Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

High Dennise! :kisstwo:

Great trich production on your girls! :thumb:

I especially like your Black Russian - Yum!
:thumb: Everything looking good as usual !!! Big yield coming your way! I am always learning something here !! I thought when my leaves looked burnt it meant I was feeding too much, I never thought about it could be from underwatering. I am bad about that because so afraid of overwatering.

Hello GrannyT great to see you in OMMs party of well wisher yesterday
I hope you are in great spirits an growing green:circle-of-love:
Dennise how ya doing lilsis:goodjob:
I am doing amazing Jaga..:yahoo:... Just got home from the doctor and that didn't go so well but on my way home I stopped and voted...:yahoo: and they are already posting the results in my state and every single thing I wanted and voted for is winning and I am ready to have a party....:party:... We're going to win... we're going to win!!!!......:circle-of-love:
:thumb: Everything looking good as usual !!! Big yield coming your way! I am always learning something here !! I thought when my leaves looked burnt it meant I was feeding too much, I never thought about it could be from under watering. I am bad about that because so afraid of overwatering.
Me toooo Granny... I am so worried when they are babies of over watering that I really do think that is exactly what happened and why I had so many ugly leaves last go round.... I have been giving them their regular gallon of purified water with what ever nutes are called for at the time about every 4 days but this time in between regular watering I have been giving them a bottle (16.9oz) of just purified water just about every day and the difference is amazing..... they are just plain gooey and the size of the buds... especially on the B2B are bigger by far than anything I have grown in the house. 4 of the colas on her are as long as my arm from the elbow to wrist and are fattening up very nicely.... Hope you got out and voted today Granny... I think great things are going to happen today...:yahoo:....:circle-of-love:
High Dennise! :kisstwo:

Great trich production on your girls! :thumb:

I especially like your Black Russian - Yum!
Thanks Gray.... I haven't ever seen it like it is this time... My past grows IMO have been really good smoke but I think this round is going to majorly surpass in quality...... 22 more minutes before the numbers start coming in... Hope you got out and voted..:yahoo:.. Just 2 more years and we get to make him go away too...:yahoo:..:circle-of-love:
Lol remember the beginning of this run when I let em get all ugly? I was trying to show how little care is needed in veg and how quickly you can turn em back round. :)
You had some stern words for me and my ugly plants ! :) :)
So from now on ill try and keep all presentable for you my friend! :)

Oh now you know you gotta let us see the bad with the good..... It is election day in the USA as I'm sure you know and I am just giddy with the way it is going.... It's a wonderful day Light...:yahoo:.....:circle-of-love:
Yes Sir... Yes it was and I am almost giddy with happiness and hope... God bless the USA.....:circle-of-love:
King :adore:... How long does an auto usually take... I of course know it will depend on the strain but I don't really know how to tell if she is done.... Do I just check trichs like on regular girls..:confused:....Thanks in advance King.....:circle-of-love:
Yes for an auto flower cannabis plant you still check the trichomes for amber trichomes to determine when the plant is finnished maturing.

I harvest my cannabis plants by trichome maturity. You need a 30x jewelers loupe to see the trichomes and judge when to harvest. Most people harvest from 5%-30% amber trichomes. Harvest at 5%-15% amber trichomes for a "head high" energetic effect and harvest at 30%-50% amber trichomes for a "body stone" sedative effect strain dependent.


Active Eye Loupe, 30X
Alaska legalizes recreational MJ... What a great election day...:yahoo:... I have 1 son stationed in Washington state and the other is stationed in Alaska.... They inlisted while living in Colorado... Ya got to love it. Seems every where they go it gets legalized so hoping they will move here when they get out of the army.. What a beautiful day in the neighborhood..:circle-of-love:
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