
Alright im def going to do that!
Just a bright idea I had lol! It won't be spot on, but it'll give you an idea of the percentages.
Dont you need a soil Ph Meter for that? I only have one for liquids
You can mix your dirt into a slurry with water 50/50 ratio and test it that way. But leave it in the water for 30 mins at least and stir it heaps. Those soil probe meters are extremely inaccurate unless you're willing to fork out a heap of money for a good one.
Nope they are Auto and the soil wasnt that expensive 70L for Like 25€
Okay, well autos sometimes like a bit less nutrients than others, some strains like a full feed though. If you start to see signs of deficiencies, bump the feed up, if they start to show burn, back it off a bit.
Remember, it's always easier to put more in, but alot harder to take it out.
Well that's it right there, sorry to say, but if you paid 25€ for a supersoil, it's probably crap! Like I said, true supersoils are rare and normally very expensive. In the future you might wanna consider making your own, at least then you know exactly what's in it!
Just a bright idea I had lol! It won't be spot on, but it'll give you an idea of the percentages.

You can mix your dirt into a slurry with water 50/50 ratio and test it that way. But leave it in the water for 30 mins at least and stir it heaps. Those soil probe meters are extremely inaccurate unless you're willing to fork out a heap of money for a good one.

Okay, well autos sometimes like a bit less nutrients than others, some strains like a full feed though. If you start to see signs of deficiencies, bump the feed up, if they start to show burn, back it off a bit.
Remember, it's always easier to put more in, but alot harder to take it out.
Well that's it right there, sorry to say, but if you paid 25€ for a supersoil, it's probably crap! Like I said, true supersoils are rare and normally very expensive. In the future you might wanna consider making your own, at least then you know exactly what's in it!
Alright! Im definetily gonna try both Things Out.
Quick question tho! Should i use water that has about 6 Ph or is it OK If it has 8 Ph?
Yeah its my First time ever growing plants so i didnt know what was good or Bad but thx for letting me know!😂😂
I don't want to throw a spanner in the works but I grow in water only living organic soil crafted for cannabis. As I understand it there is no need to Ph living organic soil. Living organic soil is alive and self-regulating.

I would just stick to the watering as normal but just less often. Depending on RH and temps plants can go days without needing water. Wait until you see the leaves upturned and "praying" to the light. That indicates that they are optimally moist. Cannabis likes dryer soil.

I'd advise you to buy a soil moisture meter like this:
moisture meter
Alright! Im definetily gonna try both Things Out.
Quick question tho! Should i use water that has about 6 Ph or is it OK If it has 8 Ph?
Yeah its my First time ever growing plants so i didnt know what was good or Bad but thx for letting me know!😂😂
I'd just use the same water that you use to water them to test the pH.
Like Carmen said, the soil is alot more forgiving though it still does have an impact to some degree.
Good recommendation too on getting a moisture meter
I'd just use the same water that you use to water them to test the pH.
Like Carmen said, the soil is alot more forgiving though it still does have an impact to some degree.
Good recommendation too on getting a moisture meter
OK so im gonna use 6 Ph for it! I did the calculation on the soil idk If im stupid or If they rlly fucked Up the NPK! I got

N: 0,08%
P: 0,06%
K: 0.109%

1L is about 330g
100%:330g = 0.303%
0,303%•0.36g = 0.109%

Correct me If im wrong but to my knowledge its correct😂😂
OK so im gonna use 6 Ph for it! I did the calculation on the soil idk If im stupid or If they rlly fucked Up the NPK! I got

N: 0,08%
P: 0,06%
K: 0.109%

1L is about 330g
100%:330g = 0.303%
0,303%•0.36g = 0.109%

Correct me If im wrong but to my knowledge its correct😂😂
Yeah, anything between 6.0-6.8 is generally a good guideline for soil grows.
Yeah I just did the math in your soil too, wow the npk is really low man 😱
Yeah, anything between 6.0-6.8 is generally a good guideline for soil grows.
Yeah I just did the math in your soil too, wow the npk is really low man 😱
Alright so it is infact a deficiency of every Kind😂🤢 imma start Putting nutrients in it! I got plagron Terra bloom (2-2-4), then Terra grow (3-1-3) and Green Sensation with 0-9-10 but thats only for the Last 3-4 weeks. Is 2-2-4 good or Not?
Alright so it is infact a deficiency of every Kind😂🤢 imma start Putting nutrients in it! I got plagron Terra bloom (2-2-4), then Terra grow (3-1-3) and Green Sensation with 0-9-10 but thats only for the Last 3-4 weeks. Is 2-2-4 good or Not?
Well bloom is for flowering and grow is for vegging, the green sensation is a bloom booster, just follow the recommended feeding schedule and you should be fine. Like I said, if they still show deficiencies, bump it up a bit and if it starts to burn back it off
You can mix your dirt into a slurry with water 50/50 ratio and test it that way. But leave it in the water for 30 mins at least and stir it heaps. Those soil probe meters are extremely inaccurate unless you're willing to fork out a heap of money for a good one.
Should i let the Ph Meter in the water for 30 min straight or the slush?
Hey so both my plants started to Show some Sort of deficiency.I think its a nitrogen deficiency but i wanted to make sure before doing anything stupid!
What are you seeing that suggests that there is a deficiency?

If it is that the new growth at the growing tips at the end of each branch then it is pretty much normal for those to have a lighter shade of green. Sometimes that new growth will even look a bit yellow even though the older leaves are a darker green.

On a healthy plant those yellowish green leaves you see now will darken up in a few days. In the meantime the plant is growing more new leaves.

I did the calculation on the soil idk If im stupid or If they rlly fucked Up the NPK! I got

N: 0,08%
P: 0,06%
K: 0.109%
Those numbers are the NPK of the soil itself and are not all that unusual. Maybe a tad bit low but not enough to get excited about.

To make it a bit more complicated the NPK amounts are different than the NPK ratio.
Soo i tested IT and its 6.2 Ph! Should be good! Now i have to wait 1-2 days Till its a Bit dryer and then imma give her some more nutrients!
I'd go easy with the nutes for now. I agree with SmokingWings. Can you give me the brand name of your soil. I'd like to look it up.
What are you seeing that suggests that there is a deficiency?
The lighter Green Tips.
If it is that the new growth at the growing tips at the end of each branch then it is pretty much normal for those to have a lighter shade of green. Sometimes that new growth will even look a bit yellow even though the older leaves are a darker green.
Oh i didnt know that. But the Thing is its Not only on the newer leafes its starting in the lower ones too (but really small) and it never happened before so idk.
On a healthy plant those yellowish green leaves you see now will darken up in a few days. In the meantime the plant is growing more new leaves.
Oh OK Well i have to wait nonetheless to either Put more nutrients into the water (soil is wet) or to See If it goes away.
Those numbers are the NPK of the soil itself and are not all that unusual. Maybe a tad bit low but not enough to get excited about.

To make it a bit more complicated the NPK amounts are different than the NPK ratio.
Maaan now you have to explain that to me😂😂 im to curious to Not know it now👌
Maaan now you have to explain that to me😂😂 im to curious to Not know it now👌
Use Google or your favorite search engine and look up:
NPK of average garden soil
NPK of compost
or use similar key words.

Read the various linked articles, blogs, messages, etc. I have done those sorts of searches and keep coming across what seemed like low numbers but many agricultural colleges and govt agencies have the same numbers. The numbers seem low but so much can be grown in those soils.
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