Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Is it from barney's farm? ;)
In that case you're in for a treat.. very decent high and sadly i cant say too much about taste because the one i had got mold, so had to chop before the flush.. So it tastes a little harsh, but behind that it tastes allright.. the smell hower was awesome and unique :)
Yep it is Barney's Farm and I hope not to have the mold issue and using the vape I think the flavor is going to be amazing.......:circle-of-love:
High Dennise :circle-of-love:
:passitleft: High cronic....:circle-of-love:
The court has to prove she was drunk and they can't do that unless she took a blood or breathalyzer test. If she was drunk or stoned, none of this was your fault. I still have no idea why you think it is any part your fault.

You have no control over the corrupt cops, or your friend and how she drove. However, I don't know how you just stood there while that doosh cop said you'd be put in jail? They don't just PUT people in jail. It requires a trial, etc. Then again, this is the south. I just can't stand the south any more. I'm sorry to say it as I have many lovely friends here, but I can't wait to get out.

I hope you have nothing but perfect days, Fifi, for the rest of your days. This is bullshizit.
Well as you know I love the south and I will never leave... well except to be buried... for some reason I agreed to be buried with my fella in upstate but I'm thinking of trying to change that. I am 100% southern. The reason it is my fault Garden is she took me to Charleston to pick up my car when my sister died. It had not been driven in almost a year so I took it in to be serviced and while they did that we went to Edisto Beach. My pills are in a huge divider for mornings, lunch, dinner and bedtime and for 7 days so the box is to big to carry around so I put my meds in a bottle of hers and threw them in her purse with my ID and that is all I took...... During the day I took my BP and heart meds but was having a good day and didn't need as many of the controlled meds I normally take and I forgot to take them back out of her bottle and so did she. The bottle of her meds I put them in were for a allergic reaction so it was not something she took very often and they were simply forgotten about. there was no foul intent and she had them in there for several months so she obviously wasn't going to take them... Hence the reason I have to take responsibility for them being in her possession. I also carry a card from my insurance company listing all my prescribed meds because they are numerous and to have to carry all the bottles would be absurd. she did refuse the breath and blood test but not because she was buzzed but because she knows better than to take them and she had just left my house when arrested and I don't drink and she was not drinking and was in a hurry to get home and we did not even smoke one. I would not go swear on a bible for anyone if I was not telling the truth. She is not responsible for my bad and if I have to go to jail because I am going to tell the truth... so be it... This girl has done nothing wrong but try and be a friend to me and help me out when my fella can't be here and for that I cannot in good conscious let her pay for something I caused........:circle-of-love:
[/QUOTE=danknessdude;2237792]High all! Missed you guys. Congrats on the harvest![/QUOTE]
:passitleft: High Dank... Thanks.....:circle-of-love:
I understand what happened, I just wish you wouldn't blame yourself. You are way too kind a person to ever do anything to hurt someone or cause a problem.

That said, I also understand about the south. We're from two different worlds, two entirely different ways of thinking because the north and south are so divided in many cultural differences. I love living here, but I wish the people were a little different. I can't explain it, but if you went up to Brooklyn and cold moved there for 21 years you would get real tired of the action and what is perceived as rudeness, but which is not. It's really just people in a rush and have no time to be nicey nice. It's accepted and NY is extremely friendly, but just in a big rush. 10 million people on an island a mile or two wide, 10 miles long. That a lotta people!

I'm not expecting you or your friend will be going to jail. They have no evidence once you provide your prescriptions to the court. Everybody here is on your side...

