Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

:circle-of-love: Hope you are feeling better and better every day. The weather here got a little scary ,,an elderly woman was killed about 10 to 15 miles from where I live.. It hit everywhere around me,,I didn't even lose power, thank goodness...So many were not as fortunate. I'm glad everything is good with you and you didn't lose power.
Anyway, I know you flushed the B2B because of the problem and you mentioned that you were going to flush the B2B anyway...why ? Is it time to start flushing because of harvest or do you flush from time to time ??? I know I ask some of the silliest questions...just the way my mind works I guess..thanks Dennise. :thumb:
Bless that lady's family.
Heavy rain is a good thing. The Fire Escape Girls always respond aggressively the day after a good rain. How are you feeling today Fifi?
I love a good rain but enough already!!! It is still raining...:thedoubletake: It is getting cold too but it is supposed to be beautiful this weekend so I will take it... If I felt any better Broke Ass I wouldn't be able to stand myself.... Been cleaning house all day (they tried but they are men) and actually got just about everything done on my list so all and all it's a good day... Hope your is the same and tell Baby Girl hello for me......:circle-of-love:
:circle-of-love: Hope you are feeling better and better every day. The weather here got a little scary ,,an elderly woman was killed about 10 to 15 miles from where I live.. It hit everywhere around me,,I didn't even lose power, thank goodness...So many were not as fortunate. I'm glad everything is good with you and you didn't lose power.
Anyway, I know you flushed the B2B because of the problem and you mentioned that you were going to flush the B2B anyway...why ? Is it time to start flushing because of harvest or do you flush from time to time ??? I know I ask some of the silliest questions...just the way my mind works I guess..thanks Dennise. :thumb:
With the Fox Farm Schedule granny you are supposed to flush with the Sledgehammer every few weeks and it kinda breaks up the salts or whatever and flushes out the girls and it obviously works very well.... The B2B looks like she is fine now and moving right along.... When I do my final flush for harvest I only use purified water. I don't add the Sledgehammer.... It says to but I prefer to let them finish with plain old water.... rain water if possible but just water... You don't ever ask silly questions...:goof:......:circle-of-love:
Bless that lady's family.

I ordered a MB machine yesterday , supposed to ship out on the 23rd. It's so exciting.:yahoo: Ever since you said how much you loved yours I've been wanting one bad. I just started growing not long ago so I don't have a stash built up, like 2 or 3 ounces to use for edibles. I have about 3/4 mason jar of shake and ground up leaves....Can I make something with that ???
It seems alot of us here are ordering one.

Hey Dennise my friend, so glad your feeling good :) :)
Just had to give you a shout out!!!!! Thanks to your instructions my canna butter came out like rocket fuel! :) its very very potent and had me and the missus in fits of giggles like it was the first time I was high again! :) So many thanks for taking the time to aid me! Your a proper little angel :) :)
I am so glad it came out well for ya Light.... I have a felling your produce made some most excellent butter...:yahoo:....:circle-of-love:
Hi Denise...reading LAs post about canna butter instructions i was wndering if that is a previous post...basically i am interested in your method as i havent had the best of luck with it :( any help would be greatly appreciated:)
Wishing you and your followers nothing but Green Dreams:Namaste:
No it was in a message I sent Light but with the Magical Butter machine I use 2 oz of bud and trim to 1 lb of butter with 2 Tbsp of soy Lecithin which works as an emulsifier and it makes some very potent cannabutter.... if you need some help making cannabutter without a Magical butter machine let me know and I will walk you through the crockpot or stove pot methods......:circle-of-love:
I actually watched a video on you tube of a guy reviewing one yesterday:) looked pretty cool.....did you use bud or trimmings and how much of that and butter.....sorry to be a bother.......:):thanks::Namaste:
I am certain without asking he used really good trim and bud.........:circle-of-love:
Hey D, flu's almost done so I'm cruising around.
So glad you are feeling better....:circle-of-love:

I ordered a MB machine yesterday , supposed to ship out on the 23rd. It's so exciting.:yahoo: Ever since you said how much you loved yours I've been wanting one bad. I just started growing not long ago so I don't have a stash built up, like 2 or 3 ounces to use for edibles. I have about 3/4 mason jar of shake and ground up leaves....Can I make something with that ???
It seems alot of us here are ordering one.

Oh I am sure you will get some good butter out of that. It says in the instructions of the MB machine not to cut up your trim and buds but to put them in whole.... just wanted to throw that in......:circle-of-love:
I went a bit bonkers and used 5 sticks of butter and an OZ of small bud, mixed with 4 whole big plants worth of best trim! :)
One little bit on a cracker to taste and I was giggling like a plonker! :)
All thanks to Dennise as she gave me a run down and made it a powerful success! MB machines do indeed rock!! :)

Best of bonkers bud to you and yours my friend! :)
Wish I could have a bit of tea and crackers with ya...:circle-of-love:
I hope all is well. I mostly watch from the sidelines lately.

Fifi, you there and okay, darlin?
All good... Just a couple of rough days.... It's all good....:circle-of-love:
I do have a bit of an update on all the girls. They were all watered today with just 1 gallon of purified water with 2 tsp of SledgeHammer....... First is the B2B and Wild Thai then the Black Russian all in the closet under the Mars II's 33 days 12/12.....:circle-of-love:
Then lastly the crazy auto Pineapple Express is still growing all over the place and I had to bend her over to keep her off the light.... I have no idea how old she is but I am kinda going along the FF blooming schedule.... I have to give her a least 20oz of water every day but I water her with nutes every 4 days.... today she was given 1/2 gallon of purified water with 1 tsp Big Bloom, 1/2 tsp Grow Big, 1/2 tsp Tiger Bloom and 1/16 tsp Beastie Bloom......:circle-of-love:
So so glad to see you back and ok I was starting to get a little uneasy. I'm sorry you have been feeling bad but hoping you're better. Do you know how I can use the ground up stuff I have since I can't use with MB ??? I will read up on it if you know of anything. Sending good vibes to you !!!

Just now saw your update, they all look beautiful. I see a lot of tops, you're about to have another great yield. How many times do you top and how long do you keep them in veg before you switch to flower ?
:passitleft: High granny.... I use my shake in brownies.... Just mix up a normal box of brownies and grind the trim up real well and just mix it in... I have read on here some people put it in the oven at a real low temp before using it in a recipe but if you are going to use it in brownies they are in the oven anyhow so I have never done that and it works just fine this way but someone might chime in and say why they bake it on low first and there may be a good reason I don't know but it will work my way.... and if you have made any butter using the butter instead of oil and using the shake too will rock your world...:yahoo:......:circle-of-love:
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