So I took a photo at a nearby dam. I must say it came out nice!


@Carmen Ray since you do photos, how does it look. Be honest no need to sugar coat :laugh:
I want to send a huge thanks to Mr @Smeegol for sending me a generous share of amazing seeds.



10 - Kush Von Stitch X Kush (Regular Auto's)

21 - White Widow X Cali O X Super Lemon Haze X White Rhino.

Thank you brother. You have blessed me with great opportunity! :thumb:

Kush Von Stitch will be a new plant for me and auto will be my first attempt at the wonders of autos! :Rasta:

Funny I have a short story of each of the other strains! :laugh:

White Widow - OK so I had moved back to PE after many years away and went job hunting being a bit over confident in myself. I remember where I moved to weed was a no no. So it was only once in a month and a bit that I had smoked and it was some really shitty mojat nonsense. Horrible spice taste and gets you high for about 2 minutes. After things didn't go so well and I moved back due to family issues I also had. The day I moved back I was 9 hours on the train and went straight to the "local supplier"
He only had 1 bag of skunk of which I bought. He then came running back just as I was about to leave with 1 beautiful white widow head!
I remember getting to an old friend's house and packing a huge bowl to you know "catch up"...
I started the bong and remembered that when that smoked touched my lips I choked!!! :laugh:

I coughed so hard in a spasm I was dizzy afterwards and already on a rocket past Mars! When I looked at the bowl it was still green and hardly burnt! From that day I respected white widow!

2)California orange - we where into customizing homade plastic bottle bongs. I don't know why and now that I think of the times I smoked those nasty things I get grossed haha. A friend came by with a really small nug of indoor Cali Orange. This shit knocked me and my buddy out the park! And fast! I bought a small baggie and kept it for the next days stroll in the neighborhood... Big mistake! I rolled up a skinny and embarked my journey! I sparked up coughed a bit and pursed this journey... After what felt like forever! I had wondered right into another suburb deeply lost in thought! I looked at the joint in my hand and it was 1 quarter of the way!?! Now the problem arose. I got anxiety cops of roaming cops and this thing stinks! But that time I couldn't bring a joint home at all! I remember calling a friend just to help me finish that thing Haha.

3) Super Lemon Haze - Why do all these stories have mega high moments hahaha....
OK so this I got 1 long looking head of this. Fluffy and light green. Was not even mine was a friend's and I got to join in. Smoked up a bong and I remembered I needed to sit like standing was hard... The smell was great and the taste wasn't really lemon but had that nice quality taste. I then took another hit and a few minutes later I felt like I was going to pass out that's how high it suddenly rose... Never ever had it again...

4) White Rhino - OK so we used to have seasons at one stage where weed was suddenly not available at all in my town. This would be dry season at around January - February... This used to be so bad people walking past would ask where to get. I guess stones can quickly recognize each other. One day in the morning I got a call. Stock arrived very limited and it's white rhino... Come fetch a free baggie!in 40°c I walked to the other side of my town with a buddy of mine. It got so hot later the day. After we got it we smoked it in the park nearby in the shade and we all got knocked out so hard that we had to convince each other to move from that location... Don't get me wrong it was a nice energy high just that heat was bad! So we got so high and got so hot we literally walked from tree to tree stopping now and then till we got home. People must of thought we looked crazy!​
So I took a photo at a nearby dam. I must say it came out nice!


@Carmen Ray since you do photos, how does it look. Be honest no need to sugar coat :laugh:
It's beautiful. It looks like a lovely place to sit and chill. Nice exposure and cool lens flare :)
It's beautiful. It looks like a lovely place to sit and chill. Nice exposure and cool lens flare :)
I swear I don't know what you are talking about. I just took a photo randomly while toking up. Thanks for that.


OK so who here has knowledge on Dc12v... I bought these 2 desk fans much like those clip on fans and I cut of the USB points to connect them on a series to a power supply.. :cheer:

The first power supply I had burnt out in 30 min when I had them connected with 2 pc fans extra. So 2 weeks later I get a power supply from an Dstv explora which read dc12v 2.5 A and well let's say they started and blew effing hard and I was like oh hell yeah problem sorted than boom both of them burn out just like that smoke and all... Needless to say I was pissed but I handled it like a pro... :lot-o-toke:

So yeah that's
R220 down the drain just like that... I now will give the box a break on those. This box has been an issue with power but that's cause I don't know much haha.. :cough:

OK so the remaining 2 power supplies will power intake and outlet. If I do buy those fans again I will have to power them individually with a normal USB charger... I'll put on extenders but oh happy days hey... :lot-o-toke:

Now the plants outside.

So they are doing well. I put
P#1 & P#2 on pedestals in hopes to control the ants a bit.


So I'm doing some research on
pests and I believe I got some goggas (bugs) :laughtwo:

I believe the blixems are thrips...
I have seen these buggers in and out of the nodes. And I got these funny things too..


This is just hear and there and not necessarily on the tips but in patches. Not so bad really but it has a pattern on each and I think it's bugs!


This is also just hear and there but far less and is sorta in the middle.

Here are the girls individually...



She is drinking so so so much! I'm feeding up 3 litres and no run off... Maybe this heat?

We are expecting a heatwave tomorrow..
Should I put them in the shade?



So I have noticed a shit load of pistils are forming in the centre of each cola. OK maybe that's exaggerated :rofl:

But I see more pistils than I though popping out the centre of the colas.


