Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

I use one gallon per plant in bloom. 7 gallon pots.

I don't measure anything anymore drench-wise, with the exception of this journal.

I think it's important to have a saucer, so even if you top water fast, the saucer catches the runoff and it gets to wick up. It is, of course, best to top water carefully, like with an aerated spray wand, or watering can. Half a gallon down the top, the other half in the saucer.

That's a detailed description of how I water in bloom. Simple. Gets the job done.
My zkittles girl is starting to lose some color again. But this time I know exactly, she ran outta room in little pots. I'm gonna transplant this evening. She needs a dunk daily now. But all are doing good since I upped the drenches to 1 oz or more in veg.
I just gave brix at lights on today. Other girls are drying out at 2 days now

Looking amazing buck

BTW Darkscotia Do you know an approximate H20 amount your 10 gal pots will hold at this stage ?
Just trying to put a handle on the amounts You are using.

BY my estimate, using what my 10 gal just held at transplant which was
2.5 gal with 1 to 2 cups run-off that would come out to

30 to 45 mils in 5 gal h20
Divided by 2
= 15 to 22.5 mils for 2.5 gal

Divide by 10 for 10 gal pot =
1.5 mils to 2.25 mils per gal of soil

I have been running my grow at 1.5 mils per gal of soil which looks like
the low end so just curious on the amounts your pot held ?

I used about 1.5 gallons of water per plant. About 1/2 gallon in saucer and rest down the top pretty slow. This 1ml per gallon confuses me a bit honestly. I stick to the rule 30ml drench to 5gallon h2o if top feeding. May actual bump that to 45ml per 5 gallon.

Interesting ,...evenin Gray , Scotia , Gazoo and friends. Have played with the 26 gal. pots i use and they max out at just below 6 gal's . Those big 5 gal. plastic jugs,...each pot gets one of those, 5 gals. every time they get water , all thru veg. and bloom. Very little run off..gets sucked back in very quickly. Ya, about the RH,..i've also noticed after watering the RH gets much better for a day or two.
This wine is tasty...nothin to eat today,..at all, got those two procedures in the hospital tomorrow...yikes,..gotta start drinkin this cleanser...hahaha stuff startin at 7...not good. Ya,..ok ,..go ahead and laugh, i can see ya's..LMFAO. Can't drive home after ...too waisted:)Mare was kind enough to take the day off....cheers .
Anyhow everyone have a groovin evenin.

sent from my DeLorean...in the future!:party::ganjamon:


Hey duggan good luck today buddy.

Hey Duggan! I hope the prep ain't too bad and know everything is going to go smoothly tomorrow! :Namaste:

Hey Gazoo! Once in the big pots, I have been feeding 1ml of drench per gallon of soil and .1 of tea so for my #10's they got 10ml of drench ans 1ml of tea. I used to do that in 2 gallons of water but changed to 1.5 gallons. I don't really think the amount of water matters much.

Here are my girls Dark and Doc, I am 2-3 weeks behind you guys.


Keeping very nice colour

I use one gallon per plant in bloom. 7 gallon pots.

I don't measure anything anymore drench-wise, with the exception of this journal.

I think it's important to have a saucer, so even if you top water fast, the saucer catches the runoff and it gets to wick up. It is, of course, best to top water carefully, like with an aerated spray wand, or watering can. Half a gallon down the top, the other half in the saucer.

That's a detailed description of how I water in bloom. Simple. Gets the job done.

That's basically how I did it. How long do you typically get between watering and do you still
Keep top soil moist in between watering
That’s basically how I did it. How long do you typically get between watering and do you still
Keep top soil moist in between watering

We're entering the bloom phase together, so we'll get to see how to water in "real time."

After Transplanting, I usually water with a weak Transplant solution. Depending on how they look when they need water, I might drench with GI or TP....heavy or light. It depends.

I like to let the pots dry out veg-style ONCE. After that, I like to keep the soil slightly moist but I wait for the containers to get good a light before drenching with a gallon. Ideally, the soil stays moist....like it is in the barrel....not soaking wet, and not dry.

