Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Well the nursery just called and all my Fox Farm soil and nutes are in and I can go pick them up tomorrow. :morenutes: Don't really need them yet as I don't think I should re pot the little ones yet especially the AK x WW but have to get the 2 soils mixed up and ready for their big day. Much rather have it in hand early than tapping my foot waiting on things like the LED's........ Just sayin' I hate waiting on things....:headbanger:
I know what you mean, I can't for SUNDAY to get here!
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

WHAT?162 post and nobody told you about Low Stress Training?lol:cheesygrinsmiley:
I know! Right!! LOL I looked it up and surely should have but I am scared to even try it at the size they are now. Have you noticed the size of the stems. I think they would break in two. :thedoubletake: Now I can see me doing it with the new babies. Wouldn't they bend easier without breaking????? Sure wish you could just run by here and check it out. Again, just sayin' :peace:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

I should be ashamed of my damn have been watching your grow wondering why you were growing them tall.If you look at a few of my last update's,you will see some lsting.Dennise let's have some fun with these new girl's.:high-five:
I'm all over it!!! I just wanted to get through this first round and at least kinda know the steps and what to do and not to do and go from there. Guess it would have made more sense to experiment with the bag seed but putting it in soil was an experiment for me. Passed that class so now with the new girls it's time to play twister. WooHoo :party: As always Jimmy6000 your wisdom amazes :Namaste:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

There is also a method called super cropping and of course Fluxing.Very advanced.I am still exp.with the whole super crop thing.
Which I've just become fond of in the last few days...
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

OK Jimmy6000 and Broke Ass you need to tell me when I need to start playing twister with the new babies. As you already know I post pics most every day so when you see that it is one of their turns to play let me know and while you are doing that post a diagram of how I should tie that particular plant. I'm just sayin'.......... I so scared........:yikes:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

There is also a method called super cropping and of course Fluxing.Very advanced.I am still exp.with the whole super crop thing.

All I can say to that is I bow to your knowledge oh great one and please anoint me with your wisdom..........:adore:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Thank you dennise,but I have so much more to learn,It's amazing it never end's.I love my garden/dungeon.As far as when to start you have plenty of time to research before your little one's are ready but you can bend on those other girl's for a little practice.I'll let you think about it.I got to do some work and get a update ready.I'll get some pic's together for ya.Reg is doing great with his method.He's a little ahead of me in the topping/Fim game.He take's great care of those lady's.:thumb:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Don't listen to Jimmy, if I turn out to possess half of the qualities this man has I'll feel blessed!!! True Story!
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Well it has been a busy day and got everything done I was supposed to but now I need ya'lls help of course. I got all my Fox Farm soil and nutes today and also got the sample pack from Growology which is supposed to be enough for one 5 gallon grow start to harvest. :morenutes: So what I am thinking about doing is using all Fox Farms on 2 of the babies and Growology (would still be using Fox Farm soil) on 1 of them and see which works best. Sooooo this is where you guys come in.....:high-five: You are surely aware that I post pics almost daily of my babies and what I am proposing is a group grow (even tho only 1 of us will really reap the reward:blunt:) but really let me know when you think it is time for me to do what. I don't understand the feeding schedule they sent me at all King but I know you understand it well and if you along with all the rest of you wonderful peeps would help me not kill these poor things that have already been boiled and cooked but survived I will forever be in your debt. :adore: Jimmy6000 I am going to try and cut and bend for ya too on this grow. I watched the thing on UTube and a few others and it looks very interesting and like it could be fun once I get over the initial shock of it all but they are quite beautiful when done correctly. You know like all ya'lls.......:thumb: Any who here they are today and the stuff I picked up. The AK x WW is still tiny but looking a whole lot better. The other 2 are growing like weeds. lol :peace:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

ooo new stuff
git her green!!! :thumb:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Need to ask another question please. I didn't fill up the containers all the way when I transplanted the 5 in the closet. Don't know why but was wondering if it is OK to fill them the rest of the way up now? On a couple of them the roots are starting to come out of the drain holes at the bottom. I don't have enough room to put them into something larger until after I figure out which one are female/male. Don't know if putting more soil on top would help the problem on the bottom and can't think how to finish this sentence so what do you think??? More soil on top or leave it be???? :scratchinghead:
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