Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Finally got my update loaded and will start with the Black Jack.... 42 days 12/12 in the tent under the Top Led 96x3W reflector.... She and everyone else was watered with 1.5 tsp Big Bloom, 1 tsp Tiger Bloom, 1/8 tsp Cha Ching and 1 tsp molasses per gallon of purified water....:circle-of-love:
Damn, damn triple Damn!!!! :) busy busy bugger! Awesome uodate and mind melting that you have so much going on my friend . Bravo Queen of the LED's :)
:laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo:....:passitleft: High Light.... Getting bored just sitting around and I finally got the big ol' Pure Kush girl that I was veg'ing out for a friend out of here last night so I might just go ahead and pop another bean here in a day or 2... The PeeJay soil should be good and ready and I am kinda excited about trying it out...:circle-of-love:
my eyes theyre still scrolling :rofl:
Great Update Dennise :thumb:
:passitleft: High Cronic... thank you and hope you are doing wonderfully..:yahoo:....:circle-of-love:
Hey Denise:)...i just ordered my magical butter machine......i googled discounts for it and found this saves you 30 bucks....sorry to use youur thread but you have a lot of followers and anybody interested can save a little:) Thank you for yoiur help and input Denise....helped me make my mind up:) wishing you green dreams:):circle-of-love::Namaste:
[COLOR="#4B0082"[SIZE=3]Hey there my Fav Lil sis
them girls look the picture of good green health Grow on girl :goodjob:You desserve a big Ol doobie:passitleft:
with REPs +++:circle-of-love:[/SIZE]][/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]
:passitleft: High jaga... Thank you so much and I have missed you......:circle-of-love:
[quote="Green Dreamz, post: 2282692"]Hey Denise:)...i just ordered my magical butter machine......i googled discounts for it and found this saves you 30 bucks....sorry to use youur thread but you have a lot of followers and anybody interested can save a little:) Thank you for yoiur help and input Denise....helped me make my mind up:) wishing you green dreams:):circle-of-love::Namaste:

:yahoo:... I can't wait to her how you like it... Actually I know you are going to love it.....:circle-of-love:
​Now that's a deal, 30.00 is a chunk.
I believe the Magical Butter promotion is a $25 discount.

My Magical Butter $25 discount code : Gummybear Magical Butter 2
Thank you King :adore:.....:circle-of-love:
High Dennise :circle-of-love:
:passitleft: High Cronic.....:circle-of-love:

Hope you are doing well. I've not been around too much.
I have to apologize Dennise......i have been spelling your name think i would be able to copy like you spell it but i was messing a n in my other posts....:):Namaste:
That's OK I am quit used to it. Don't know what my mom was thinking with all the double letters in my name. Dennise is my middle name but wht I have always been called but my first name she did the same thing and put double letters in it twice. I couldn't spell my own name till the 2nd grade...:goof:.....:circle-of-love:
That was a huge fan leaf:):)
She was one healthy girl.... Her leaves were by far the largest I have ever seen and the fella I grew her for was thrilled....:yahoo:....:circle-of-love:
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