Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Re: two cents

Thanks for the advice. I did upcan them that same day. The pots didn't really seem to be root bound yet but I did score and dust them. Watered them in with transplant. Will start with the first drench after they dry out.

These clones where taken when the mothers where about 3 to 4 weeks into flowering. They also went through a move and where shut up in a box for 4 to 5 hours. Then also the timer setting where screwed up and they ended up with to little light the first day after the move. I'm sure that the will recover but they look hungry. Do you think that I will need the salt kit later for these grape apes? The first time I grew these they always looked like they where mag deficient kinda like they do here. They turned out pretty darn good the first run though.

My Grape Apes need no Epsom or Salty drench at all.
Re: two cents

Thanks for the advice. I did upcan them that same day. The pots didn't really seem to be root bound yet but I did score and dust them. Watered them in with transplant. Will start with the first drench after they dry out.

These clones where taken when the mothers where about 3 to 4 weeks into flowering. They also went through a move and where shut up in a box for 4 to 5 hours. Then also the timer setting where screwed up and they ended up with to little light the first day after the move. I'm sure that the will recover but they look hungry. Do you think that I will need the salt kit later for these grape apes? The first time I grew these they always looked like they where mag deficient kinda like they do here. They turned out pretty darn good the first run though.

That all sounds about right to me, explains the photoperiod stress and monstercropping. 3-4 weeks into flower is fairly long to take cuts in, you can expect difficulty rooting compared to taking cuts from a vegging plant (hence why they don't seem rootbound). While your roots may not have the maturity to fill the container, your plant has outgrown the container regardless, as you can tell just by their health and just looking at them: you have too many nodes and too much height for a thimbleful of dirt.

The stuff in bold I tend to disagree with as I said before. All the signs that you are pointing to mag deficiency now are much more likely to be caused by all of the reasons in the previous paragraph. Most of the prescriptions for epsoms that I've seen around here don't start to get added till late veg - early flower. Those girls very well be major salt eaters, but its not to do with your current issues (they don't want to chow salt till they get to be big and hungry).
Doc, on the og drench, is just to give familiar tastes and smells to the og Chemdog strains or is it something the plant requires? So if I have a strain that would qualify for the og drench and I skip it am I just getting different tastes and smells or is the plant not as good without it?
Doc, on the og drench, is just to give familiar tastes and smells to the og Chemdog strains or is it something the plant requires? So if I have a strain that would qualify for the og drench and I skip it am I just getting different tastes and smells or is the plant not as good without it?

Good Q. Wondering if I should throw the OG on 1/3 of my Master Kushes to see what happens. Its really hard to imagine the stems going limp, they've got fricken bark on em.

*adds a small bottle of OG drench to fresh DBHB shopping list
Re: two cents

That all sounds about right to me, explains the photoperiod stress and monstercropping. 3-4 weeks into flower is fairly long to take cuts in, you can expect difficulty rooting compared to taking cuts from a vegging plant (hence why they don't seem rootbound). While your roots may not have the maturity to fill the container, your plant has outgrown the container regardless, as you can tell just by their health and just looking at them: you have too many nodes and too much height for a thimbleful of dirt.

The stuff in bold I tend to disagree with as I said before. All the signs that you are pointing to mag deficiency now are much more likely to be caused by all of the reasons in the previous paragraph. Most of the prescriptions for epsoms that I've seen around here don't start to get added till late veg - early flower. Those girls very well be major salt eaters, but its not to do with your current issues (they don't want to chow salt till they get to be big and hungry).

I'm sure your right. That does make a lot of sense.

I didn't want to take the cuts so late but I messed up my veg cutting from the same mother by forgetting to plug the cloner pump back into the wall. :(
Doc, on the og drench, is just to give familiar tastes and smells to the og Chemdog strains or is it something the plant requires? So if I have a strain that would qualify for the og drench and I skip it am I just getting different tastes and smells or is the plant not as good without it?

The plants grow far better without the OG drench, even the OG/Chemdog types. They simply don't have the flavor associated with high PPM hydro methods and these particular strains.
What are your thoughts on being preemptive in an outdoor grow for things like PM, bud rot, bud worm and other critters. Our grapes and maple trees always suffer badly from PM. I'm hoping the HB plants will not be affected, but I'd rather jump on it ASAP if you think I should. I have neem oil which seems to work pretty well for a variety of problems but I won't use it if you think it will lower the quality of the produce a lot.
What are your thoughts on being preemptive in an outdoor grow for things like PM, bud rot, bud worm and other critters. Our grapes and maple trees always suffer badly from PM. I'm hoping the HB plants will not be affected, but I'd rather jump on it ASAP if you think I should. I have neem oil which seems to work pretty well for a variety of problems but I won't use it if you think it will lower the quality of the produce a lot.

well, technically you don't have high brix plants as your roots have long ago ventured into your native soil...but they should be very strong and healthy nonetheless.

