Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

Agreed - I guess I was taking Alchemy a bit more broadly maybe (hence ‘of a sort’). Still, I used to do a yoga practice referred to as Alchemic yoga - which was all about stimulating and moving the acids, oils and salts in the body to achieve internal ‘cleaning’ and lubricating and setting. The way you spoke about being able to reach a point where you can feel or intuit (not quite the right words but you get what I’m referring to yeah?) your way through growing because you’ve spent so long watching and engaging, in an artisan like way - it reminds me of how the teacher used to describe developing our practice. Plus there’s that whole ‘shifting the chemistry of the soil’ thing that you do, with the CAT for example. So there’s some bending going on too! Just bending to replicate apparently ideal natural conditions... so the plant can be it’s best, which rarely happens with so much precision in nature. Not arguing... just talking... (hopefully not hijacking the thread with philosophy .).


We're on the same page. That's a great description of how I look at it. It's the 9 years of college/grad school that gets me taking words like Alchemy literally.

Your explanation is great!
Check out his in the lab thread and his Q&A thread. If you look in his sig there is a link that says "how to you the kit" or something to that effect. That will bring you to the latest instructions. I would read that and then go back to the first page and go from there.

Edit: In the lab- In The Lab With Doc Bud

Q&A- Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Thanks buddy

So my dumb ass doesn't forget lol
I did 5 years of bong hits and they gave me an engineering degree lol ..

This living soil is so much different than giving everything a plant needs from a bottle. That's the hardest part for me. But it's slowly catching on 100 rescue drenches later lol

Hope everyone is having a safe and happy New Year's Eve

. Nice way to get a Degree Buck!!

There's a thinking about knowledge inspired by indigenous cultures here, that distinguishes between knowledge 'that' and knowledge 'how' - and knowledge how is only possible through the body, in other words experience and doing. ... seems relevant here too

Happy new Ears everyone .
I did 5 years of bong hits and they gave me an engineering degree lol ..

This living soil is so much different than giving everything a plant needs from a bottle. That's the hardest part for me. But it's slowly catching on 100 rescue drenches later lol

Hope everyone is having a safe and happy New Year's Eve

Hahaha I feel that one, lots of rescue drenches for me as well.... I think I've finally gotten the hang of things a bit now though!
Hi DS, just wondering something... I think you mentioned you got a new camera recently. Well is there any chance it has a white balance function? I'm still trying to work out how to adjust white balance on mine so I'm not suggesting it's easy, but if you were able to do that for the pics of your lovelies it would be super helpful. I am unable to make them out at all. I know it has something to do with pointing the camera at what you know is a white wall, while the lights are on, and 'telling' the camera "that's white", through some function or other. Would be super helpful. ..
Hi DS, just wondering something... I think you mentioned you got a new camera recently. Well is there any chance it has a white balance function? I'm still trying to work out how to adjust white balance on mine so I'm not suggesting it's easy, but if you were able to do that for the pics of your lovelies it would be super helpful. I am unable to make them out at all. I know it has something to do with pointing the camera at what you know is a white wall, while the lights are on, and 'telling' the camera "that's white", through some function or other. Would be super helpful. ..

Hi Amy,

Depends what make and model of camera you have. I would just search youtube for " How to set white balance (Cameras make &Model)"

For example: how to set white balance canon 70d
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