Yeah I may take it for granted to how easily I can get water.. your right it seems like a lot of water, but the way I’m looking at it, is more water, less times.. hopefully... I mean I have no idea what it’s like to be in your SA heat, (as it’s miserable outside right now, and snowing) so maybe I’m wrong and your doing it to the best of your possible abilities at this time.. I really wouldn’t know, it just seems like 3 Litres isn’t all the much, but she growing well for you so who am I to say lol
It's more about how many times I must mix in nutrients. Like I don't mind all too much but I use 10g per 10 litre and mix 20 litre at a time. I use about 50 - 60ml of spirit vinegar to ph down and boom 5.8ph by nutrient water. How these buggers drink about 4 litres a day and that's just 2.... Imagine all 6 haha I'd be out of nutrients in no time.
Morning brother I finally got my accunblocked, so stoked to see the beans arrived safely and I can't wait to see how the4 way crosses came out as they blew me away last season and I've whittled all the males out of my current batch so let's see what these ladies bring....
Thank you brother.... I will definitely try them soon. I actually want to put one auto in the botanium. The last plant was 4 and a half months in there then died. You mention 105 days which is 3 and a half so then she can make it. Hopefully I can maybe get botanium to come check it out...
It's more about how many times I must mix in nutrients. Like I don't mind all too much but I use 10g per 10 litre and mix 20 litre at a time. I use about 50 - 60ml of spirit vinegar to ph down and boom 5.8ph by nutrient water. How these buggers drink about 4 litres a day and that's just 2.... Imagine all 6 haha I'd be out of nutrients in no time.
Lol that’s the price we pay for having such a hobby :thumb:
Hey all sorry for being so quiet. I will update tonight again.

Quick question.


She is throwing out a lot of pistils... She stays outside and is the only one to do so out of the 2. Does anyone know why?

So yeah... Shit wait....(plugs in microphone) Ahem...

Ahh there we go...

So yeah this week was killer the weekend just got away from me and my day off I can't feel it if it was there...

Plants are healthy I must say. The weather dropped in temperature just drastically so we had 3 days of cold horrible icy cold wind that was rather rough. I tried to go catch a few barbers but the wind was hectic...



She is almost so dense I can't see through here... This has to be the best plant yet. I'm so glad my knowledge I have gained so far is paying off.. Imagine next year by then how much more I'll have learnt from you all!

So I want to get the centre growth more evened out like the bigger buggers sticking out like that. What should I do? Super crop? More LST? Like I kinda left her to fill out cause of the sudden accidental topping... (Lol I was so clumsy...) Or should I do something else?

I tried a bit of LST but it seems like I'm going to break it again.



So she is coming along so well. I have almost filled the otherside with the training and do regular defoliating so the light can penetrate more.

She is however making loads of pistils.
I'm now not sure if it is normal or not.

I'm having fun with this one and can't wait to see what she produces. They both are starting to smell a bit and it's rather good! I want to finish up the last set of LST to finish up the pot and then I'll let her grow. I might even flower the smaller on P#2 while I leave the big P#1 to get bigger.

I'm going to try and make more regular updates soon!

The seedlings got chomped by something. The same thing chomped all my radish seedlings.


  • 4 litres of nutrient solution per day for P#1​
  • 2 litres for P#6​
  • 150 ml for the seedlings​
  • Purple haze is almost 2 months old​


