Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Best of big beautiful buds to you my friend! :) everything lush as usual in here :)
Thanks Light......:circle-of-love:
Looks great Dennise. I thought I was the only one struggling with extreme reaching plants. LOL The two males I have are damned near tall as me. I bent them over last night about a foot, as you did, and they straightened right back up overnight reaching for the light. No stopping those boyze! :rofl:
The B2B is a struggle to get her to stay down but I think I finally have her tethered pretty well. I can't move her to the tub to water her any more because of all the tie downs on her.....:circle-of-love:
Thanks Granny.... I think I will be hanging on my own journal for a while and trying to stay out of trouble...
TROUBLE! Who, What, Where? Just point them out to me Sis! Anyone who has beef with my Fifi has beef with me!

On another note Lady Dee, Do you find you get better results using Fox Farm nutes under LEDs than you do using Growology? Those girls are gorgeous.
Broke Ass before I definitively answer that question I want t do another round with Growology..... That being said at this time YES I am liking the results I got with my first med run with FF and King :adore: holding my hand and this run using FF 'vs' my last run with Growology but I want to put a disclaimer in here.... I really think I did not do the Growology justice because I think I should have watered much more often and I am pretty sure on more than 1 occasion and to be honest more times than not I let them get tooo dry and I think had this not happened I would have been even happier with Growology. I am thrilled with the meds I got from the Growolgy round but I do think they could have been better but I think it was operator error and brain damage.... So the short answer is yes I like the FF better......:circle-of-love:
Hey D, hope you're doing good. Darn it ! An order is on its way now ,,and dang I wish I would have gotten wild thai ,,gonna have to get it next order.. high THC ! Sativa !
I've got 3 plants that I just put into flower (12/12) under LEDs so they are going to stretch, do you know the distance from the LED should they be ??? I'm leaving them ,,going to visit my sister and I worry they will stretch into the light while I'm gone. I think being away for 3 nights is too long're opinion please, and I know it depends on a lot of other factors.
Hope you are resting well and feeling great ! Holler if there's something I can do for ya !!

:passitleft: High Granny... You are so sweet.... I think it is fine to leave them for 3 days... Just make sure they are watered well before you leave them and I would make sure the light is at least 2' if possible above the girls and that will give them plenty of growing room for the 3 days.... Even if you don't have enough height if they do grow in to the light before you get home it will only be for a minute and short term it won't do that much damage. If you were leaving for 3 weeks I would worry......
I hope you are going some where fun...:yahoo:.... Head this way.. The colors are magnificent right now but it is supposed to turn real cold in the next few days and they are predicting snow Sun night here... Gotta love it.... it was 80 the day before yesterday and 72 yesterday and today the high is 55 and raining and dropping to the low 30's tonight... Don't like the weather..:confused: stick around a minute and it will change....:goof:
I have been taking care not to over do. Kinda bored and tired of sitting on my dead azz but I am feeling much better.... My fella finally stopped staring at me all the time... I think he thought I was just going to fall asleep again...:sleep: and he has gone back to work and even got my nephew a job with him. My nephew got his first check last Fri (he is just now 18) and it was for 69 hours and well over a grand and I thought that silly kid was going to pee his pants. His folks never had a lot and kinda forgot about him and he has never even seen that much money. He called me last night and told me the boss had just turned in the hours for the last week and it is 70 hours and he was like a little kid at Christmas. It is burning a hole right through his pocket. It is so much fun watching him do all the big boy grown up things for the first time..... Of course with his first check he had to have a new IPhone 6+.... $600 + a 2 year contract... I nearly pee'd my pants but I kept my mouth shut cause he was so excited...:yahoo:
Have a wonderful time on your trip......:circle-of-love:
Thanks Light... I'm feeling so much better... Just trying to sit on my hands to stay out of trouble... Do have to go to the doctor today so at least I will be able to get out of the house for a bit.... Even got my yard back in order yesterday... All the beds are weeded and my lavender is smelling so good... I will have to water when I get back from town so I will most likely be doing a update in a bit... I hope you are having a wonderful day....:circle-of-love:
:thanks: Thank you for your advice !!!

I'm glad you are feeling better !! It's nice to hear that your nephew is finally found happiness with you and your fella... It's building his self esteem, he's paying his own way and that has to make him feel good about himself ! I am always pulling for the less see a smile on faces ... You and your fella are good folks !!!:love:
Hey Dennise,

Oh you're such a wonderful person. Your did a good thing, just letting him go...I could understand the dismay at spending 600 on a phone....but good for you for seeing things as he see's it instead of imposing your values on him....letting him be...

I can't say much about your grow except you always do a good job and your ladies are always looked after :)

OH and thank you for having such an objective opinion on the didn't think you did it justice...
I think that is a very honest, humble, and obviously well considered to you for being able to see it, admit it, and then consider you should give it another go...grow :)

I am happy you're feeling better, happy you're feeling lazy...coz that mean's you HAVE been resting :)

Thanks Tas and yes I am feeling much better. Actually I went to the doctor yesterday and he said I will live till I die...:yahoo: Can't ask for much more than that huh..:confused:....:circle-of-love:

I watered last night and will update in a bit. Was to tired after going to town to get er' done last night but will get them up in a bit.....:circle-of-love:
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