Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

granny I cut all the buds off the stems when I harvest cause it takes a whole lot less time to dry.... then I lay them out on my drying racks for minimally 48 hours then when I put the product in jars I make sure the jars are only about half full and are not all smashed in together. Then I make sure I open the jar every day for at least 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon and I shake the jar real good to make sure the buds are not sticking together or to the jar and I do that for about 2 weeks then for the next 2 weeks I burp the jar at least once a day and try to remember to do it twice a day then after about a month you should be good. I also use Boveda packets which are humidity pkgs that will keep the herb at 62% which is supposed to be optimal for our herb..... The first harvest I chopped I did hang the whole thing and it took over twice as long to dry enough to jar up and what a pain to trim after it is dry....:straightface: For me the trimming is so much less work if I do it when I first chop my girls.... Hope this helps a bit and if one of you guys does it differently please speak up and let us know how and why......:circle-of-love:
OK first off I will tell ya court was horrible...... First of the bacon (the one that is my closest neighbor) told me standing in the hall of the court house if I testified I was going to go to jail...... well... I had no choice because my friend really and truly did not do what she has been charged with and what she was charged with and spent 3 days in jail for was my fault so no matter the consequences I had no choice but to tell the truth and as luck would have it the judge got sick after all the going back and forth.... the state tried to get her to plead out. They offered to drop the possession charges with-in 5 minutes of bacon threatening me and realizing who I was but she was going to have to plead guilty to the DUI and she had just left my house and I don't drink at all and we had not even smoked anything cause she was in a hurry to get home. When they went into chambers to watch the bacon video he obviously lied about her weaving off the road or anything else and even the judge's secretary said as they were walking out "if she was drunk she would have staggered getting in the police car" but she did not.... After they were told she would not accept the plea the judge had to excuse himself because he was obviously not feeling well so it has now been moved to the 10th of Oct for trial... So needless to say the first thing I did before going to court and letting him know who was testifying against him I cut the outside bag seed girls......

I cut these girls just before going to court so that is all that happened cause we didn't get out of there until almost 5pm and oh yeah I forgot the best part..... I got up to go pee...:loopy: and there's a step going into the bathroom and when I was coming out I forgot about the step (about 8") and I had on 4" heels and I fell flat of my face.... I am sure it is on camera but the first thing I did after realizing I wasn't broken was to look around and there was not a single person around...:yahoo: but by the time I got home my ankle is the size of a cantaloupe.... Yesterday was just a horrible day not to mention it was the 10th anniversary of my mom dying...:thedoubletake:... Rough day.... Today is going to be much better and I am going to also chop the flux and the Skunk Afghani. I would like for the flux to go a week or so more but the paranoia now is just not worth it. I really think she would fill out a bit more if I could let her go but it is not worth getting busted for and I think she is still going to be some really good smoke.... My poor Bubba got sent out 3 times last night cause something had the dogs riled up so need to get busy I guess. I will be posting pics tonight I'm sure......:circle-of-love:
Thanks Light.... She does have a few ambers and is extremely frosty but no doubt I would have liked her to be a little more amber but hopefully it will all be good.....
Garden there is no doubt today is going to be a better day.... I do have to go to the doctor and the dentist all this afternoon but it has to be done so I need to get off my azz and get busy......:circle-of-love:
Grats on your harvest. Sucks you can't let your plants finish up... And I also think that it will be legal everywhere eventually. The states don't seem to care about how its helping us, but more the almighty dollar they can line their pockets with. Sad it has to work that way, bit at least its moving in our favor.
First of the bacon (the one that is my closest neighbor) told me standing in the hall of the court house if I testified I was going to go to jail...... well... I had no choice because my friend really and truly did not do what she has been charged with and what she was charged with and spent 3 days in jail for was my fault so no matter the consequences
Everyone should pay attention to the character of my girl here. Friends like this are hard to come by.
Freakin Kangaroo court! I'm sorry to here you had such a rough day yesterday Fifi but it's a new day now and Congrats on your Harvests...

