to home and all .
I did find a couple of small light leaks!!! Gave the plants a good trimming, thanks for the help, hopefully I get back on track...

I had this happen once...the light timer had one of the 15 minute "dogs" clicked to "on" during dark cycle. Didn't notice it till plants looked like yours....yield amongst other things was compromised on that grow.
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