
Hey✌️ so i just put like 750 ml (250ml and then a 500ml pour) into both plants cause i didnt water them the last days and it still isnt coming out the bottom! idk if i should keep going cause you guys said 1l is prob to much (i think you guys meant 1l every 2-3 days was to much) so im kinda indecisive what to do😂 on the one site i should technically do it until some comes out the bottom but on the other side i think this will be to much again and they will start to droop again!

rule of thumb is water/feed til you get at least 10% runoff and then leave it completely alone til it needs it again. water feed in stages, the way @SmokingWings describes.

watering a little bit here and there without properly doing it leads to all sorts of issues and can take the plant right out. ph problems will eventually kill it if you keep up the same as you are now.

the only real exception is bottom watering which is an everyday to multiple times per day approach. you never top water or feed if you follow that practice. you'd need more experience at it to do proper.

it's hard for new growers to get the wet/dry cycles right. poor watering practices are the main cause of failed grows for the majority of new folk.
rule of thumb is water/feed til you get at least 10% runoff and then leave it completely alone til it needs it again. water feed in stages, the way @SmokingWings describes.

watering a little bit here and there without properly doing it leads to all sorts of issues and can take the plant right out. ph problems will eventually kill it if you keep up the same as you are now.

the only real exception is bottom watering which is an everyday to multiple times per day approach. you never top water or feed if you follow that practice. you'd need more experience at it to do proper.

it's hard for new growers to get the wet/dry cycles right. poor watering practices are the main cause of failed grows for the majority of new folk.
Bottom watering isnt a Option for me i dont have time in the mornings and i come Back Home at Like 6-7pm! Why is a Ph Problems gonna kill her? Can you explain that to me cause i got Ph of 5.9-6.3 every time. Or dis i misunderstood Something😂
Bottom watering isnt a Option for me i dont have time in the mornings and i come Back Home at Like 6-7pm! Why is a Ph Problems gonna kill her? Can you explain that to me cause i got Ph of 5.9-6.3 every time. Or dis i misunderstood Something😂

your ph should change consistently within your pot as the plant feeds. it needs to go through the swing as not all nutes are available at the same ph. it's a natural occurrence that helps keep the plant happy.

constant small waterings don't allow for this and eventually causes an issue. usually in flower when it becomes much more critical and can be far more detrimental to the plant.

if you're gonna have a hard issue it will happen in flower when it's not easy to fix.
your ph should change consistently within your pot as the plant feeds. it needs to go through the swing as not all nutes are available at the same ph. it's a natural occurrence that helps keep the plant happy.

constant small waterings don't allow for this and eventually causes an issue. usually in flower when it becomes much more critical and can be far more detrimental to the plant.

if you're gonna have a hard issue it will happen in flower when it's not easy to fix.
could it be why she got a deficiency?
your ph should change consistently within your pot as the plant feeds. it needs to go through the swing as not all nutes are available at the same ph. it's a natural occurrence that helps keep the plant happy.

constant small waterings don't allow for this and eventually causes an issue. usually in flower when it becomes much more critical and can be far more detrimental to the plant.

if you're gonna have a hard issue it will happen in flower when it's not easy to fix.
I also put 2L into both plants!! one finally started to flow a bit down the bottom while the other one is still dry at the bottom! idk if i should really put another 250-500ml in it
your ph should change consistently within your pot as the plant feeds. it needs to go through the swing as not all nutes are available at the same ph. it's a natural occurrence that helps keep the plant happy.

constant small waterings don't allow for this and eventually causes an issue. usually in flower when it becomes much more critical and can be far more detrimental to the plant.

if you're gonna have a hard issue it will happen in flower when it's not easy to fix.
so i still got some leafe problems. the burning or whatever has gone away a bit but the leaf curling is getting worse. idk what i should do tbh should i let her get completely dry for like 5 days and see if its going away or wmaybe to much light!(maybe dimming the light also for some days to see)
your ph should change consistently within your pot as the plant feeds. it needs to go through the swing as not all nutes are available at the same ph. it's a natural occurrence that helps keep the plant happy.

constant small waterings don't allow for this and eventually causes an issue. usually in flower when it becomes much more critical and can be far more detrimental to the plant.

if you're gonna have a hard issue it will happen in flower when it's not easy to fix.

pH or potential hydrogen is defined in reality for botany. pH stability is required to succeed. flush grow medium with pH adjusted water and return to optimum grow conditions.
The leaves don't look too bad to me bud, apart from the bot of yellow on the tips, what exactly are you worried about?
If you Look at the top leafes you can See curled edges. Idk If its cause of Heat/water or whatever. Im Just gonna let her chill for the next couple days (i gave her 6.2ph water only a few days ago and im gonna get the light Higher up so its less light) i also bought a big growbox and an Inliner and dehumidifier to Deal with moisture/temp. I also have a new plant getting started wich i have to replant and decontaminate everything to get the pollens away from the new growbox😂
If you Look at the top leafes you can See curled edges. Idk If its cause of Heat/water or whatever. Im Just gonna let her chill for the next couple days (i gave her 6.2ph water only a few days ago and im gonna get the light Higher up so its less light) i also bought a big growbox and an Inliner and dehumidifier to Deal with moisture/temp. I also have a new plant getting started wich i have to replant and decontaminate everything to get the pollens away from the new growbox😂
Yeah okay, now I get ya, it was a bit hard to tell without close ups. But anyways, it's not overwatering, that doesn't cause the leaves to curl in towards themselves. It could be a heat/humidity or a light problem 🤔 why do you have to decontaminate everything? Did you get a male?
If you Look at the top leafes you can See curled edges. Idk If its cause of Heat/water or whatever. Im Just gonna let her chill for the next couple days (i gave her 6.2ph water only a few days ago and im gonna get the light Higher up so its less light) i also bought a big growbox and an Inliner and dehumidifier to Deal with moisture/temp. I also have a new plant getting started wich i have to replant and decontaminate everything to get the pollens away from the new growbox😂
magnesium deficiency, epsom salts magnesium sulfate 1 teaspoon per gallon
Yeah okay, now I get ya, it was a bit hard to tell without close ups. But anyways, it's not overwatering, that doesn't cause the leaves to curl in towards themselves. It could be a heat/humidity or a light problem 🤔
Oh OK Well that couldve explain why they do that! 2 Days ago they grew Like 8cm in the night and therefore they we're pretty Close to the Lights. I already pushed the light Up higher and the humidity is between 55-70% and about 26-29°C (thats why i bought the dehumidifier and the Inline Fan.)
why do you have to decontaminate everything? Did you get a male?
Yeah i did have a Male wich i collected the Pollen from (He was outside and the Moment He threw Pollen i closed the Greenhouse and collected for 1-2 days before throwing him Out.) somehow some Pollen still got lucky into coming in my room. Its Not THAT much seeds but still enought to make it a Bit annoying😂
Oh OK Well that couldve explain why they do that! 2 Days ago they grew Like 8cm in the night and therefore they we're pretty Close to the Lights. I already pushed the light Up higher and the humidity is between 55-70% and about 26-29°C (thats why i bought the dehumidifier and the Inline Fan.)

Yeah i did have a Male wich i collected the Pollen from (He was outside and the Moment He threw Pollen i closed the Greenhouse and collected for 1-2 days before throwing him Out.) somehow some Pollen still got lucky into coming in my room. Its Not THAT much seeds but still enought to make it a Bit annoying😂
Ugh seeds are never fun, unless you actually want them!
Have you been giving them a calmag supplement at all bro?
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