I tried getting a nice photo but failed. Here you see a bit...

As for em Lil ones...


Both WW plants seem to have a whitish inside. Although not visible much on ww2 but it's there this morning... Cheese is stretching still on cheese 2...

Maybe the shade?


Looks sativa to me?

Thanks for stopping by! :thumb:

:tommy: :tommy: :tommy: :tommy: :tommy: :tommy: :tommy: :tommy: :tommy:

I’d just make sure they stay well hydrated and keep a close eye on them. The sunlight will be good for them.
Alright sir! I will do a double feeding.. 1 in the morning and one later... Thank you for the advice!
Hey hey Deekay :) I know you are not a rugby fan, but it's gonna be a corker today! Amazing to see your temps! We have had some hot days and nights too, but then we have these cold snaps and this week there have been floods. I predicted this early in winter and nobody would believe this old gal. They laughed. I know that climate change is severe, but we do still follow the cyclic patterns like 50 year flood etc. I am getting on in years, which means I have witnessed a few cycles and can make a confident guesstimate. After several years of drought that led to Cape Town becoming the first city in the world to have no water last year, it was only a matter of time. I hope the Eastern Cape will benefit from the rains too. It's scary not having water.
The other good news is that a Bill went to Parly this week which I hope will bring positive advances to our electricity problem. It is called the Independent Electricity Operator Management Bill. I hope the crooks will be ultimately banished and our grid restored at no more cost to ourselves!!!
I am interested in what comes of that sativa of yours. Do you have any idea what it is or where it comes from?
Have an awesome weekend and happy gardening :)
@Dkmg01 how big are your bags (in pot size) roughly? 3 litres isn’t all that much... for my 5 gal pots, I feed 1 gal to each (3.78 Litres) with run off every time. Those bags look to hold maybe 7 gallons of soil (roughly) ? You could prob be feeding closer to 5.5 Litres per feeding... I mean you’ve gone this far doing what your doing, so I’d hate to have you switch up your game plan, but that may be why she seems to be so thirsty all the time... maybe giving her more, per feeding is what she’s asking for? :hmmmm:
Hey hey Deekay :) I know you are not a rugby fan, but it's gonna be a corker today! Amazing to see your temps! We have had some hot days and nights too, but then we have these cold snaps and this week there have been floods. I predicted this early in winter and nobody would believe this old gal. They laughed. I know that climate change is severe, but we do still follow the cyclic patterns like 50 year flood etc. I am getting on in years, which means I have witnessed a few cycles and can make a confident guesstimate. After several years of drought that led to Cape Town becoming the first city in the world to have no water last year, it was only a matter of time. I hope the Eastern Cape will benefit from the rains too. It's scary not having water.
The other good news is that a Bill went to Parly this week which I hope will bring positive advances to our electricity problem. It is called the Independent Electricity Operator Management Bill. I hope the crooks will be ultimately banished and our grid restored at no more cost to ourselves!!!
I am interested in what comes of that sativa of yours. Do you have any idea what it is or where it comes from?
Have an awesome weekend and happy gardening :)
Yeah I can imagine. We all were Donating water
Or cash. I hope all is well now. NZ is strong this year and we lost already to them. If kolbe come back for the finals after Wales then we can win.

The seed is purple haze and cam from Swaziland. It's a bag seed.
@Dkmg01 how big are your bags (in pot size) roughly? 3 litres isn’t all that much... for my 5 gal pots, I feed 1 gal to each (3.78 Litres) with run off every time. Those bags look to hold maybe 7 gallons of soil (roughly) ? You could prob be feeding closer to 5.5 Litres per feeding... I mean you’ve gone this far doing what your doing, so I’d hate to have you switch up your game plan, but that may be why she seems to be so thirsty all the time... maybe giving her more, per feeding is what she’s asking for? :hmmmm:
Dude it's crazy how much I'll need to keep feeding. I'll need a Jojo tank and drip system by March time hahahahaha...
I should see how much I need to pour for run off. The top soil is being baked by the sun though. Just waiting for the canopy to thicken up then I want to put basil and marigold next to it to deter insects. She is luckily not showing signs of being thirsty like wilting or anything. I'll look up the pots but I think it's 5 gallon cause the 7 gallon is the white pot in the back. That takes 2 coco bricks and a bag of perlite to make it almost full.
Correction it is 13 litre bags so almost 4 gallons.
Dude it's crazy how much I'll need to keep feeding. I'll need a Jojo tank and drip system by March time hahahahaha...
I should see how much I need to pour for run off. The top soil is being baked by the sun though. Just waiting for the canopy to thicken up then I want to put basil and marigold next to it to deter insects. She is luckily not showing signs of being thirsty like wilting or anything. I'll look up the pots but I think it's 5 gallon cause the 7 gallon is the white pot in the back. That takes 2 coco bricks and a bag of perlite to make it almost full.
Yeah I may take it for granted to how easily I can get water.. your right it seems like a lot of water, but the way I’m looking at it, is more water, less times.. hopefully... I mean I have no idea what it’s like to be in your SA heat, (as it’s miserable outside right now, and snowing) so maybe I’m wrong and your doing it to the best of your possible abilities at this time.. I really wouldn’t know, it just seems like 3 Litres isn’t all the much, but she growing well for you so who am I to say lol
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