O this one is separate. I think it is called borage

So the survivor is P#6 the only female. She is being trained and I will clone after a month.

The roots of the one male I pulled was truly amazing! Nice and thick white roots!

Very easy to up root. I removed everything and mixed the coco up and just put her in bag and all!

Wish me luck!
So I'm germinating 3 white widow seeds inside a ziploc bag with som Toilet paper. This method worked well for the radish I grew. I left it under my router cover with a cloth for that warmth.

I'm wondering if I should go back to tinkering the botanium after all that things was R1000
Alas the knowledge I gained was bountiful.

My tamatoes are coming along. My very first attempt. Thea are actually clones I got from the nursery. Sneaky bastards haha. As you can see my budwiser plant was ready to harvest so I did. Smooth texture not too bold yet not to sweet. Rather good.!




Well she is responding well to being tied down so much. Must say that the inner pot does help with training.

So this happened to P#1. Not sure what is happening. It's only on the 1 leaf and there are no signs of this anywhere else.
Lower and older leaves turning yellowish, could it be a mag def?
I’m more leaning away from that, it would prob be on other leaves as well. Hmmm :hmmmm:
Flush? I mean I haven't flushed in 2 weeks so maybe... Still it's odd and out of the blue
The plant looks healthy
I’d maybe hold off on the flush, until you see more affected leaves. It could have been as simple as getting the medium on the leaf or something. Keep us updated!
Hey you know what! I think you are right on the leaf touching the medium. Good news is she is showing more signs of female but she is taking very long. I do sorta see that it may form just like the females do. Luckily I have both here or we'll I did to have checked.

These plants still amaze me
But OK sweet I must hold of and I shall! Thanks!

Just like that I have my DWC up and running!

Heck yeah it's about time!​


I'm not sure if it is correct to have the plastic still on? Please let me know if I must change it. I have the water at ph 6.0 and 549 ppm.​


So my new Box is about 90% done. Still need to conceal the wiring better and my current power supplies can't run all the fans so it is a whoppin 28 - 31 degrees Celsius! Now comes the fine part of dialing in!​


So I had my door sown today but I notice it needs another layer of black to seal the light. I have a few small light leaks but am happy to say I sorted my light leak through the air vent problem. I added dividers at a short length in the box and it worked well. Lucky the system isn't having any actual plants yet. So this gives me time to fix the minor problems.

I have now planted the 2 fem cheese seeds. Let's hope they really are fem and I have an easy start up... Wish me luck people.

This is my second hydro system but a full big one now that I must measure and upkeep.​
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