Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

hiya dennise it would be easier to find this thread if you put a link to it in your siggy plz

edit- hahaha nevermind i was clicking the right side of the link didnt notice it was two parts sorry =)
:welcome:Fixed it so it should not be so hard to find.
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Hi Dennise, I noticed too that your links do run together. Maybe you could put those on seperate lines using your signature settings.
Great job so far too! You are doing very well and very attentive to your girls! :thumb:
:byebye:Hi Canna. I think the word you may be looking for is obsessive. just sayin' :passitleft:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

I cant' believe you broke a branch.:thedoubletake:and did not freak out.:helpsmilie:and then made a cut from it.:bravo:

I know right!!! After I figured out they are all 5 female I got over the freaking as bad cause figure even I can't f%@# them all up!! :yahoo: I'll post some pics in a little bit. The closet babies are amazing , the clones look great, even the new one and the dwarf is growing like a weed (pun intended) :;): Getting a little braver every day. I'm going to replant the 2 big group babies today if I can ever figure out which soil or mixture of soils to use. If you have any suggestions they would be great to hear. You know what I have and I would love to hear your opinion since this IS supposed to be the group grow....... Have a spliffing day....:love::love::love:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

You shouldn't be so apologetic for asking questions. Nobody knows everything and the wisest people are the ones who know that in the grand scheme of things they know nothing at all. It's the only way to learn how to do something that you don't know how to do and it is better to ask for it to be explained a different way if you don't understand the original answer than to just pretend you understand but still be in the same position before you asked. And if people don't like that... that's their issue and they are the problem not you.
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

You shouldn't be so apologetic for asking questions. Nobody knows everything and the wisest people are the ones who know that in the grand scheme of things they know nothing at all. It's the only way to learn how to do something that you don't know how to do and it is better to ask for it to be explained a different way if you don't understand the original answer than to just pretend you understand but still be in the same position before you asked. And if people don't like that... that's their issue and they are the problem not you.
:love: Your very kind :thanks:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Well after close inspection of the closet babies I think I am going to make an executive decision. When the lights go out tonight I am going to leave them dark for 36 hours then go 12/12 with the 2700K LED bulbs and adding in a few cfl's. They are a little over 2' tall now and if they are going to double or triple in height they need to switch now or I am going to have to raise my roof and I don't think my fella' would see the humor in that at all!! I will post pics in a bit. King the nutes seem to be making them happy. They are all reaching for the sky and grew close to 2" over night. I don't see any ill effects on leaves or any drooping so in the next watering I think I will do exactly as you suggested adding the blackstrap too. If you see anything I am doing wrong guys scream at me please. :circle-of-love:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Morning D, happy nugs to ya.

Woke up to 2" here this morning as well.....hoping the freezing rain misses us tomorrow.
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Morning D, happy nugs to ya.

Woke up to 2" here this morning as well.....hoping the freezing rain misses us tomorrow.
:ciao:It is sleeting here now but sun is supposed to be shining by this afternoon. Got to love it!! :love: Good day to stay inside and play horticulturer!
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Can we have a quick pic of the snow falling on those wonderful grounds of your please Dennise?
Ahhhh I would be happy to but it has moved on to sleet and the ground was to warm to let the snow stick. Will be happy to get you a shot of the property as it is beautiful with or without snow. :circle-of-love:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Well I really did take you a pic and I have pics of all the girls for an update but when I try to upload them it tells me they are uploaded and send me to my gallery but skips the process part and hence no new pics in the gallery. Any one else having this issue or is it just me????:tokin:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

I am having same prob.:phew:
:thanks: Jimmy6000...... I will try again in a bit and once it allows me to process pics I will post an update of today's progress and 1 for Brassic Brit. Maybe it will be snowing harder by then. It started back a bit but when I tried to get it on the camera it just won't show up but as I said it is so beautiful here with or without snow. If you don't mind a question while you are here Jimmy6000. On the subject of going 12/12 do you think my plan is OK. I will let the lights go out as usual tonight and will have changed the LED bulbs to 2700K and the cfl's also. Leave the lights out tonight and all day tomorrow and tomorrow night then on 12/12 from that point. Am I in the general direction of doing it right???????????:hmmmm::hmmmm::hmmmm:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

weird when I upload more than 3 pics
it goes through upload takes me to the process page
when I hit process I end up on an error connection issue page I reload into gallery and my pics are there
go figure
Happy Tokerday Dennise :thumb:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Everyone's having problems uploading today Cronic. I'm sure the MODs are working on rectifying the situation.
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

I still can't get the pics loaded. I have tried just doing 1 and doing all of them at once and it still doesn't work. Will just wait a bit and try again. I never really received any input or I didn't ask the question right but I just only Happy Frog. Was afraid to mix in the Ocean Forest being afraid it would just be tooooo hot so I planted in gallon pots and when I replant in final pots I will try mixing both of them together. Really was hoping for input so if it went bad I would have someone else to blame it :high-five:
Re: Dennise, Newest of Newbies growing in MG in the closet with LED bulbs and CFL's

Sound's good.I always give my girl's a 24 to 36 hour dark period before switch.:thumb:What soil mix did you decide on?

Not sure I answered the right question so I will answer this one for the closet girls........ They have been all MG soil all the way thru. Yesterday I did water with a very small amount of Fox Farm nutes and a tsp of blackstrap per gallon. Other than that have not given them any supplements. Guess the proof will be in the flower as to how well MG can work or not. I have to say in MG defense it has given me basically no problems to this point......:thumb:
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