Quick update!

So P#1 finally showed here colours and yes she is a female!
I am a Lil concerned as I did see what I presumed to be a ball but will keep checking.

So that 2 so far. 1 I gave a way which was P#5 of which I'm still waiting to here what sex it is.

Sorry I have not been posting. My weeks are becoming ever more busier and I'm getting more and more tired.

Will be updating on the girls soon!

As for the box I burned the power supply for the fans haha seems those 2 new ones pulled way to much. So I'm on the hunt for a new dc 12v. They are expensive.​
Quick update!

So P#1 finally showed here colours and yes she is a female!
I am a Lil concerned as I did see what I presumed to be a ball but will keep checking.

So that 2 so far. 1 I gave a way which was P#5 of which I'm still waiting to here what sex it is.

Sorry I have not been posting. My weeks are becoming ever more busier and I'm getting more and more tired.

Will be updating on the girls soon!

As for the box I burned the power supply for the fans haha seems those 2 new ones pulled way to much. So I'm on the hunt for a new dc 12v. They are expensive.​
Nice to see how they are coming along. I hope you had a great weekend. I am trying to germinate brandywine tomato seeds. I have never pot grown tomato before but I have to now so another big learning curve ahead.
Nice to see how they are coming along. I hope you had a great weekend. I am trying to germinate brandywine tomato seeds. I have never pot grown tomato before but I have to now so another big learning curve ahead.
It's so far actually very easy. Get some fish emulsion which is like R90 per 500ml and some nice soil then you good to go.. One have just started there tamatoes
Congrats on your female! Sorry to hear about the box! That’s a bummer!!
So apparently I needed a DC 12v regulator. Now I'm thinking I burned the fans... Shit I hope not. Anyways I have a "guy" who fixes electronics that will be building me one. Said he might add an intercooler. We are from 2 different countries so the explanation was not 100% but I kinda understand.

Let's just hope the box gets back to working soon. My country has introduced stage 2 load shedding which is going to f*#+ up my plans on the hydro system.

The hydro system already has a small Lil one almost poking out. I reckon by tomorrow night I'll need to have the lights on and the box positioned... Damn I really hope the fans get to working. I might have been a bit hasty on the end and should rake it slow again but my time is running out on the Lil ones haha damn pressure is my middle name nowadays with my work and hobby...

As for the ones outside I have trained them down again where I can and would like to ask Mr @InTheShed for some advice again on LST but I'll upload the pitcures first.

Hope everyone is having a blessed evening. I just got a bit of some very sweet smelling skunk.. So good my grandmother (which hates the smell) actually liked the smell of this one. Has me thinking of preserving a few seeds for later grows...
Good evening everyone!

So I must say thanks again to @Backlipslide & @InTheShed for those brief learning session on LST . I do however want to ask about when to top again if i must do so . I have taken the liberty to try and train it back to the opposite edge in the hopes to fill out the pot and make a bigger bush. now I am not sure if that is correct...


The canopy has slowly started and looks already like what I see on the expert threads . I tied more down and took the leaves off that are blocking light.


I have also tied P#1 down to hopefully to get the lower branches to catch up like the famous shorty did from my previous grow.



She looks a lot more bushier but will keep monitoring . when should i increase the nutes dosage? i am using half strength...​
Ya man! Great job! You could train a plant to go in any which direction you want to! You can definitely have some fun with that!! Play around with it, until you get a technique down that you like to use and move forward with those techniques! :yahoo:

I only top once, but if you really want, you could top each branch, but that would stop the growth to get any taller. So if height isn’t an issue, let them GrOW my friend!! :yahoo:
You could test your nutes, add it a bit stronger and watch for nute burn. Slight nute burn is alright, like @Emilya said somewhere else on a different thread, if you don’t get slight nute burn, your not trying hard enough, lol I liked that! :high-five:
I will have to have a look at her threads haha thanks for the heads up
So I made a boo boo... I pulled the one. Stem to much and split the main stalk on top.... Fml right? Haha oh well I toped her there as a means of recovery. She now has all heads at the same height growing up


Apologies for being so quiet. I have been rather busy this week again... I will be doing so catch up on this threads I missed and will post an update tonight.

I currently have :
2 x purple Haze @ 1 month old
2 x White Widow @ 4 days old
2 x Cheese Feminized (well I hope) @3 days old.

Quick question. When using colloidal silver. When does one use it? Like at what part of the growth. Could I harvest and then leave a few on the bush to try and breed with? It has been a long lost dream to breed purple haze and white widow...
Good to see you bro!
I see you’ve got some more beans? :yahoo:
I’ve never actually heard of such thing. What is that?
The silver. Isn't it that mixture you spray on a bud to make it male and use it to self pollinate and make fem seeds?
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