and save the weed u vaped for brownies or edibles !!!
You mean to tell me you can re-use the weed after vaping? That may have been the convincer for a stoner such as myself Growon...
watch ,the're gonna drop the charges , that Judge wasn't sick , they didn't want a weak case in front of him
:thanks:Thank you for giving me such a good understandable in depth answer.. . I chopped the autoflower, trimmed then hung to dry....Your way sound so much easier, I have a drying rack but wasn't sure when to use it.. Dennise I hope you win POM because you deserve it but you also deserve MOM in my opinion, your the best !!! :circle-of-love:
Thank you so much for the kind words granny.... you are very sweet and I'm glad I could help.....:circle-of-love:
Congratulations on your harvest!
Thanks King....:circle-of-love:
and save the weed u vaped for brownies or edibles !!!
Have a seperate container sitting right next to it and that may make others able to eat my cookies...:blushsmile: Right now they seem to think they are a bit toooo strong...:winkyface:.....:circle-of-love:
Grats on your harvest. Sucks you can't let your plants finish up... And I also think that it will be legal everywhere eventually. The states don't seem to care about how its helping us, but more the almighty dollar they can line their pockets with. Sad it has to work that way, bit at least its moving in our favor.
Thanks and I totally agree....:circle-of-love:
Everyone should pay attention to the character of my girl here. Friends like this are hard to come by.
Freakin Kangaroo court! I'm sorry to here you had such a rough day yesterday Fifi but it's a new day now and Congrats on your Harvests...

You mean to tell me you can re-use the weed after vaping? That may have been the convincer for a stoner such as myself Growon...
Well first off I kinda got some of my back bone back and decided I am going to let the flux girl ride. I just have put to much in to her to not let her finish unless it becomes obvious trouble is coming and he isn't even working today... Had Bubba scoping the situation...:).... So the next week is supposed to be absolutely perfect weather and I am going to try and let them enjoy it for at least 1 more week and if feeling froggy then maybe 2 more weeks... Still have to go finish chopping up the big girls but it is a massive job... I don't know how big time growers do it... Well with a lot of help I guess... :confused:
I swore I would never change my ways on smoking but I was so wrong Broke Ass... You owe it to yourself to invest the $144.99 in the Q thingy vape.... Once you get used to it is awesome. I don't think I will ever completely give up my bong or a good joint from time to time but for the most part this thing is my new best friend.......:circle-of-love:
watch ,the're gonna drop the charges , that Judge wasn't sick , they didn't want a weak case in front of him
Well the just beyond belief part of that is the girl that I was there with went to school with the judge and the first thing she said when we walked into court was he doesn't look like he feels good...:thedoubletake: She is my age and born and raised here and is either related or knows everyone around for miles.....:circle-of-love:
it's all about the money they want a plea to charges so they can collect court fees & make her go thru DUI school
it's all about the money they want a plea to charges so they can collect court fees & make her go thru DUI school
I think you are most likely correct.....:circle-of-love:
Congrats on all the harvesting and chopping of your bag seed weed...hope you got enough mason jars LoL cause that's a lot. I hope you had a good day today and even a better day tomorrow.:peace:
I have to admit I got lazy and I never got back there to finish up but will get it done today......:circle-of-love:
LMAO....Very cool...
:thanks: That's the truck of my dreams and we already have the panhead, a shovel, Iron head and a street glide...:yahoo:.....:circle-of-love:
Then lastly the auto Pineapple Express was given 500ml of purified water.... and the post just ran and my new vape is here so I will see you guys in a bit. I have new toys...:yahoo:....:circle-of-love:

Is it from barney's farm? ;)
In that case you're in for a treat.. very decent high and sadly i cant say too much about taste because the one i had got mold, so had to chop before the flush.. So it tastes a little harsh, but behind that it tastes allright.. the smell hower was awesome and unique :)
The court has to prove she was drunk and they can't do that unless she took a blood or breathalyzer test. If she was drunk or stoned, none of this was your fault. I still have no idea why you think it is any part your fault.

You have no control over the corrupt cops, or your friend and how she drove. However, I don't know how you just stood there while that doosh cop said you'd be put in jail? They don't just PUT people in jail. It requires a trial, etc. Then again, this is the south. I just can't stand the south any more. I'm sorry to say it as I have many lovely friends here, but I can't wait to get out.

I hope you have nothing but perfect days, Fifi, for the rest of your days. This is bullshizit.
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