Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Thanks King.:adore: I actually found it amazingly easy to use. When I first pulled it out of the box with all the parts I was kinda like ohhhh zhit....:thedoubletake: but I have been a stoner for a really long time and owned most every kind of pipe from a hookah to every kinda bong imaginable so figuring out the order of which things went was pretty easy and I started with the balloons of course... :high-five: and then tried the long whip. I used the SBR with the balloon and it certainly made it taste different and the buzz was a bit more intense..:yahoo: then with the whip I tried some 1 day cured Green xxxxx and to have still been a little wet it did really well.....:volcano-smiley: My Bubba who has been around me his entire life said he had not seen me that stoned in years and I think he might me right....:goodjob:
Thank you one and all for recommending this to me and King thank you for a well done review.... So far I am so sold and think it may be the best $144.99 I have spent in a long time..... I need to go find something to eat now...:blushsmile: That is the one thing I have noticed that I am not so sure I like.... I haven't had the munchies like this in years either.......:circle-of-love:
Thanks granny... it's a Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer... KingJohnC just did a review of them and if you are interested in them at all you should check it out. The journal is in his signature..... I had tried a cheapo one before and hated it but so far I am kinda loving this one.....:green_heart:.....:circle-of-love:
Congrats on your harvest, looks like you're going to have another nice one later

The sooner you fall behind;

the more time you'll have to catch up
That Vap looks soo nice I had to get one : Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer
then reading John's review I knew that it was best for me
I found one for 128.oo $4 shipping +sales tax = $144.oo 2 day delivery paid with PayPal
That Vap looks soo nice I had to get one : Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer
then reading John's review I knew that it was best for me
I found one for 128.oo $4 shipping +sales tax = $144.oo 2 day delivery paid with PayPal

Yep, convinced me as well. I've been using a Vapor Bros box for years, but that EQ sounds awesome for the price.
Yep, convinced me as well. I've been using a Vapor Bros box for years, but that EQ sounds awesome for the price.

with extensive parts & accessories being available at also reasonable costs , I can already see that I'm gonna like the whip & I'll be doing a custom wood tip at the end !
I'll use less bud than me always rollin' up a fattie :rollit:
I'm excited to see your PE grow up so I can take a guess at the phenotype, I truly love this strain and your gonna go nuts when you taste her! :)
I am excited too especially with the vape now I can see why people grow the flavored herb now.......:circle-of-love:
You? Munchies? Ya skinny thing ya! Go eat a sandwich!

Sandwich nothing.... I ate everything with in reach of my greedy little hands...:yummy: I got up this morning and had the belly ache from hell not to mention my sugar was a bit higher than normal...:thedoubletake: but it was worth it and I don't let it happen very often.... Bubba made me Green xxxxx cannabutter cookies this morning and I had to try them too and they are pretty friggin' good.... Great way to start a Sunday.....:circle-of-love:

I know what you mean ,, I got stung when I purchased one and it's made me scared to try another because it's too much $$$ down the drain,,,it wouldn't get hot enough to get a hit ...Thanks for the info and glad you got you a good one. ,so much better for you..

I highly recommend if you are even kinda thinking about getting another you try this one. If you haven't already checked out King's review of it you really should. He is spot on. I have been twice as stoned and used half the herb so that in itself makes it worth it.....:circle-of-love:
Yay D. Awesome harvest! Congrats.
Thank you cajun......:circle-of-love:
It sold me and I can't thank you enough......:circle-of-love:
Congrats on your harvest, looks like you're going to have another nice one later

The sooner you fall behind;

the more time you'll have to catch up
I'm thinking I will probably harvest the flux girl this afternoon. She has ambered up pretty good over the last few days and I am really starting to let the paranoia of her being outside get to me........:circle-of-love:
That Vap looks soo nice I had to get one : Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer
then reading John's review I knew that it was best for me
I found one for 128.oo $4 shipping +sales tax = $144.oo 2 day delivery paid with PayPal
Congrats and I know you will love it. You beat me by .99 cents so I'm good with
Yep, convinced me as well. I've been using a Vapor Bros box for years, but that EQ sounds awesome for the price.
I think the baloon thing is awesome and if it is all that much better for ya and uses less herb it is kind of a no brainer.....:circle-of-love:
with extensive parts & accessories being available at also reasonable costs , I can already see that I'm gonna like the whip & I'll be doing a custom wood tip at the end !
I'll use less bud than me always rollin' up a fattie :rollit:
Me too....:yahoo:.....:circle-of-love:
Morning everybody....:ciao: I have a final weight on the Green xxxxx.... I am a little disappointed in the quantity but am pleased with the quality. b... I don't like not doing a heavy defoliation and in the future will go back to doing the 21-25 day and the 45 day in flower defoliation. IMO I lost a good .5 oz minimally because of not doing the defol but I am still happy with the harvest. I will wait to do the smoke report after a little longer cure. I can already tell it is not going to be anything like the NL or AKxWW or even the SBR but I think it will be a good day time smoke.... We shall see after a little longer cure.......:circle-of-love:
I have to go to court today to tell them that my friend was busted with my meds so wish me luck please.... Nothing I look forward to more than going to court to tell law enforcement the meds someone else spent the weekend in jail over are mine. Somehow I'm not so sure how I got myself into this.. Oh well I have to tell the truth and I can't let her go to jail for my bad... and everything she had of mine is and was legal so I guess the card will play out as they should. Man I sure do hope so... I'm way to old and fragile to go to jail for stupid zhit.... Hope you all have a blessedly green day.......:circle-of-love:
Dennise, I'm a little confused on what to do when its harvest, everyone does it differently. Would you mind explaining ...Do you hang them after you chop or do you hang them at all cause what is confusing to me is the pictures of yours so fast in the jar to cure, so just curious your steps if you don't mind...
And I'm confused on When to weigh it.... I'm very easy to get confused . LoL
I have more questions but will just bother you with this for now.
Thank you so much and hope all went well today.

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