Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Everyone's having problems uploading today Cronic. I'm sure the MODs are working on rectifying the situation.

Thanks Broke Ass. I will just give it a while and try again :thanks:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Not sure I answered the right question so I will answer this one for the closet girls........ They have been all MG soil all the way thru. Yesterday I did water with a very small amount of Fox Farm nutes and a tsp of blackstrap per gallon. Other than that have not given them any supplements. Guess the proof will be in the flower as to how well MG can work or not. I have to say in MG defense it has given me basically no problems to this point......:thumb:

The miracle gro bags are loaded with calcium, so just be sure not to feed too much calcium (if at all)

I like the texture of the miracle gro soils. they use a 1:1 peat moss to compost mix.

I don't like that they come with fruit fly larvae. I now microwave my soil before using it.
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

The miracle gro bags are loaded with calcium, so just be sure not to feed too much calcium (if at all)

I like the texture of the miracle gro soils. they use a 1:1 peat moss to compost mix.

I don't like that they come with fruit fly larvae. I now microwave my soil before using it.
I only noticed one little nate thingy flying around and I smushed him and that was that. I mixed the regular MG soil with the moisture control MG and in my ever be it so humble opinion it has done a smashing job!!!:circle-of-love:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

I don't like that they come with fruit fly larvae. I now microwave my soil before using it.
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Here's a pic of the 5 clones but it is the only pic it has let me load. More to follow if it ever let's me load them :high-five:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

I'm watching you girl. We're working parallel on these clones.
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Lookin' lovely in there. :thumb:
Thank you Cannafan.......... Am obsessing on the closet babies now know I am going to shut them up tonight and flip to 12/12. It's going to be real hard not to check on them for 36 hours. :lot-o-toke:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Suave did it.

It still won't let me. :thedoubletake: It did the 1 but put the rest in que and won't let me process them. I'm sure they are working on it as I type but I will keep trying. :grinjoint: I don't see anything different with any of them except the closet babies are bigger and I have replanted 2 of the 3 group grow babies. (NLxBB and SBR). The little stunt baby is coming on strong. She is doing everything she can to catch up and is looking much better even from yesterday. Any who will post pics when I can in case you guys see something I don't. Peace out!! :peacetwo:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

I'm watching you girl. We're working parallel on these clones.

Clones :yikes:

I forgot all about mine. Poor Dresney.

Photo update on mine as soon as I can get a picture upload.
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

The other thing about MG soil is that I highly doubt it's organic. Might not matter to some, but it matters to me!

Dennise, I hope your clones start showing some roots soon!
Actually there is a organic MG. This is not it but they do have it. :thumb:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

I have to figure out what I am going to do with all those clones if they do root. I have another bedroom and rarely does someone stay here but sure as s@%# if I use that room someone would decide they need a zen moment............ Maybe a hanging closet......:hmmmm::hmmmm::hmmmm: could veg with lights I took out of the closet tonight since hopefully I will have the LED panel by the time I need to go back to veg in the closet they are in now and if the lights they are now under to flower work well I could use them in the hanging closet to flower as the panel will do both in the current closet. :hmmmm: Or actually I think a cheap cupboard build would be more stable and I could just put it against a wall and make it somewhat of a stealth grow instead of taking the whole room....... Better half says that is not an option so if they root guess I will be building a cupboard..:rollit:
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