Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Re: What to do with the leftover foliar spray?

When finished spraying Brix, can I pour the excess (about 30ml mixed) onto the soil? Or might that have a negative effect? The same question goes for De-Stress?

Oh, and beautiful plants, Doc. :drool:

You could pour it in without harm. You can safe the De-Stress in the fridge, but don't try it with the Brix. You'll grow a whitish green puck of some slime if you keep the Brix a few days.
Doc, fwiw when I had serrated edge curl is when I hit em hard with epsom (2.5 tbsp/pot) and just a tablespoon per pot after that. Still no edges curling now but one plant is getting ever so slight tip burn. Ill be working on that for the next week. Ill see what it takes to stop it from spreading. I think I might reset the soil with a good trans drench again. Whatcha think?
I'm not sure I have.

The buds are dense and gummy, loaded with triches and they have a unique smell. The typical "bakery that does cakes" smell is present which seems to be a norm for higher brix plants, but there is also a significant scent of some kind of fruit. I can't put my finger on what type of fruit, so let's just say it's a variety that only grown in weedland.

Smoke is smooth and very dense. Smoke rings with this strain are super cool. The high is intense and very cerebral, except the body component is such that you feel yourself standing up straighter with a bit of spring in the steps. We laugh alot and when smoked in a group everyone is very talkative but also contemplative.

This is good stuff for talking about God, but it's also good for watching South disrespect or comparison intended. The point is that medicinally it causes laughter, and appetite stimulation, but there can also be a spiritual component to the effect.

It's just fantastic strain and as I learn to grow it I can easily see it becoming my new flagship strain, alongside Paki.

Jeez if that doesn't sound amazing, I don't know what does!
Brix is a sign of health. Higher brix=better health. Brix over 12 means no pests and no spraying for pests.

Saying you want more buds but aren't concerned about higher quality is what you're saying, even though you probably don't realize it.

As of right now, there is still a market for big, red, tasteless apples. The government buys them for schools, prisons and the military. But you would never choose one of those chalky apples if you've tasted a really nice high brix apple.

Same with carrots.

Prohibition has created some really bizarre practices for growers. Yield becomes the most important fact, because even low grade cannabis can be sold for profit. The higher the yield per plant, the more money you make. I get that.

We saw this during prohibition with alcohol. Many folks were distilling their own booze at home or in the barn or woods. It definitely got people drunk. Many people made fortunes on illegal booze but the quality would not be tolerated today.

When pot prohibition is lifted, hydroponics won't be very popular, and what we consider decent weed today won't be served anywhere. I'm planning on making my living as a legal grower of ultra high quality cannabis. I don't care about plant yield, although mine is quite good. I demand quality, and so will everybody in the near future.

I know this is old, but going back through this thread I have to say--AMEN TO THIS!
Yep, those little ones are some Lemon Thai seeds. I started them on 16/8, which is where I'm running my veg room for a few weeks now. It's helping me get some nice open structure on the lanky plants, like the Jack. The lowermost buds on that thing were the size of golfballs and very dense, sticky and stinky.

I'm hoping to get this one purple pheno on those Thai seeds and propagate it. It's fantastic smoke and a delicious lemonyblueberry type of smell.

Here's something worth saying: I mixed 1 cup of Root Zone with each gallon of soil for those seeds, watered in with Transplant per the instructions. 10 out of 10 germed, and no obvious male vigor stands out. The temps and rH were optimal for females and they're under nice bright light. We shall see!


Sorry to resurrect this old post, but I was curious about this! Can you share your preferred rh/temps for germing seeeds (with hopes of producing females)?

What about general veg/flower? I love that you have the ability to control your room so well!
Re: What to do with the leftover foliar spray?

You could pour it in without harm. You can safe the De-Stress in the fridge, but don't try it with the Brix. You'll grow a whitish green puck of some slime if you keep the Brix a few days.

This is good to know. I hated tossing that small amount that's always left.
Doc, fwiw when I had serrated edge curl is when I hit em hard with epsom (2.5 tbsp/pot) and just a tablespoon per pot after that. Still no edges curling now but one plant is getting ever so slight tip burn. Ill be working on that for the next week. Ill see what it takes to stop it from spreading. I think I might reset the soil with a good trans drench again. Whatcha think?

