Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

What I wouldn't give for a Hardy' s burger and some pulled pork LOL

Yeah I feel the same's beautiful down there...but what made the biggest impression on me was the people...I have had a very hard life and I was absolutely blown away by the kindness and hospitality I was shown in the year and a half I was there...genuine good people...I would give anything to be back there

There really is something to southern hospitality and I had Hardy's yesterday (Baconator is was awesome) and picked up a pork butt last night to make pulled pork this weekend for when the rest of the family gets here. Pig fat rules!!!!!

Still sitting here waiting on UPS to bring my new LED panel and wish they would hurry up and get here. My better 3/4 has already gotten the stuff to get it hung for me and has gone now to get the stuff needed to build my new box. I know I said I would have it all ready for him to do but I didn't get to Blowes and he said he would rather do it himself. Yeah!!!!!:woohoo:

I'll post a bit of an update in a while if the lights get here before I have to close the girls up for the night. UPS has been known to be here as late as 8 or 9 pm and if they are that late today it will be tomorrow before I can get the panel up. That will blow!

Your more than welcome to come to Christmas dinner Jay.........:xmas:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

You and I both Jay, I've traveled extensively. The absolute best places I lived were Southern States without question. North Carolina and South Carolina border was my favorite. If I ever move back out of Michigan, it will be there I go if I cannot make it back to Australia. LOL

I can't remember if that is where "south of the border" is or if it is "carawinds". Do you recognize either name as an amusement park around NC/SC border???? I lived right outside of Charleston for a minute, got home sick and ran back home
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Well, I attended high school with Andrew Dice Clay. THAT was fun.

I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not :rollit:
That's one thing about growing up in the city; You know so many people that we all knew some people before they were famous. I could run down a list. & if you want to go by people you knew by face but not personally the list gets longer.

Is there not a place called south of the border where you are talking about??? :peace:
Isn't that Myrtle Beach?
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

It may be Myrtle Beach I can't remember. Just remember driving forever from Charleston and getting there and there was a hot dog stand and a merry go round but there were signs form miles before you got there. I would have probably been mad for driving so far if I could have quit laughing :love:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

It may be Myrtle Beach I can't remember. Just remember driving forever from Charleston and getting there and there was a hot dog stand and a merry go round but there were signs form miles before you got there. I would have probably been mad for driving so far if I could have quit laughing :love:
Lmao Nah that wasn't Myrtle Beach, I've been there & they have more than 1 frank stand.. :rofl:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Here's a bit on an update on all the girls. The closet babies are making little buds and looking all pretty.... the clone family 6 is growing like a weed...... group babies are amazing and the runt group baby is still on the rise. I want my new lights!!!!
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

I'm eager to see the flower development on those big plants.
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Happy Weednsday Dennise :thumb:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

What happen Lady Dee? Did the UPS man decide to stick around?
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

when did you last feed nutrients to your plants and how many millilitres per gallon and of what?
Hi King :ciao: I got scared and just used ph'd water for the last watering. I am going to do as you suggested tomorrow when I water. You told me to use 2 of them and the black strap. Can't remember which 2 it was but I have it written down. I have a question for ya as usual...:hmmmm:
Every morning for the last few days when I have opened the closet a few of the leaves from the bottom (only 1 or 2) part of the plants are falling off. They are dried up and just falling off. Is it because the top part is using them to bloom? Is this normal or is something wrong??? I will try and get some good pics up today so maybe you can see what I am talking about. I do pull them out of the pot so they don't get all moldy or anything but the plants themselves look incredibly healthy I just don't understand the lose of leaves. I will go back in a bit and let you know exactly what I plan to water with on the next watering and let you know. :thanks:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

What happen Lady Dee? Did the UPS man decide to stick around?

No.:thedoubletake: My better 3/4 had gone to cut up wood and didn't get home in time to get them up before they had to go night night so he is in there as I am typing getting er' done. I did set the lights up to just face the closet and let the girls check it out and they aren't hating it. Good thing it got here when it did cause when I got up this morning a couple of them were touching the old bulbs and I don't have any way to make the lights that were already in there go higher........ As soon as he gets it done I will get some pics up here cause if you read the post I made to King I need to know if there is a problem.... Have a wonderful day...:circle-of-love:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

when did you last feed nutrients to your plants and how many millilitres per gallon and of what?
Ok this is what you had told me to use 1/2 tsp Grow Big, 1 tsp Big Bloom and 1 tsp Black Strap. Is that what you still think I should do? If so I will be watering tomorrow. The girls are drinking mass quantities of water right now and I am assuming that is normal???? thank you King!! As always your knowledge is most appreciated...:adore::adore::adore:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Ok this is what you had told me to use 1/2 tsp Grow Big, 1 tsp Big Bloom and 1 tsp Black Strap. Is that what you still think I should do? If so I will be watering tomorrow. The girls are drinking mass quantities of water right now and I am assuming that is normal???? thank you King!! As always your knowledge is most appreciated...:adore::adore::adore:

Are these the ladies in MG soil?

When I used MG soil on 1 pinot and one LA and then FFOF on the same grow 1 OG and 1 LA....

I fed the MG's regular FF feeding schedule with only liquid nutes and the Cha Ching during last couple weeks at regular timing via FF feeding was outdoors and huge pots.

All grew tremendously and the MG soiled plants were huge....Myself I wouldn't be afraid to go full strength with the FF and MG but I like the advice your getting from Kingjohn, very solid and SAFE approach.

I did make sure to flush those MG's though 2/3 weeks just to be safe....
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