Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I have used tiresias mist to make female seeds with good results.

Why use guess work to see what male shows up.

Use the mist on the one you want to make female pollen and pollinate which ever ones you want with the female pollen.
I have used tiresias mist to make female seeds with good results.

Why use guess work to see what male shows up.

Use the mist on the one you want to make female pollen and pollinate which ever ones you want with the female pollen.

Oh snap!!! I'm a googling... Thank you!!
I have first run soil from two plants I culled and I have added leaves and sprinkled roots all over top and is composting right now. When it comes time to use it do I mix it with new soil that that has been cooked or just plant directly in the used soil once all the leaves and roots are gone? Do I need to let the used soil cook another 30 days? I think I read that after the second run I should add some amendment and new pro mix. If anyone can point me in the right direction to instructions or give me a quick run through on recycled soil it would be much appreciated! Thanks!
I have first run soil from two plants I culled and I have added leaves and sprinkled roots all over top and is composting right now. When it comes time to use it do I mix it with new soil that that has been cooked or just plant directly in the used soil once all the leaves and roots are gone? Do I need to let the used soil cook another 30 days? I think I read that after the second run I should add some amendment and new pro mix. If anyone can point me in the right direction to instructions or give me a quick run through on recycled soil it would be much appreciated! Thanks!

You were supposed to mix the rootballs in with your unused soil add a 1/4 cup of roots, the cuttings and about 15 more pounds of ewc (optional)....mix thoroughly and use...dont have to cook again. No amendment either, thats for 3rd round soil
You were supposed to mix the rootballs in with your unused soil add a 1/4 cup of roots, the cuttings and about 15 more pounds of ewc (optional)....mix thoroughly and use...dont have to cook again. No amendment either, thats for 3rd round soil

That's one way of doing it for sure.

I like to use first run soil with nothing more than the kit, second run soil with nothing more than the kit and the root balls from the first run, and then I start adding leaves, Roots!, EWC and 3rd run amendment. 4th round must be cut with fresh Promix.

At the same time as above, I sometimes have another barrel of soil to which I add lots of leaves and Roots! and really get a super rich humus soil. I call it "Rescue Soil" and I top dress with it with later rounds of soil.

But my preferred soil is usually 3rd run.
Hi every one :) I've been busy getting things setup for a future grow in DBHBB. Got a 110 gal tub in place and two kits on the way, two bags of promix and 60lbs of ewc. I'm looking for a camera - we'll see - as I am thinking I'll be doin a journal. When its ready I'll provide the link. Could be a while yet.

Anyway, I'm 400 posts behind on this journal let alone all the others I was following...just checkin on ya!
Hi every one :) I've been busy getting things setup for a future grow in DBHBB. Got a 110 gal tub in place and two kits on the way, two bags of promix and 60lbs of ewc. I'm looking for a camera - we'll see - as I am thinking I'll be doin a journal. When its ready I'll provide the link. Could be a while yet.

Anyway, I'm 400 posts behind on this journal let alone all the others I was following...just checkin on ya!

And I've been thinking about you all day long. Good to see you. :love: Ok now I'll really go to bed. I knew three was a reason I was still up. :battingeyelashes:
Doc, Did I miss the initial taste test of your mind blowing Colombian? I only read it was very strong...:)

I wonder if my Panama is similar. I got to roll my first J with the 1st week cure. it is awesome!! :)
Anyone that had or has the opportunity in the future, will love it.
I can reconfirm my love for Sativas...:thumb:

I can only imagine how your amazing plants taste...
I have an off topic question for you guys. Anybody in the HB group use cigar humidors for drying, curing or storage? I happen to have a couple of good sized humidors and wondered if I should repurpose them.
I have an off topic question for you guys. Anybody in the HB group use cigar humidors for drying, curing or storage? I happen to have a couple of good sized humidors and wondered if I should repurpose them.

2 humidors I have are lined with Spanish cedar. I don't use the humidors for my produce. I use the Boveda packs to help keep the rH level constant in my jars.
I need to order some Bovedas. I forgot all about that. Of course, what I harvest this time will vanish quickly I'm sure, so that's not really critical until about October to November? Oooooo. That'll be a sweet time, won't it Ziggy?
I often see directions for various products (including DBHBB) mention using so much per square foot in a raised bed, or so much per acre. Obviously these measurements don't take into consideration the volume of soil - only the area. My question is, with these kind of instructions, how deep do they assume the soil is that's being amended? It seems like it must be fairly shallow, like 6", but IDK. Anyone know?
Growing High Brix w/ Mystery Seeds

Just wanted to update the High Brix community, my HB journal is up and running: Growing High Brix With Mystery Seeds

A bud shot from Papaya #2 growing in Happy Frog soil. Can't wait to compare results with DBHBB!

I often see directions for various products (including DBHBB) mention using so much per square foot in a raised bed, or so much per acre. Obviously these measurements don't take into consideration the volume of soil - only the area. My question is, with these kind of instructions, how deep do they assume the soil is that's being amended? It seems like it must be fairly shallow, like 6", but IDK. Anyone know?

They take leaching effect into account and realize that what is put on top or plowed into the top 12 inches, or whatever, will leach down at various rates. So the amendment takes into account not only the balance of major/minor/microbes but also the soil structure, thinking down the line a year or two so as not to go overboard on something. It's easy to add something this season but nearly impossible to take something out except over a period of years.

So, amendments are formulated with several factors involved, other than just volume of soil. Cover crops and green mulches are almost universally encouraged and that is taken into account with the amendment as well.
Those veg'ers look thirsty.
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