Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

Here's one of mine getting trans water dunk. I hope you feel better soon Dark!

So a little update. Feeling a bit better and finally got some pictures. Since I took those pictures I've culled the one in the back right corner as it was a male. So much for feminized seeds. One of two passions is loosing colour but not too worried as she'll come around. The other passion still has nice colour. Passions are still feeding every 36-40 hrs.
Both bluecheese still look wonderful and feeding every 3 days. Today all remaining girls got 30ml tp+5ml tea in 3 gallons of water. Will got all my notes on journal updated to what I've done since I've been sick and unable to keep my info up to date on here.
Some pics before feeding
Both bluecheese one has alternating nodes

No duggan the leafs are starting to look like shit on 2 of the passions. One of them turned out to be male so I culled it last night. They been loosing colour over time which I've sAid something about and was told all looks good and they've progressively gotten worse. 1 of 2 the passions has been topped and same for the bluecheese.
No duggan the leafs are starting to look like shit on 2 of the passions. One of them turned out to be male so I culled it last night. They been loosing colour over time which I’ve sAid something about and was told all looks good and they’ve progressively gotten worse. 1 of 2 the passions has been topped and same for the bluecheese.

OK,..i can only offer my advise from what i know OK.....it appears to me they need more...lots more of new fresh soil...you gonna get them into their 'finals' soon. They really need it now my friend. Soon after you transplant , prune off all the crappy leaves from the bottom up and feed a Drench of Transplant...get them more soil to play in Scotia and they will be fine. I'm sure Doc will chime in soon too with better , proper advise. Cheers eh!
OK,..i can only offer my advise from what i know OK.....it appears to me they need more...lots more of new fresh soil...you gonna get them into their 'finals' soon. They really need it now my friend. Soon after you transplant , prune off all the crappy leaves from the bottom up and feed a Drench of Transplant...get them more soil to play in Scotia and they will be fine. I'm sure Doc will chime in soon too with better , proper advise. Cheers eh!

I have to agree, this worked for me.

I have been practicing keeping plants alive and well with my mothers in 1 gallon pots.

As far as the mothers go, I do keep them trimmed, topped and cloned just in case, but lately they are all looking really good.

I guess they have been in the 1 gallons for 2 1/2 to 3 months now.

EDIT: I do not want to interfere with Docs guidance, I am only stating what worked for me at the time.
OK,..i can only offer my advise from what i know OK.....it appears to me they need more...lots more of new fresh soil...you gonna get them into their 'finals' soon. They really need it now my friend. Soon after you transplant , prune off all the crappy leaves from the bottom up and feed a Drench of Transplant...get them more soil to play in Scotia and they will be fine. I'm sure Doc will chime in soon too with better , proper advise. Cheers eh!
Mine have no issues.....I'm not in rootbuilder pots....only difference.

Prune em back....transplant, then rescue drench.
Mine have no issues.....I'm not in rootbuilder pots....only difference.

Prune em back....transplant, then rescue drench.

Looking at his leaves, and then yours--Hey Scotia--are you SURE that your environment isn't getting too cold at night? Pots on the ground and all--just thinking out loud here.

Happy Sunday all. Hope you're feeling better today Scotia!
Mine have no issues.....I'm not in rootbuilder pots....only difference.

Prune em back....transplant, then rescue drench.

Will do doc. Same thing that happened on first grow as well but that happened after I transplanted early as well. Can't understand what I'm doing wrong. Can grow perfect with synthetic nutes and hydro then have tried organic nutes with no issues. Wtf can't I get this to work for me. Maybe just the strains I'm deciding to grow. Or my though of something went wrong during first time cooking soil and it's coming back to bit me again. Remember this soil all girls are growing in is 2nd run soil of the same soil that fucked my girls during bloom last grow which was my first hb grow. I will understand this hb growing and won't give up until I master this hb growing. But at this point I truly not sure what's going wrong
Looking at his leaves, and then yours--Hey Scotia--are you SURE that your environment isn't getting too cold at night? Pots on the ground and all--just thinking out loud here.

Happy Sunday all. Hope you're feeling better today Scotia!

No my environment is good. Lights on temps 26-27c and off stays steady at 20. Humidity stays between 53-58 lights on and off. I also check soil temps and all stay above 70 at all times. I don't use co2 in this room but has plenty of fresh air flow. I've grown beautiful plant in this same room for many years. I'm leaning toward cooking soil wrong the first cook at this point but frig knows. Both bluecheese looks beautiful at this point and one passions still looking good.
OK,..i can only offer my advise from what i know OK.....it appears to me they need more...lots more of new fresh soil...you gonna get them into their 'finals' soon. They really need it now my friend. Soon after you transplant , prune off all the crappy leaves from the bottom up and feed a Drench of Transplant...get them more soil to play in Scotia and they will be fine. I'm sure Doc will chime in soon too with better , proper advise. Cheers eh!

ROOT BOUND, Needs up-pot

Yup looking like a pretty good assumption pulled them today and I’ve had alternating nodes for some time now as well.Will transplant tonight into bigger pots. Not sure if I’ll use 10or 15s

This was mine at VEG DAY 24 or 25
She had been Droopy for 2 or 3 days and had to
up-pot or risk not being able to fill my NET. was
only at 5 Day dry-out intervals

All girls were transplanted tonight to 10 gallon pots. Transplanted both 2 remaining passions and both bluecheese. Will tie back some branch's tomorrow veg for another week and flip switch. Both passions will get a rescue drench tomorrow from top feeding. Will mix up 2.5 oz tp+15ml tea to 2.5 gallons of water. Bluecheese will get a transplant water next feeding. All will be top feed from here out.
All girls were transplanted tonight to 10 gallon pots. Transplanted both 2 remaining passions and both bluecheese. Will tie back some branch's tomorrow veg for another week and flip switch. Both passions will get a rescue drench tomorrow from top feeding. Will mix up 2.5 oz tp+15ml tea to 2.5 gallons of water. Bluecheese will get a transplant water next feeding. All will be top feed from here out.

Is this correct ?
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