I have no problem with a little tip burn or a little taco. It's the buds, bud.

As long as they're shiney, strong, bright green stems and the like, we don't worry about a bit of leaf curl or tip burn. At least I don't.

I agree with you RE how you use the epsoms.
Re: What to do with the leftover foliar spray?

This is good to know. I hated tossing that small amount that's always left.

I think there's a thread somewhere on how to start seeds, but here ya go:

How to get females from regular seeds

Avoid all stress! The first 72 hours and ESPECIALLY the first 24 hours after germination determine sex. Stress favors males, happiness females.

Sources of stress:

1. handling the roots. don't use the paper towell method
2. temps too high, rh too low
3. soil too hot
4. not enough light

So, here's my method

1. Room temps in the low to mid 70's
2. Rh about 60%
3. High Brix soil, with Roots! added to the hole you'll put the seed
4. BRIGHT light over the seedling. When I say bright I mean like a T5 one inch above the seedling, or an LED putting out a similar amount of light.
5. soak seeds in water for 12-24 hours, DO NOT LET THEM CRACK OPEN IN THE WATER
6. Plant. Moisten. Wait.

You won't get 100% females doing this usually, although I have. I have also gotten males from "femmed" seeds so nothing is perfect, but using this method you'll have healthy seedlings that are more often than not females.
Re: What to do with the leftover foliar spray?

I think there's a thread somewhere on how to start seeds, but here ya go:

How to get females from regular seeds

Avoid all stress! The first 72 hours and ESPECIALLY the first 24 hours after germination determine sex. Stress favors males, happiness females.

Sources of stress:

1. handling the roots. don't use the paper towell method
2. temps too high, rh too low
3. soil too hot
4. not enough light

So, here's my method

1. Room temps in the low to mid 70's
2. Rh about 60%
3. High Brix soil, with Roots! added to the hole you'll put the seed
4. BRIGHT light over the seedling. When I say bright I mean like a T5 one inch above the seedling, or an LED putting out a similar amount of light.
5. soak seeds in water for 12-24 hours, DO NOT LET THEM CRACK OPEN IN THE WATER
6. Plant. Moisten. Wait.

You won't get 100% females doing this usually, although I have. I have also gotten males from "femmed" seeds so nothing is perfect, but using this method you'll have healthy seedlings that are more often than not females.

Awesome, thanks Doc! Any chance you could PM me about your kit? I'm not at 50 yet, so I can't reach out myself :)
I aint there....YET, Zigg! :)
One day I will

you just calm down with the modesty over there and keep helping us not try to kill our plants.

When finished spraying Brix, can I pour the excess (about 30ml mixed) onto the soil? Or might that have a negative effect? The same question goes for De-Stress?

Oh, and beautiful plants, Doc. :drool:

great question. I try to run my system with little water and no plumbing, a little swirl of clean water in my buckets and I always question dumping very diluted destress/brix water in a saucer, knowing is great!

Jeez if that doesn't sound amazing, I don't know what does!

fuckin potheads
Heavy Feeders: Thoughts?

Sorry for the double post but a theory question (I think we have tackled it before in different ways):

So how to approach "heavy feeders"? is my question.

If we are feeding the soil, it seems like dumping more DBHB product into it would be how ppl would tackle heavy feeders in hydro or coco, upping ppms, but we aren't doing that.

My buds are heading into that swell phase, and others who have grown this strain tell me to "throw alot at them cuz they will eat it" but of course I haven't simply been adding DBHB stuff as if it would be our approach.

The only ideas I have is to use epsoms and bigger pots (more soil energy) although Doc's plants certainly don't struggle for energy in 7s. Then again he typically sticks to landraces while my strain menu is much more of the industry standard variety (just guessing and assuming hydro salt eaters).

cheers guys n gals!
Re: Heavy Feeders: Thoughts?

Sorry for the double post but a theory question (I think we have tackled it before in different ways):

So how to approach "heavy feeders"? is my question.

If we are feeding the soil, it seems like dumping more DBHB product into it would be how ppl would tackle heavy feeders in hydro or coco, upping ppms, but we aren't doing that.