I think some folks have problems because they veg too long in the final pots. I flip the same day I transplant.
We're entering the bloom phase together, so we'll get to see how to water in "real time."

After Transplanting, I usually water with a weak Transplant solution. Depending on how they look when they need water, I might drench with GI or TP....heavy or light. It depends.

I like to let the pots dry out veg-style ONCE. After that, I like to keep the soil slightly moist but I wait for the containers to get good a light before drenching with a gallon. Ideally, the soil stays moist....like it is in the barrel....not soaking wet, and not dry.

I think some folks have problems because they veg too long in the final pots. I flip the same day I transplant.

I was just talking to Overlord about this earlier. I flip after transplant but I think I would benefit from a week or so of veg after transplanting. Even when I have awesome roots in veg I still do not end up with root bound plants in the final containers. I usually have ok roots but not to the point where I have difficulty breaking up the root ball after. I too will let them get really dry once after transplant to try and encourage root growth. Like I said I get decent results but feel they could be better.
We're entering the bloom phase together, so we'll get to see how to water in "real time."

After Transplanting, I usually water with a weak Transplant solution. Depending on how they look when they need water, I might drench with GI or TP....heavy or light. It depends.

I like to let the pots dry out veg-style ONCE. After that, I like to keep the soil slightly moist but I wait for the containers to get good a light before drenching with a gallon. Ideally, the soil stays moist....like it is in the barrel....not soaking wet, and not dry.

I think some folks have problems because they veg too long in the final pots. I flip the same day I transplant.

Perfect I watered all girls with a trans water.filled saucer with about 1/2 gallon and put other gallon down top(remember I'm using 10 gallon pots) Both passions will get a rescue drench next feeding and both bluecheese will get a normal tp drench mixed on heavier side 45ml per 5 gallon h2o with 3ml tea
I was just talking to Overlord about this earlier. I flip after transplant but I think I would benefit from a week or so of veg after transplanting. Even when I have awesome roots in veg I still do not end up with root bound plants in the final containers. I usually have ok roots but not to the point where I have difficulty breaking up the root ball after. I too will let them get really dry once after transplant to try and encourage root growth. Like I said I get decent results but feel they could be better.

I'm waiting a week before flipping to bloom. Figured the roots would appreciate it. My last grow I transplanted to early
I was just talking to Overlord about this earlier. I flip after transplant but I think I would benefit from a week or so of veg after transplanting. Even when I have awesome roots in veg I still do not end up with root bound plants in the final containers. I usually have ok roots but not to the point where I have difficulty breaking up the root ball after. I too will let them get really dry once after transplant to try and encourage root growth. Like I said I get decent results but feel they could be better.

My biggest problem is space, personally. I tried vegging for a week two runs ago, and I ended up with plants that out-grew what I was accustomed-to in the tent. It was Blue Dream, a notoriously big yielder, but dayum I wish I had just flipped 'em.
Mine are going into #15's in a couple weeks. Doc, what are your thoughts about how long I should veg in the 15's prior to flip? I was thinking a while, say 4-6 weeks to give them time to fill those big pots with roots but I am trying to follow what you're doing in this journal for the most part. Thanks!
My biggest problem is space, personally. I tried vegging for a week two runs ago, and I ended up with plants that out-grew what I was accustomed-to in the tent. It was Blue Dream, a notoriously big yielder, but dayum I wish I had just flipped 'em.

It really is dependent on strain. All of the Indicas that I have run tend not to stretch, so a little time in the final container really only serves to help. Sativas on the other hand can be problematic, though they will typically stop stretching if they run out of root space. From what you showed on JustMeds journal you had a very sativa dom Blue Dream. That would be why it blew up. if you had the blueberry leaner and not the haze leaner I do not think you would have run into that issue.
Mine are going into #15's in a couple weeks. Doc, what are your thoughts about how long I should veg in the 15's prior to flip? I was thinking a while, say 4-6 weeks to give them time to fill those big pots with roots but I am trying to follow what you're doing in this journal for the most part. Thanks!