I think being preemptive is a great idea. Neem isn't too great for PM, but it's great for worms and bugs for sure. You could try a Phosphorous Acid spray for PM. In the brokerage I have access to all kinds of nifty sprays for PM on outdoor grows. If you like I can price you out on a couple. These are all through the High Brix lab, so they're safe and effective.
doc, what was the % of your fast pheno/total plants grown?

I popped 10 seeds and got 7 females and identified what I thought were 4 pheno's but it turns out only 3 pheno's and 2 of the 7 females were "fast" but I only bloomed out 1, because I didn't know how these things would grow and wasn't sure if I'd have room for more than 4 plants.

You'll see more of these pheno's in the coming months. It's going to be very, very difficult to choose one over the other, not that I have to do so, but my choices are:

Fast...decent yield, 8 to 9 weeks, delicious flavor, upbeat happy buzz, voracious appetite(s).

Tall....huge yield 5 oz per plant easy on mine. Looks potent as hell, lots and lots of resin. Great smell, better than the Fast one, IMO.

Medium.....this one has the thin, fluffy buds you would expect from a Sativa like this. The yield will be less than the fast pheno, and the buds will be much more fluffy and loose. It looks like it might foxtail too. However....this medium pheno has the best smell by far and is also trichome infested.

I don't know what I'll do, but so far I can't do without the Fast's all I'm smoking except I mix it with Willie Nelson for my evening joint. I feel like one lucky bastard, lemme tell ya. I can't believe what I'm smoking these days.
I popped 10 seeds and got 7 females and identified what I thought were 4 pheno's but it turns out only 3 pheno's and 2 of the 7 females were "fast" but I only bloomed out 1, because I didn't know how these things would grow and wasn't sure if I'd have room for more than 4 plants.

You'll see more of these pheno's in the coming months. It's going to be very, very difficult to choose one over the other, not that I have to do so, but my choices are:

Fast...decent yield, 8 to 9 weeks, delicious flavor, upbeat happy buzz, voracious appetite(s).

Tall....huge yield 5 oz per plant easy on mine. Looks potent as hell, lots and lots of resin. Great smell, better than the Fast one, IMO.

Medium.....this one has the thin, fluffy buds you would expect from a Sativa like this. The yield will be less than the fast pheno, and the buds will be much more fluffy and loose. It looks like it might foxtail too. However....this medium pheno has the best smell by far and is also trichome infested.

I don't know what I'll do, but so far I can't do without the Fast's all I'm smoking except I mix it with Willie Nelson for my evening joint. I feel like one lucky bastard, lemme tell ya. I can't believe what I'm smoking these days.

Doc, sounds amazing!! Maybe you can have some of each...different phenos for different moods. :)
I feel like one lucky bastard, lemme tell ya. I can't believe what I'm smoking these days.

I know how you feel bro! The bubba, as it cures, is crippling and the strawberry cough, although not much to look at, is simply fire! My GF smokes the cough then starts cleaning the house lmao!!! We made some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies so I decided to eat 2 the other night...CRAZY!!! Lmfao :)
I popped 10 seeds and got 7 females and identified what I thought were 4 pheno's but it turns out only 3 pheno's and 2 of the 7 females were "fast" but I only bloomed out 1, because I didn't know how these things would grow and wasn't sure if I'd have room for more than 4 plants.

You'll see more of these pheno's in the coming months. It's going to be very, very difficult to choose one over the other, not that I have to do so, but my choices are:

Fast...decent yield, 8 to 9 weeks, delicious flavor, upbeat happy buzz, voracious appetite(s).

Tall....huge yield 5 oz per plant easy on mine. Looks potent as hell, lots and lots of resin. Great smell, better than the Fast one, IMO.

Medium.....this one has the thin, fluffy buds you would expect from a Sativa like this. The yield will be less than the fast pheno, and the buds will be much more fluffy and loose. It looks like it might foxtail too. However....this medium pheno has the best smell by far and is also trichome infested.

I don't know what I'll do, but so far I can't do without the Fast's all I'm smoking except I mix it with Willie Nelson for my evening joint. I feel like one lucky bastard, lemme tell ya. I can't believe what I'm smoking these days.

aww poor things just shiverin'
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