That could very well be an auto... your days are too long to trigger flower... I’m thinking it’s an auto bro!
You reckon? I got it in bag seed and it's the exact same baggie as p#1
OK then do I do anything special now or do I leave her outside?
You don’t have to put her outside. Just keep doing what you’re doing.
But you see that's just it. She has never been inside just outside. But OK good sir I will continue what I'm doing. Hopefully I can get the box done soon and maybe throw her in on of them to flower?
No need brother!! If it’s truly an auto, it will automatically run its course, doesn’t matter what kind of light schedule it has.. kinda makes you scratch your head though, eh? Coming from a bag seed :hmmmm:
Hectic man. I really didn't expect it. I guess I'll leave it lik you say. Hopefully it flowers nicely. Must it now have uninterrupted darkness at night?
Thank you but I'll move them. To somewhere maybe a bit darker. I don't want to spoil those flowers. @Backlipslide let me know when you want to do so cause I'd like to run one along with yours.
Afternoon brother ya the daylight hours are being funny I can't explain it, I got a cpl plants that are flowering that I know aren't autos but they are flowering and flowering plants that I've had to chop as they've started revegging more among the sativas I noticed first..

I smoked some buds from a tiny auto same I sent you and I think you'll be in for a pleasant surprise as I was today as my last run with them they didn't do it for me but today she klapped like donkey so happy days were had today...
Afternoon brother ya the daylight hours are being funny I can't explain it, I got a cpl plants that are flowering that I know aren't autos but they are flowering and flowering plants that I've had to chop as they've started revegging more among the sativas I noticed first..

I smoked some buds from a tiny auto same I sent you and I think you'll be in for a pleasant surprise as I was today as my last run with them they didn't do it for me but today she klapped like donkey so happy days were had today...
Afternoon brother!
So then that would mean it's not auto or we'll there is less possibility. I'm not sure what to say as the one next to it isn't flowering.
After reading up abit on the condition and I see some people even said that this means the pla t is ready to switch. Some genetics just carry out more pistils at first. I happen to come across a thread where emilya was also talking about it but it seems that the plant was indeed in flower mode. I honestly don't know what to say but I guess she is fine. I can take a few more snaps and maybe some eagle eyed members can spot something.

Further how are you? I'm stoked to tryg them soon. I see my seedling are being chomped hahaha
Afternoon brother!
So then that would mean it's not auto or we'll there is less possibility. I'm not sure what to say as the one next to it isn't flowering.
After reading up abit on the condition and I see some people even said that this means the pla t is ready to switch. Some genetics just carry out more pistils at first. I happen to come across a thread where emilya was also talking about it but it seems that the plant was indeed in flower mode. I honestly don't know what to say but I guess she is fine. I can take a few more snaps and maybe some eagle eyed members can spot something.

Further how are you? I'm stoked to tryg them soon. I see my seedling are being chomped hahaha

I have no complaints brother thank you for asking....haha, just been doing some harvesting of some much needed flowers as I've been dry for bout 3 months and had to buy from others sadly but at least that money spent is patching holes in someone's pocket which is a good thing....

Been busy playing with different edible recipes as that's my favourite way of medication apart from smoking and those that I've shared my treats with have given me positive feedback, don't know if you recall I mentioned I was in Jozi cpl weeks back well part of that trip was to visit the Soweto cannabis flea market and the one at 24 or 27 boxes cause I wanted to see the standard/quality of edibles being offered and see if mayhaps I should try my edibles at a flea market which I've decided to bite the bullet and attend in Jozi next Thursday evening at 24 or 27 Boxes with my matey who is going to be doing his #swampjuice nutrients Veg and Bloom so should be a fun filled evening of smoking and dabbing and meeting diffrent folk in the canna industry.....
My question is should I leave these plants till March when it's autum or should I induce flower at an earlier stage?
You can induce flowering by moving them into complete darkness for 12 hours a day (that's how I flip mine), but if you commit to that, it's every day, same time, day in and day out until harvest. No going out to dinner and missing moving time or getting home late from work unless you have someone else who will do it for you.
So they are doing well. I put P#1 & P#2 on pedestals in hopes to control the ants a bit.
Makes me nervous with the wind!
Should I put them in the shade?
Nope! What Penny said...more water.
That could very well be an auto... your days are too long to trigger flower... I’m thinking it’s an auto bro!
This ^
Must it now have uninterrupted darkness at night?
It's fine where it is. The more sun it gets the bigger the buds.
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