Great morning to ya Ween, Scotia, Yeti , Doc, Stoney and friends. Ya Ween, veg. them some , but 4-6 weeks will be a bit too long OK. You will find that an additional 3 weeks max. of vegging , LSTing and cultivating will be lots of time to get them big and bushy. My recommendation is to tie down and spread the tallest 'leaders' out some to open up the middle of them. This practice will increase your yield, and give you a nicer , wider canopy that will be easier to manage then a few tall leaders screwing up your nice , level canopy. Just my thoughts bud,...have a great day would ya's!:circle-of-love:
So, I transplanted the two large ones....should know if the third one is boy or girl soon. I suspect female, which means 3 out of 4 popped, and all 3 were female.

During transplanting, I took some pictures which I will post today. They got their first watering/drench too: 1/2 ounce Transplant in 2 gallons of water.

Normally, I would have hosed them down with Leaf Wash after pruning and upcanning....but I'm holding off on that for a couple days because I'm harvesting some plants that have a few mites on them and they're right next to the Black Cherry Floats in the bloom room....so I'm going to hose them down when those plants are out of the way. Day or two on that.

These plants are vigorous and look like they're going to produce!

As always, the day I prune, score roots and up-can is also the first day of 11/13 in the bloom room. No extended veg times for me. I find they grow better this way.

So, I filled the pot part way with soil...put down about a teaspoon of Roots! around the pot....then filled the soil to the top, removed the pot, dusted the hole with Roots!, Scored the roots on the plant....planted it.....watered with Transplant 1/2 in two gallons of water, one gallon to each plant.

They had their first 11/13 photoperiod last night. We're blooming...no extended veg time needed as there are plenty of roots already and I'm in "small" containers.
Just Thinking out loud and wondering if you have done any type of
comparisons with the timing of the switch in respect to the amount of
roots at end of grow ?

Again thinking out loud again, Once the plant goes into FLOWER
does it not switch its energy to flowering ? if doing the switch at Trasnsplant
does this slow down the root development in the larger pot ? Thinking
a week or 2 in the larger pot before the switch would allow for a better
root development ?
Just Thinking out loud and wondering if you have done any type of
comparisons with the timing of the switch in respect to the amount of
roots at end of grow ?

Again thinking out loud again, Once the plant goes into FLOWER
does it not switch its energy to flowering ? if doing the switch at Trasnsplant
does this slow down the root development in the larger pot ? Thinking
a week or 2 in the larger pot before the switch would allow for a better
root development ?

By far, the most aggressive, impressive and prolific root growth occurs during the first 3 weeks of bloom. Veg roots are slooooooow...in comparison.

So, my experience is that a week or two in the larger pot basically just slows down the harvest a week or two.....unless we're talking about a 25 or larger pot. I'd give them a week in one that big.

But the tiny 7's that I use? Bloom 'em pronto. They're small enough as is.
By far, the most aggressive, impressive and prolific root growth occurs during the first 3 weeks of bloom. Veg roots are slooooooow...in comparison.

So, my experience is that a week or two in the larger pot basically just slows down the harvest a week or two.....unless we're talking about a 25 or larger pot. I'd give them a week in one that big.

But the tiny 7's that I use? Bloom 'em pronto. They're small enough as is.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you..... Very important information received :thanks:

EDIT: Apparently I will have to wait for my 3rd apprentice grow to switch up my
process, Got to figure a way to keep them in the small pots longer. Still on track to
complete my 3 GROW APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM later this year.

EDIT EDIT: Considering I had really good wrapped roots at veg day 25 (3 weeks)
I am thinking moving up to a 2 or 3 gal for veg could give me the extra time needed
before Up-Potting. Should have enough time to fill and wrap at 7 weeks ?

EDIT EDIT EDIT: Crap I NEED to include This is NOT A RECOMMENDED process,
just me trying to adjust it to my conditions
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