Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

I have some updates on the girls.... I will start with the auto Pineapple Express... I still have not given her anything but purified water but she is looking so good I can't see any reason to add anything else yet.....:circle-of-love:
I have a dry weight on the Skunk Afghani.... she came in at 1 3/4 zips.... I honestly believe the defoliation is obviously working better for me than not doing a defol.... I believe I probably lost close to a zip... of course there is no way I can be sure but the nugs on both were great and the smoke is awesome but I truly believe I could have yielded better doing the same type of heavy defoliation I did in the past.....:circle-of-love:
I obviously washed the buds but I was amazed at how friggin' clean they were. I grew her on my back porch as you guys know but she had spider mites in the beginning and I found 2 worms on her throughout the grow so I expected to have dead spiders and a few more worms but as you can see the water really wasn't very dirty. I'm not sorry I washed the buds but they certainly didn't have all the gunk on them I expected and I used the Doc bud wash with the 4 buckets so I guess I did it right and they just weren't as dirty as I had them in my head.......:circle-of-love:
Hi Dennise :ciao:

Just a hit and run. I missed you. Hopefully I can find some more time somewhere to come play more often. :)

:passitleft: High Spimp....:circle-of-love:
I second that statement Granny.....

Congratulations on the harvest. I know your glad it's over. But you still have those gurlz in the back still have to be harvested. Looking forward to that weight.
Well the back girls were cut last week and I didn't get them up to the house for obvious reasons and they have been chopped, dried and jarred and the total weight was 67.4 zips.... I know I have no pics so it didn't happen but that was kinda the idea of not having any pics.... I can tell ya the smoke is acceptable but certainly not anywhere nears as good as the medical girls or the AKxWW flux girl. I didn't keep any of the bag seed girls from outside. They were taken off my hands immediately. I didn't like having that kind of weight any where around. I grow for personal use only except for this little :oops: grow and feel so much better that it is all out of here...:yahoo:.....:circle-of-love:
Congrats on your two harvest Fifi. Those Flux buds just look amazing. Keep up the good work.
PS: I received your PMs...

I live here in Los Angeles, grew up here..

I once went to NYC on business, I was shocked at Manhattan!! I thought how the F could people live this way lol, like a damn roach motel! They call NYC the Big Apple, I call it the big asshole lol.
WOW... Slow your roll there!
I'm born, raised, & still live on the island of Manhattan. I once went to LA and don't care for it one bit!
But you know what? I would never dis-respect the people who call it home or say anything negative about it just because it's not suitable to me.
Nuff said...
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