After 21 years, I am still not used to something, I think it's time for a change! LOL. I don't really hate it here, and it IS different here than in your state ( much dumber here ). Who knows, maybe we'll sell and buy smaller in our current state, just somewhere away from here. You can go for 12 hour drive and not leave the state, so who knows.
I agree 100%.... There is no way on God's green earth I could move to the city and not go insane.... I moved to a small town from a big city to here because I wanted nothing to do with neighbors and all the nonsense that goes along with it. I can't imagine being on a small island with millions of people.... They would have to put me in a straight jacket..... I do want to go to the city for a visit to a lot of the attractions but then I want to come home. I have only lived in AL., SC, TN, and FL and can't imagine living anywhere else but the south. I very seldom get in a hurry and never have and am way to old to start now. Pretty sure I will be late to my own funeral.... but in the south they expect it so it's no big deal......:circle-of-love:
I must say that my my first husband was in the army so we moved a lot.. I think because of that the same place after a while gets old to me , I want something different. I'm also from the south...Roll Tide !! and proud of it but I would love to move to a legal state ! This state will probably be the last one to go legal.
Dennise, more questions :( can trimmings be used in magical butter ??? And if could only get one which one an arizer vape or magical butter ?
Ohhh that's an easy one for me..... I love my eatables and I love my Magical Butter Machine. The vape is nice but I didn't mind a joint or bong at all but I do find it soooo much easier to make butter this way and it is so much better than the handmade I had done for so many years and yes you certainly can use the trimmings. That is what I use now. When I trim my buds and the popcorn that is just to small to be anything is all used for nothing but butter and if you will use the Magical Butter Machine with the trim straight off the buds and the popcorn buds you will have some awesome butter..... I use about 2 oz per lb of unsalted butter with 2 tbsp of soy lecithin and most people can't eat more than 1/2 cookie or so. It is probably to strong for most but being diabetic only needing 1/2 cookie is a good thing.....
Went to UAB for a minute in the late 70's then had an office in Pelham when I owned my company... Had a system in B'ham.... Don't have any real desire to go back there but I do like AL.... about as far north as they will get me to live is Va and it gets to cold so I think I will just stay right here. I did find another place I would really like to have that bacon does not live near but doubt that will happen either....:circle-of-love:
Got a bit of an update on a couple of the girls... The Black Russian and the Black Jack were watered with 1/2 gallon ea of purified water with 3 tsp Big Bloom, 1.5 tsp Grow Big and 1 tap molasses.......:circle-of-love:

Then the B2B and Wild Thai clone were watered with 1 gallon each of purified water with 2 tsp Sledgehammer and put in the tent to flower...... The auto Pineapple Express was put in the cabinet to continue on with her journey and the Black Russian was put in the closet to flower....:yahoo:

Great update ! :thumb: They are very healthy,, the b2b is really bushy ! I'm anxious to see you defoliation to learn something. Skunny just defoliated and he knows what he's doing . Did you take a picture of the Pineapple autoflower ?? If so which one ?? and thank you for replying earlier.
Also wanted to mention I read in NORML that DC is getting even more relaxed with medical marijuana...they passed another's hard to comprehend how it's so legal in DC where the White House sits and not legal here and everywhere else.
Uh, now I have to order that dumb 619 WEN. If I didn't SEE it, outta sight outta mind, but nOOOooooooooooooooo. Fifi has to torture. That is girl hair porn there.

And yes, you would certainly be in shock if you moved to NYC! Shoot, so would I at this point since I've been gone so long now. And Granny, my very best friend called me from NY the other day and demanded I move! He said we would love Albuquerque or even south of that in NM. I love the under population in NM, that's for sure. I live no people, but I'm also playing with moving near a city. Portland, or Boulder, Denver, San Francisco (but not in the city...somewhere within an hour drive or less). We'll know when we see it. As we travel around we are going to look at a million houses and make a fun month of it.

Now I have to figure out if I get my Expedition fixed. It needs the load levelers replaced with leaf springs for about 500, it may need brakes and it is coming up on her 100k in about 6k miles so also a tune up. So, about 1,000 dollars and we can travel in that with the parrot. We could probably fix it up so we could even sleep in there if the weather is not bad...never mind, we're going in winter.

I am a mess, in case you can't tell.
:thumb:I would like that area too garden ..I dream about getting out of here. My son works in San Jose (spelling?) CA for a week once a month. He flies there and back every month and I worry about his safety on planes these days but that's another subject. He says the weather is beautiful all year and it's not that far from San Francisco,,,like approx. 45 mins. But another place I dont know much about but would think I would like is San Diego...
I apologize, I thought I was on gardens journal. :oops:
Yep the SF Bay Area is nice ,
I'm north of the GoldenGate Bridge by 30minutes
it does get cool in the winter we get a light frost every once in while
Summer is March till October not much of a fall & same with spring
Thanks Granny and Zombie. Sorry Fifi for this on your journal, last post on it, I promise.