My buds are heading into that swell phase, and others who have grown this strain tell me to "throw alot at them cuz they will eat it" but of course I haven't simply been adding DBHB stuff as if it would be our approach.

The only ideas I have is to use epsoms and bigger pots (more soil energy) although Doc's plants certainly don't struggle for energy in 7s. Then again he typically sticks to landraces while my strain menu is much more of the industry standard variety (just guessing and assuming hydro salt eaters).

cheers guys n gals!

You hit on something I'm dying to learn more about. Epsoms. I keep hearing about them,, haven't used them,, wonder if I should. Currently this applies to Non doc's plants,, but in general this is a weak spot for me. Which I think I need to address....before it bites me
Re: Heavy Feeders: Thoughts?

You hit on something I'm dying to learn more about. Epsoms. I keep hearing about them,, haven't used them,, wonder if I should. Currently this applies to Non doc's plants,, but in general this is a weak spot for me. Which I think I need to address....before it bites me

I'm right there with you MassMedMan.
Re: Heavy Feeders: Thoughts?

Sorry for the double post but a theory question (I think we have tackled it before in different ways):

So how to approach "heavy feeders"? is my question.

If we are feeding the soil, it seems like dumping more DBHB product into it would be how ppl would tackle heavy feeders in hydro or coco, upping ppms, but we aren't doing that.

My buds are heading into that swell phase, and others who have grown this strain tell me to "throw alot at them cuz they will eat it" but of course I haven't simply been adding DBHB stuff as if it would be our approach.

The only ideas I have is to use epsoms and bigger pots (more soil energy) although Doc's plants certainly don't struggle for energy in 7s. Then again he typically sticks to landraces while my strain menu is much more of the industry standard variety (just guessing and assuming hydro salt eaters).

cheers guys n gals!
RE heavy feeders,

I've tried beefing up the soil, adding crap to it, feeding heavy, adding epsoms, etc.

So far, the best results have been with the OG drench and epsom salts. We're trying to grow plants that aren't viable outside an indoor grow room. They're Frankenstrains, but we love some of them, so we keep trying.

Having said that, I have ZERO desire to grow OG or some Chemdog variety after this Colombian. when the strain connects with the soil, there's nothing quite like it.
Doc, what could I possibly say other than UNBELIEVABLE!

Two?: 1) what is the bluish/lavenderish strain drying? 2) where any of these grow under LED? Thxs.

EDIT: I'm referring to a post a couple dozen back where you show a room full of buds drying-a few ind. pics to, ie ? #1 above.
Doc, what could I possibly say other than UNBELIEVABLE!

Two?: 1) what is the bluish/lavenderish strain drying? 2) where any of these grow under LED? Thxs.

EDIT: I'm referring to a post a couple dozen back where you show a room full of buds drying-a few ind. pics to, ie ? #1 above.

That's Grape ape. It was grown under LED along with the harvested Colombian. The HID colombians are going to start coming down in a couple weeks or longer. Different pheno's.
honestly never been impressed by any chemdawg.

RE heavy feeders,

I've tried beefing up the soil, adding crap to it, feeding heavy, adding epsoms, etc.

So far, the best results have been with the OG drench and epsom salts. We're trying to grow plants that aren't viable outside an indoor grow room. They're Frankenstrains, but we love some of them, so we keep trying.

Having said that, I have ZERO desire to grow OG or some Chemdog variety after this Colombian. when the strain connects with the soil, there's nothing quite like it.

Thanks Doc, you're preaching to the choir(on the bold stuff). We deal with what we have though. I can get the DBHB stuff and knowledge NOW (TYVFM!!!). Hooking into landraces and seed cultivation is gonna take some time.

Looks like OG drench going on my next order....

fwiw: I took the Master Kush as it was the most landracey I could find vis a vis genetics. But lets say that search was relatively limited (I did not get a seeded cola from another country, hell the genetics could be a complete lie, I generally assume this at all times)
I just got my Kits today, Thanks Doc.

I just took clones two days ago using rooter plugs and dome method, added clonex...etc I have never had a clone failure yet but was wondering if there was anything in the kit I could use to help these guys get going healthier? A fine misting of..? Anyway I am excited to get this kit cooking and moving along :)
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