Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Oh and btw if I do put more soil in I was thinking (scares me too) I would try and clone any branches that were below the added soil after a quick trip to Bloews but now that I start to think about it again I don't know if it is male/female and if I clone it and it is male what then??? Oh my :helpsmilie:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

It dont mater just label the clones and you can kill the male. adding soil to the top of your soil should only be done if the roots are showing. Adding soil above the root line can stunt or kill a plant.
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

It dont mater just label the clones and you can kill the male. adding soil to the top of your soil should only be done if the roots are showing. Adding soil above the root line can stunt or kill a plant.
Oh I'm so glad I asked. Thank you Stoner and as usual I bow to your knowledge. :adore:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

OMG! Somebody should have warned me of the smell of the Fox Farms soil. I brought it in the house when I came home and put it in the laundry room where I play with things and dang if it don't smell like a horse farm. Ohh! :thedoubletake:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Another tip if don't have bigger pots poke holes in you soil bags and you can transplant to flower right in the bag the 707 soil bag is made to do this is it stands up right, its good stuff if you can get it.
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Another tip if don't have bigger pots poke holes in you soil bags and you can transplant to flower right in the bag the 707 soil bag is made to do this is it stands up right, its good stuff if you can get it.
It's not that I don't have bigger pots but they are in 5 gal pots now and I don't have room for anything else. I plan to flip the switch to 12/12 on the 15th of this month so they only have 10 more days before the lights go out :cheer:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

If you get root bound you wont get much yield in most cases
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

If you get root bound you wont get much yield in most cases
So what should I do? Should I just go on and start flowering before they get any bigger and grow more roots??? At least then I would be able to tell the sex in a week or 2 and then if necessary replant any females I have so I would have enough room for them or is my thinking all screwed up...:headbanger:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Another tip if don't have bigger pots poke holes in you soil bags and you can transplant to flower right in the bag the 707 soil bag is made to do this is it stands up right, its good stuff if you can get it.
I checked and actually I can get it but I can't afford it. WOW :thedoubletake:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Its always hard to say when to start to flower unless you grown the plant before and how much it will stretch and if it can do well in a small container
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Well ... here's a thought ...

If you think they're rootbound, then that would mean the rootball would stay intact if you pulled them out of the pot and added new soil to the bottom ...

If I wanted to add more soil in your position, that's what I'd do.

Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

It dont mater just label the clones and you can kill the male. adding soil to the top of your soil should only be done if the roots are showing. Adding soil above the root line can stunt or kill a plant.
I'm confused. Isn't that considered Top-Dressing & isn't that a good thing?
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Sorry Dennise,I was absent yesterday.I worked my ass off,went home ,shower and then bed by 7.I like the group grow idea.Dennise,there a few thing's you can do.You can take cut's and label them ,until sex of parent is know as 303 said,or you can throw your girls in flower,after about a week you should know sex and then take clone's.You can take cut's from flowering plant's,it done all the time.I would not recommend transplanting a girl in flower.
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Good Morning! :love: OK guys I am going to send you some pics and let me know if you think I am safe to just go on and throw them into flower. (Dang I can tell I have not had enough coffee yet.. My fingers won't work) Like I had said I planned on waiting till the 15th but I had moved the lights 2" last night when I closed up the closet and had to move them this morning when I got up again. They had all grown enough to be touching the lights again and if they continue to do this until the 15th when I planned to flip the switch I am afraid they are going to grow out of the roof. :thedoubletake: Jimmy6000 please take a look (and anyone else) and let me know if you think I should do like you said and pull them out and put more soil on the bottom. Dahh.:oops: I forgot toupload them again. Be right back. :headbanger:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Sorry Dennise,I was absent yesterday.I worked my ass off,went home ,shower and then bed by 7.I like the group grow idea.Dennise,there a few thing's you can do.You can take cut's and label them ,until sex of parent is know as 303 said,or you can throw your girls in flower,after about a week you should know sex and then take clone's.You can take cut's from flowering plant's,it done all the time.I would not recommend transplanting a girl in flower.

Well you are just going to have to explain to the people you are working for that this is not acceptable and that you have to be ready and able when called upon for :420: help. Just sayin' :circle-of-love:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Here they are.....
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