Yes, San Jose, Soquel, or anywhere north of SF is good, too. I have a Dharma center in Soquel so as long as I can drive's one option. I don't like the earthquakes, but I don't like tornadoes either, and we have far more of those than CA has earthquakes or mudslides and we get fires here so.

I love the weather in SF. I don't mind winter with light frost, even if it was every night. What I don't want is boiling or freezing. Like Goldilocks; not too hot, not too cold.

Great update ! :thumb: They are very healthy,, the b2b is really bushy ! I'm anxious to see you defoliation to learn something. Skunny just defoliated and he knows what he's doing . Did you take a picture of the Pineapple autoflower ?? If so which one ?? and thank you for replying earlier.
Also wanted to mention I read in NORML that DC is getting even more relaxed with medical marijuana...they passed another's hard to comprehend how it's so legal in DC where the White House sits and not legal here and everywhere else.
I don't think I post up a pic of the Pineapple express granny but I will in a bit... I agree about the DC thing... When I saw it I thought exactly the same thing. If they pass it then it will only be a matter of time until the rest of the country catches up......:circle-of-love:
Uh, now I have to order that dumb 619 WEN. If I didn't SEE it, outta sight outta mind, but nOOOooooooooooooooo. Fifi has to torture. That is girl hair porn there.

And yes, you would certainly be in shock if you moved to NYC! Shoot, so would I at this point since I've been gone so long now. And Granny, my very best friend called me from NY the other day and demanded I move! He said we would love Albuquerque or even south of that in NM. I love the under population in NM, that's for sure. I live no people, but I'm also playing with moving near a city. Portland, or Boulder, Denver, San Francisco (but not in the city...somewhere within an hour drive or less). We'll know when we see it. As we travel around we are going to look at a million houses and make a fun month of it.

Now I have to figure out if I get my Expedition fixed. It needs the load levelers replaced with leaf springs for about 500, it may need brakes and it is coming up on her 100k in about 6k miles so also a tune up. So, about 1,000 dollars and we can travel in that with the parrot. We could probably fix it up so we could even sleep in there if the weather is not bad...never mind, we're going in winter.

I am a mess, in case you can't tell.
Sounds like a wonderful adventure to me......:circle-of-love:
:thumb:I would like that area too garden ..I dream about getting out of here. My son works in San Jose (spelling?) CA for a week once a month. He flies there and back every month and I worry about his safety on planes these days but that's another subject. He says the weather is beautiful all year and it's not that far from San Francisco,,,like approx. 45 mins. But another place I dont know much about but would think I would like is San Diego...
I apologize, I thought I was on gardens journal. :oops:
San Jose is beautiful... I used to have a system there and I have a nephew in San Diego... Nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there but San Jose I would certainly consider if it wasn't in Ca....:circle-of-love:
Yep the SF Bay Area is nice ,
I'm north of the GoldenGate Bridge by 30minutes
it does get cool in the winter we get a light frost every once in while
Summer is March till October not much of a fall & same with spring
I like having my 4 seasons......:circle-of-love:
Thanks Granny and Zombie. Sorry Fifi for this on your journal, last post on it, I promise.

Yes, San Jose, Soquel, or anywhere north of SF is good, too. I have a Dharma center in Soquel so as long as I can drive's one option. I don't like the earthquakes, but I don't like tornadoes either, and we have far more of those than CA has earthquakes or mudslides and we get fires here so.

I love the weather in SF. I don't mind winter with light frost, even if it was every night. What I don't want is boiling or freezing. Like Goldilocks; not too hot, not too cold.
You can post here any time you like.....:circle-of-love:
Thanks Lady Friend. Yeah, unfortunately it's in California. San Diego is sick expensive. Sick. I love four seasons and would move back upstate NY immediately if it didn't cost 1000 a month to heat a house. I am definitely not going to do a wood stove or coal stove or any kind of stove where ashes need cleaning or any smoke can enter. Parrots can die very fast from every fume on earth. But I'm also pretty lazy and so is Mark. If I had the money, I'd have live in maid! She'd be treated like family and paid very well, but she would be organizing my house because left to my own, nothing is organized.

