Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

I'm impressed with some of the houses and properties I just looked at online. Wowie! Now I have to hone in on weather, temps, how much is oil and gas, food, etc. This is arduous.
I do't think there are to many places in the USA that have a lower cost of living than here. My property taxes for all the property and my home are less than $300 a year.... I don't think you can beat it by much......:circle-of-love:
I live here in Los Angeles, grew up here.. I have traveled most of the US on Business and what I found was, no matter where I went, people are always the same, in fact I used to love traveling and surfing Mexico as the people down there would give you the shirt off their backs and help you if needed, here in LA? lololololol.. Like you said, anywhere you go here, your in someone's way or the other way around.

I once went to NYC on business, I was shocked at Manhattan!! I thought how the F could people live this way lol, like a damn roach motel! They call NYC the Big Apple, I call it the big asshole lol.

I like you D and others just want quiet, to be left alone, I would work my ass off all year long and take 3 weeks every summer and hike the John Muir Trail in the Sierra Mountains, and have now found a place not too far off where I should be able to move too within a year or so!!! I cant wait to LEAVE this city in my rearview mirror and never look back!
:yahoo:... what an awesome adventure you are getting ready for... congratulations on following your dream.....:circle-of-love:
Yes, the truth is people are the same no matter where you go. I grew up in NYC so it is not weird to me, or at least it didn't used to be. I am no longer used to it. I'm a hermit. I have very few people I talk to or have fun with. Very few. Mark and I are best friends and if we never saw another human it would not be soon enough. Personally, I do not like people all that much. I never did. I don't mean individuals with whom I have established trust or relationships with, including the people I've met here who have befriended me or vice versa. But we dont see each other.

I doubt I could ever live back in NYC, expecially Manhattan of all places. Maybe down by the beach in Brooklyn, where I grew up in Sheepshead Bay. Try to retire and live there. I don't T H I N K so.

I'm looking everywhere. I found houses for between 25 and 3,000 dollars a square foot. I like 25.
I don't know how much they run per foot around here but I do know the housing is quite inexpensive compared to the rest of the country...:circle-of-love:
High Dennise :circle-of-love:
Plants Look Great :bravo:
:passitleft: High cronic. Thank you.....:circle-of-love:
Well been a bit busy so I have fallen behind on my updates but I have a few pics for ya... someone asked about the Pineapple Express so here are a few pics from 2 days ago. I will try and get some up from today cause the difference is amazing......:circle-of-love:
Awe, cutely adorable!


I'll have you know, yesterday my husband was so freaked out that, we were up until 4am with him puking his guts out all night.

I am at a loss for words here. In all the years I've known him I have never seen him this freaked out over a job. They are literally driving him insane with their bullsh. I feel like marching in there, punching someone in the mouth, maybe break some noses and knock some friggin teeth out while I'm at it. I cannot tell you or express to you how pissed off I am right now. And I am working on one hour sleep. I fully anticipate a major flare up of bodily drek. Stress does not work for me.
These are by far the most dense buds and by far the biggest but this is the second of the 2 I did not manipulate per b.real's request and IMO I lost a bit of harvest due to not defol'ing like I usually do... I don't think it is a lot of difference but I do think there is a bit. The buds are so thick in thrichs they felt like nugs before they had even started to dry and the sample I have tried is very very good. I will wait to do the chart number on her but will tell ya that the Green xxxxx that was harvested last week and has had time to put on a bit of a cure is a steady #7 off the Broke Ass chart......:circle-of-love:
Awe, cutely adorable!


I'll have you know, yesterday my husband was so freaked out that, we were up until 4am with him puking his guts out all night.

I am at a loss for words here. In all the years I've known him I have never seen him this freaked out over a job. They are literally driving him insane with their bullsh. I feel like marching in there, punching someone in the mouth, maybe break some noses and knock some friggin teeth out while I'm at it. I cannot tell you or express to you how pissed off I am right now. And I am working on one hour sleep. I fully anticipate a major flare up of bodily drek. Stress does not work for me.

Sorry things are so upside down for ya right now and sending good karma to turn it your way..........:circle-of-love:
Looking awesome over here!

GF, I can only imagine the stress you 2 are under, but I'm excited for y'all. I'm looking forward to seeing where you guys go.
We're doing the same soon.
Hey Dennise looking damn fine :) some lush looking nuggs for sure, well done on a nice haul.
GF, chin up my friend. Sending Karma your way!
Thanks you Light... Getting ready to update the flux baby.....:circle-of-love:
Nice harvest Dennise! The nugs look fabulous. Nice and dense, looks like we have the same drying rack too :)

Way to go :cheer:
I love my drying racks and yes they are so much tighter than I am used to them being just after chopping. they fell like they have been in on a month cure.....:circle-of-love:
Looking awesome over here!

GF, I can only imagine the stress you 2 are under, but I'm excited for y'all. I'm looking forward to seeing where you guys go.
We're doing the same soon.
:passitleft: High cajun.....:circle-of-love:
Congratulations on the fantastic and bountiful harvest. :thumb: Those buds are super nice !!! And the pineapple express coming along great. The B2B and Black Russian are so healthy, I bet that you're gonna get a Fat harvest from them.
The autoflower I just harvested weight was only 40 grams...blah, but better than nothing and proud of the smoke.
I bet the smoke is awesome and wish some day we could smoke one together.......:circle-of-love:
OK this is going to be the last update on the AKxWW flux baby until after she is chopped in the morning.... She is showing about 30% amber trichs now and it is dropping down into the low 50's now so I guess that is why she started changing so fast but I think she has swelled about all she is going to and I found another caterpillar thingy in one of her buds again today so it is time.... It is easy to find them and to notice them when your as OCD as I am but it is also disgusting so I am looking forward to this chop more than any ever before for lots of reasons.....:circle-of-love:
High Dennise she Looks Lovely :circle-of-love:
Thanks Cronic.....:circle-of-love:
Your flux is beautiful ! :thumb: Wonder how much she's gonna weigh ! A heck of a lot I'm sure !
I have to admit I got side tracked and still have not gotten her chopped but my living room sure looks purdy..:).... I got to painting thinking I could get it done in a day but I was wrong... :thedoubletake:.... it took me 3 but it was worth it... Being OCD and a perfectionist seems to make things take longer but as soon as I get back from the doctor today it is getting chopped for real......:circle-of-love:
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