I need a big room to live in, a nice sized bedroom with a fabulous bathroom. Yard has to be private and no more than half acre cultivated. It can be bigger, but not where I have to garden a huge space.

Any ideas on cities, states...if anyone wants to do the brainstorming with me, please head over to my OT journal. This journal is rather important on 420 and many people read it who are not members.

Head on over and tell me your dreams in life for where YOU want to live and what your dream house would be in retirement. Any ideas, any suggestions no matter how off the wall are being written down in our notebooks, my journal, his pad (men don't have "journals") hahaha. We're even thinking of Panama! LOTS of American xPats there. I love America, but I want money to stretch so Mark can never work again starting immediately.
Garden I think I live in the best place on earth as you know but I think you would hate it here other than the mountains and lay of the land and having all the seasons but with that comes the rednecks... which I most certainly am.... and the backward ways which again I truly love.... I love the slow life and couldn't survive where I couldn't stop and smell the roses without offending someone or being in their way...... I can't imagine ever leaving here and other than maybe selling and finding another piece of property because of bacon I will always be here.... There is a house for sale on about 5 acres not to far from here and I absolutely love the house. It is not very big but just looks like a artist of some sort would live there and it has a front porch that is glassed in all the way around..... you have to go through a few other homes to get to it but once you are back there it is pretty secluded and I absolutely love the house. Any who just dreaming and I'm sure I will be right here till I die.....:circle-of-love:
I love the country. LOVE it. As a kid I hid out in both Prospect and Central Park because it was like upstate to me. Trees and grass and ponds and lakes.

I am going to look today at your area. Who knows, maybe we'll end up there after all. I rarely ever hear anything bad about the place. I'd want to move to an area with a very small school district..15........................................................................................................1111111111 b bui i

Sorry, Mika just walked on the keyboard. Normally I delete it, but welcome to my world!

Anyway, it is way too expensive for schools here which are teaching religion...yadda. Anyway, I just need to be in a place where I can close the doors and be there without anyone bothering us for anything. We are loyal, respectful, honor the beliefs of others, and peaceful. I'm basically a dream neighbor. I expect only a dream neighbor in return.

So now to look at where you live for houses. Imagine. Two old ladies rocking on that porch? Smoking doobs till we drop off. :)
I don't just imagine it Garden I live it. IMO this is the most beautiful place on earth and for the most part people here want to be left alone... that's why we live in the middle of nowhere.... I have come to the conclusion there will be bumps in the road like bacon no matter where ya go and it's not near as bad here as some places I have lived.......:circle-of-love:
I live here in Los Angeles, grew up here.. I have traveled most of the US on Business and what I found was, no matter where I went, people are always the same, in fact I used to love traveling and surfing Mexico as the people down there would give you the shirt off their backs and help you if needed, here in LA? lololololol.. Like you said, anywhere you go here, your in someone's way or the other way around.

I once went to NYC on business, I was shocked at Manhattan!! I thought how the F could people live this way lol, like a damn roach motel! They call NYC the Big Apple, I call it the big asshole lol.

I like you D and others just want quiet, to be left alone, I would work my ass off all year long and take 3 weeks every summer and hike the John Muir Trail in the Sierra Mountains, and have now found a place not too far off where I should be able to move too within a year or so!!! I cant wait to LEAVE this city in my rearview mirror and never look back!
Yes, the truth is people are the same no matter where you go. I grew up in NYC so it is not weird to me, or at least it didn't used to be. I am no longer used to it. I'm a hermit. I have very few people I talk to or have fun with. Very few. Mark and I are best friends and if we never saw another human it would not be soon enough. Personally, I do not like people all that much. I never did. I don't mean individuals with whom I have established trust or relationships with, including the people I've met here who have befriended me or vice versa. But we dont see each other.

I doubt I could ever live back in NYC, expecially Manhattan of all places. Maybe down by the beach in Brooklyn, where I grew up in Sheepshead Bay. Try to retire and live there. I don't T H I N K so.

I'm looking everywhere. I found houses for between 25 and 3,000 dollars a square foot. I like 25.
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